fuckyeahancientclassics:Marble statue of the Egyptian goddess Isis.Isis was particularly associated
fuckyeahancientclassics:Marble statue of the Egyptian goddess Isis.Isis was particularly associated with fertility and motherhood. her distinctive, mysterious cult spread throughout the Roman world. It had shaven headed priests and elaborate rituals and processions. The right hand of the statue originally held a ceremonial rattle. The left holds the situla (bucket) that held sacred Nile water.The Metamorphoses of Apuleius (also called Asinus Aureus - ‘The Golden Ass’) contains descriptions of the rituals and processions of Isis, and, after what could mostly be considered a rather comical novel turns into a work in praise of Isis. It is the only Latin novel to survive intact, and was published in the late second century CE.From the collection in the British Museum. -- source link
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