drawffee-machine:laurapancakes:The 5 times Sokka forgot Toph was blind and the time he didn&rsqu

drawffee-machine:laurapancakes:The 5 times Sokka forgot Toph was blind and the time he didn&rsqu
drawffee-machine:laurapancakes:The 5 times Sokka forgot Toph was blind and the time he didn&rsqu
drawffee-machine:laurapancakes:The 5 times Sokka forgot Toph was blind and the time he didn&rsqu
drawffee-machine:laurapancakes:The 5 times Sokka forgot Toph was blind and the time he didn&rsqu
drawffee-machine:laurapancakes:The 5 times Sokka forgot Toph was blind and the time he didn&rsqu
drawffee-machine:laurapancakes:The 5 times Sokka forgot Toph was blind and the time he didn&rsqu
drawffee-machine:laurapancakes:The 5 times Sokka forgot Toph was blind and the time he didn&rsqu