Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry (1416), MarchThe snow has melted and the peasants go about
Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry (1416), MarchThe snow has melted and the peasants go about preparing the soil for the spring planting. In the background we can see the Château de Lusignan (in the Department of Vienne) on a hill top dominating the farmland about.On the slopes below the castle we can see various peasant activities: a shepherd and his dog looking after a flock of sheep; three peasants pruning the vines; a vineyard which has already been prepared for the spring growing season; a peasant sifting a bag of seed corn; a peasant ploughing a field with two oxen.Given its prominent place in the picture and the extraordinary detail with which it is painted, the Limburg brothers were keen to show how important agriculture was to the peasant economy and how dependent upon it for their upkeep were the castles of the aristocracy. -- source link
#march#calendar#medieval life#limbourg brothers#xv century