Picture from X. (Click to see large pic)A Brief Chinese Dynasties Chronology夏 Xia Dyn
Picture from X. (Click to see large pic)A Brief Chinese Dynasties Chronology夏 Xia Dynasty C.2100-C.1600 B.C.商 Shang Dynasty C.1600-C.1100 B.C. 周 ZhouDynasty -西周 WesternZhou Dynasty C.1100-771 B.C. -东周 EasternZhou dynasty 770-256 B.C. -春秋 Spring andAutumn period 770-476 B.C. -战国 WarringStates 475-221 B.C. 秦 QinDynasty 221-206 B.C. 汉 HanDynasty -西汉 Western Han206 B.C.-24 A.D. -东汉 Eastern Han25-220 A.D. 三国 ThreeKingdoms -魏 Wei 220-265 -蜀汉 Shu Han 221-263 吴 Wu 222-280 西晋 WesternJin Dynasty 265-316 东晋 EasternJin Dynasty 317-420 南北朝 Northernand Southern Dynasty -南朝 Southern Dynasty -宋 Song 420-479 -齐 Qi 479-502 -梁 Liang 502-557 -陈 Chen 557-589 -北朝 Northern Dynasty -北魏 Northern Wei 386-534 -东魏 Eastern Wei 534-550 -北齐 Northern Qi 550-577 -西魏 Western Wei 535-556 -北周 Northern Zhou 557-581 隋 SuiDynasty 581-618 唐 TangDynasty 618-907 五代 FiveDynasties -后梁 Later Liang907-923 -后唐 Later Tang 923-936 -后晋 Later Jin 936-946 -后汉 Later Han 947-950 -后周 Later Zhou 951-960 宋 SongDynasty -北宋 NorthernSong Dynasty 960-1127 -南宋 SouthernSong Dynasty 1127-1279 辽 LiaoDynasty 916-1125 金 JinDynasty 1115-1234 元 YuanDynasty 1271-1368 明 MingDynasty 1368-1644 清 QingDynasty 1644-1911 中华民国 Republic of China 1912-1949 中华人民共和国 People’s Republic of China 1949- —--It’s like I’m going over my history texts before the exam back in high school. :) Actually there is an era called 虞(Yu C.3600-C.2100) before Xia Dynasty, and its most famous ruler and leader is 舜(shun). I believe every Chinese has heard his name. The statement that Yu is a dynasty isn’t dominant in academia, however, there are ancient documents supporting this statement and listing every “emperor” of Yu. Thus not just a few scholars consider Yu is indeed a dynasty and does not belong to primitive society. -- source link
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