Isn’t it beautiful?THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS! JANUARY IS GOING TO BE DONE!Of course, this sti
Isn’t it beautiful?THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS! JANUARY IS GOING TO BE DONE!Of course, this still doesn’t mean any artwork is going to get submitted. I recommend getting it done as soon as possible so that you don’t forget!Apologies to everyone in my ask box who didn’t get a story. Check back on DECEMBER 1ST when February, March AND April will be made available for requesting!So here are our artists for January!An Unearthly Child - mareliiniThe Daleks - dracofidusThe Edge of Destruction - iwamotoyuriMarco Polo - spin-my-nipple-nutsThe Keys of Marinus - belgianwhovianThe Aztecs - extraterrestrialarachnidThe Sensorites - lydiabutzThe Reign of Terror - thisisaslongasPlanet of Giants - brontozaurusThe Dalek Invasion of Earth - somethingcompletelydiffferentThe Rescue - glassbirdThe Romans - romaaanaThe Web Planet - souffles-against-thedaleksThe Crusade - eatingwordswithkittywitchThe Space Museum - watchcrafterThe Chase - hamishmashThe Time Meddler - thegoodwhovianGalaxy 4 - shh-im-wonderingMission to the Unknown - geronimoallonsyThe Myth Makers - the-papists-have-the-phoneboxThe Dalek’s Master Plan - englandhalfenglishThe Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Eve - crimson-stars-and-silent-starsThe Ark - whatjamesdrawsThe Celestial Toymaker - magiifoxThe Gunfighters - prismatic-voidThe Savages - irregularnormThe War Machines - thephonyholdencaulfieldThe Smugglers - jetpacksapoppinThe Tenth Planet - atarialThe Power of the Daleks - bombard-a-drab-mobThe Highlanders - fabledquillIf you have any questions or if I’ve made any mistakes, please get in touch!Again, another massive thank you and stay tuned for more stories being up for grabs! -- source link
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#doctor who#classic who#the daleks#mareliini#dracofidus#iwamotoyuri#spin-my-nipple-nuts#belgianwhovian#extraterrestrialarachnid#lydiabutz#thisisaslongas#brontozaurus#somethingcompletelydiffferent#glassbird#romaaana#souffles-against-thedaleks#eatingwordswithkittywitch#watchcrafter#hamishmash#thegoodwhovian#shh-im-wondering#geronimoallonsy#the-papists-have-the-phonebox#englandhalfenglish#criimson-stars-and-silent-stars#whatjamesdraws#magiifox#prismatic-void#irregularnorm