this-is-cthulhu-privilege: do-you-even-praise-the-sun:this-is-cthulhu-privilege:siryouarebeingmo
this-is-cthulhu-privilege: do-you-even-praise-the-sun: this-is-cthulhu-privilege: siryouarebeingmocked: koalatics: siryouarebeingmocked: firebastard: vox: Police shootings and brutality in the US: 9 things you should know Since the August 2014 police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, police in America have been under heightened scrutiny. The Black Lives Matter protests in particular have shined a light on what many see as a systemic emphasis on excessive use of force by police, particularly on racial and ethnic minorities. Here’s what you need to know about use of force by police in America. Oh look its Vox… 1. America is a big ass country with high gun ownership… Yeah more people get shot, thats how scaling probability works. More people, more crimes, more police, more guns, more shootings. 2. There is a huge racial disparity with the demographics of the US and the perpetrators of crime in the US… Again, look up facts like the black population, black police shooting percentage and the black crime rate percentage… 3. Police brutality is an issue, there are abusive police, THIS part is an issue. 4. I can find a site showing the names, race, gender, age and general circumstances of every police shooting in 2015. You aint trying hard enough. 5. Yes… Yes they can. When a person reaches for something out of sight in a country that has gun ownership as high as 36% by some polls you have to make a split second decision for the safety of yourself, your fellow officers and potentially civilians in the area. 6. Numbers? Alot of officers have body cams that reveal their actions which in most cases are entirely justified. 7. Is that before or after the shooting of multiple cops a short time ago? Do you also mention that the firearm homicide rate has dropped noticeably over the last couple of decades? 8. Yeah… As far as i know the government fund the police, thats kinda the point. Thats one of the roles of a government. We have racebait for racial stuff, chickbait for gender clickbait*, so what’s this nonsense? Gunbait? >6. Numbers? Alot of officers have body cams that reveal their actions which in most cases are entirely justified. Yeah, this point is only damning if you assume the cops aren’t doing their jobs correctly. It’s affirming the consequent, begging the question, putting the cart before the horse, whatever you wanna call it. >7. Is that before or after the shooting of multiple cops a short time ago? It’s cute how Vox is ignoring how much anti-cop sentiment there is in America today. I bet I could find articles on their site about it. #9; “Militarization of police” a buzzword that sounds scary, but when you ask the person using it to provide examples, they either have nothing or they show they don’t actually know much about the military or police. * Dickbait, of course, would involve PUAs. I’ll speak to your #9 point. The American Supreme Court ruled ten years ago that the police do not have a duty to the people, but rather to the state, when there is conflict between them. the police do not protect the populace, or serve the common good, but rather exist to use force of arms to maintain government power to the exclusion of all other duties, then that is a military occupation on home soil. That is not the role that police forces should be playing. If the police are not required to make the people safer, but rather to enforce statutes at public expense, then ‘militarized’ is a fair assessment. I checked that article twice. Nowhere in it does it say that the police are required to protect the state, unless I missed something. Or we could go straight to the source. EDIT: The term ‘militarization’ is generally used to refer to police means, not their mission. Often “grenade launchers” (which are used for tear gas) or “surplus military armored vehicles” (which are unarmed, replace armored trucks, and have utility uses). Yes even factoring in the officers who were murdered its still at an all time low. Also, if a cop shoots someone because they think they have a gun, nothing happens, if a normal citizen shoots someone because they think they have a gun, they go to prison. Also, Id call police having automatic weapons and armored vehicles “militarization”, and having lived in lower class communities, I can confirm they have the attitude of an occupying military force, the equipment, but none of the military discipline. You drive a shitty vehicle and get pulled over, they’ll do everything in their power to let you know you are not welcome in “their” community. When a cop can arrest someone for looking at them wrong, and imprison people because a 2 dollar drug test kit showed a jolly rancher as meth, no wonder anti-police sentiment is rampant “yes even factoring officers who were murdered its still at an all time low” So are violent crimes in general but does that make violent crimes any less of a problem? “… If a normal person shoots someone because they think they have a gun they go to prison” Not always. It’s context dependant. There are plenty of times now that a cop has been arrested and charged for shooting someone who is unarmed. And the opposite where a citizen has shot someone suspected to be armed and got off. See Castle Doctrine, Stand Your Ground, etc. “.. Armored weapons and vehicles militarized” Okay but how do you not see that as necessary? I’ve lived and raised kids in some of the lowest income areas in the U.S but that doesn’t matter because anecdotes. Facts: You think a 9mm glock and an unarmored police cruiser can withstand an attack from an ak-47? Pretty much the standard larger assault weapon of choice for gangs like the LK, the Disciples, MS-13, 18SG, etc. I don’t know about you but there’s this neat little concept I know about called escalation and preparation. Cops can’t do their jobs now in high violent crime areas without having the proper equipment to handle it. So basically what you’re saying is “shame on these police for acquiring arms to better combat groups that have more fire power than them, they should just make due with their slim Kevlar, aluminum cars, and low tier pea shooters”. That’s pretty cool of you. How about instead of shaming the preparation of the police, why not go to the militararization of gangs? Because fuck accountability, amirite guise? … “you’re not welcome in their community” Anecdotes =/= Average Behavior. Why does your shitty interactions with police trump and invalidate the positive interactions with police that others have had? Oh yeah they don’t. Neither side does. “$2 drug test kits” Actually the average cost of a drug kit is around $8, bought in bulk, as well as hair and nail test kits and sweat patches, all cheap with over 98% accuracy and with entitlement to a retest and contested. Here’s another accountability issue. How about just don’t fuck yourself up on drugs? I used to smoke pot. No one put a gun to my head to do it. I was younger and dumb. I grew up, took responsibility for my actions and stopped. While I think drug addiction is a mental illness that should be treated as one instead of locking people up for it, what I think should be and what is doesn’t matter. If you’re on probation or parole or conditional release and part of your agreement is staying sober then honor your agreement or go back to jail/prison. You make your own choices and if you decide to fail those cheap drug tests that’s your fault. “no wonder anti police sentiment is rampant.” You’re absolutely right, it is no wonder since there are people like you who put absolutely zero accountability on those who break the law and expect the police force to back down at every single instance because you have some poor emotional bias ever since that one officer called you a name and you held on to that for your whole life and believe that the police should remain simple badge and billy club bullet sponges instead of the ones that go into dangerous situations to make sure innocents don’t get hurt. Innocents. Not the idiot whirling a gun or a knife around in a public place that doesn’t comply with directives and gets put down as a result and their shit family cries “hurr durr he was a good boy” and not a man who put a knife to someone’s throat, who robbed someone at gunpoint, stole a car with violence, tried to run down an officer, tried to shoot an officer, or any of the other more recent criminal happenings that are no fault of the person committing those actions, but the cop trying to help the surrounding area. To make your comment factually correct, you need to add organic farms and whole foods stores to the list of gangs law enforcement deems the use of military equipment against appropriate. and no, the roadside drugtest cops use to test substances found in vehicles actually do cost $2, and they have been proven to test positive for anything from donut glazing to jolly ranchers, so no you bootlicking fascist-wannabe cunt, people shouldn’t be held accountable for crimes they didnt fucking commit, even the united states justice department has said they shouldnt be used for evidence, and yet police still use them and they are upheld in court.fuck citizen accountability. Law abiding citizens,and citizens who have committed minor infractions, dont deserve to die for it. Yeah, if someones waving a weapon around, than yes, deadly force is necessary. If someone is selling cigarettes illegally, or is pulled over for speeding, they dont deserve to be gunned down so some vicious little punk with a gun and a badge can feel big for once in their life.> Anecdotes =/= Average Behavior where theres smoke, theres fire. My anecdotal piece of evidence doesnt mean shit, thousands upon thousands do though. Ive had plenty of positive interaction with police, and I believe that they are absolutely vital for the functioning of society, its just society would function better for the average person under a demilitarized police force, because guess what: police are not soldiers. Not once did I say some deserved to die for selling cigarettes and that’s fine if you want your emotions to get the better of you and you want to turn this into a name calling fest that’s your choice. And you do know there are policies in play that allow such failed tests, although some upheld in court, can also be easily appealed? Such is the justice system. And where’s there’s smoke there could just be a psuedo-anarchist smoking a cigarette screeching about how they would like the world to be. You have thousands of examples of police brutality? I have thousands of examples of police beneficence. Either does not matter unless it’s studied and peer reviewed. So in your feels full rant yeah what your anecdotes are matter but in a case of facts they don’t mean shit all. You want to talk about unjustified deadly force is a serious problem in the U.S? Let’s talk some numbers. Most estimations for 2015 claimed 1,000 to 1,600 people were killed by police. Let’s give that the benefit of the doubt and say 1,700 people total. There are 1.3 million part time, full time, and volunteer officers, deputies, etc on the actual police/sheriff’s force, but we’ll just look at the 735,000 sworn in officers (those with a gun and full arrest powers). Let’s assume not a single one of those shootings were justified. 1,700 people dead for no reason. Now let’s assume each one of those shot were shot by a specific officer, no one shot by the same officer. With all those variables put in favor to show just how deadly police are, you’d think those would be some scary numbers eh? So 0.23% of all sworn in officers are blood lusting, murderous animals as you would like to make that seem. Yeah real problem there chief. How about general excessive force complaints? In 2012 there were 29,000 complaints against the cops. For your favor, let’s say every single complain was founded and stated by the most honest people in the country. That’s still not even 4% of all police officers. And when you consider an average of about 60 million police/citizen interactions, 29,000 complaints is pretty small. You can find all these numbers on the DOJ website. Pretty simple. And in census data. And the NY times and Washington post. But of course in your mind, all cops are lazy, untrained, despicable, murderous, fat clowns with a badge and gun. That’s your choice if you wish to believe that. You aren’t the only one to fall prey to media telescoping. Or that is, seeing something so much on the TV you actually believe the event occurs as often as it appears of ABC, CNN, and FOX. >fuck citizen accountability Spoken like a true toddler whining about the rules set forth by your parents. Let’s write on the walls and break windows and cry about it when we get in trouble. Clearly you research when it fits your narrative but that’s okay. You don’t need to get your panties in a wad and insult me, personal insults have no place in civil discourse lmao. -- source link
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