zombivish:as a kid the white Slayers inside the Black Fortress always reminded me of the Imper
zombivish:as a kid the white Slayers inside the Black Fortress always reminded me of the Imperial Royal Guard (aka the Red Guards) brief shown in Return of The Jedi - different from the regular troops, and special enough to be close to the centre of power, but ultimately a wasted cinematic opportunity.Granted as a kid my thought process was more along the lines of “man those guys must be super tough, i wish we could see them do something cool. I’m sure they can do something cool” I agree. All the Slayers seem to work just like the baddies in every arcade sidescroller. But those costumes look like they’re put together with something weird like plaster of paris and papier-mache, and the sculpts look very physically limiting. Probably not the best for stuntwork. These days, of course, we’d CGI some tentacles and junk.I’d like to rationalize our disappointment in-story by saying the black ones were in their nymphal stage still, and the white ones inside the Black Fortress were only just out of their larval stage. The Beast only started hatching Slayers since first arriving on Krull, which is why the closer and closer to him the heroes get, the younger, wimpier, and clumsier the Slayers are, and progressively easier to kill for an ever-decreasing number of good guys. <—–Shit I just made up. I have other Krull headcanons, though. ROTJ ones too.The design of the Slayer costumes, and many parts inside Black Fortress, remind me of the work of Antonio Gaudi. Check out the chimneys of Casa Mila!https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&es_sm=122&biw=1422&bih=734&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=%22casa+mila%22+chimneys&oq=%22casa+mila%22+chimneys&gs_l=img.12…….0…1c..51.img..0.0.0.kb75dr9SaLk -- source link