ignoranceisachoice:vegan-brainz:resident-tofu:finishmeoff-sweetheart:raven-teen-titans:fromthemindofateenagewolf:psychotic-biotic:just-some-random-nobody:shiplaughloveeveryday:thorinoferebor:pandaaaz:stormtrooper2112:pandaaaz:I highly doubt all the people that liked/ reblogged this are vegan. I don’t need to be a vegan or vegetarian to be against animal cruelty. I don’t beat my meat before I eat it.Actually, you do need to be vegan to be against animal cruelty. You don’t love animals if you’re not vegan. Wow, says who? You?“You don’t love animals if you’re not vegan.” oh really?Is this a joke?Just fuck off.excuse me .(before i say this i dont care what your lifestyle choise is just that you stop being an arse about it) just because you are a vegan does NOT mean you are better than anyone else! if (the unfertilised therefore containing no living animal) eggs are not taken away from the chickens they will rot and cause the chickens to get ill and will attract insects, if cows are not milked enough then their udders start to ache and they get ill. almost all slaughterhouses kill their animals as painlessly as they can and i realise not all do so and that is cruelty . but don’t go around thinking that people who eat meat or eat dairy products are going around kicking every animal they see. just because you eat meat doesn’t make you a cruel person and just because you are a vegan doesn’t make you some wonderful superhuman so shut the fuck up about how wonderful you all are because you don’t eat animal byproductsalso, as a surprising little note, some people just don’t have the financial resources to go vegan. and others literally cannot do so because their digestive system just can’t handle it.So before you go and tell people they’re horrible for not being vegan, think about this for a second, then just don’t say anything, cause you don’t know their situation.this should have more notes.THIS. ALL OF THIS.I see people trying to defend their hypocrisy so their feelings don’t get hurt. Let me rectify that for you.You are not an animal lover if you are a consumer of animal products. You’re just not. You can’t be. You may love some animals, or believe you “respect” the ones that are exploited and abused for your tastes, but you are not an animal lover.Also, vegans do not believe they are better than anyone else. They are trying to be as cruelty-free as possible. Going vegan is the absolute least you can do for animals.Eggs: as male chicks do not lay eggs, they are separated from the females and are killed shortly thereafter, either by being ground up alive, gassed or end up suffocating/crushed to death in trash bags.Chickens routinely have the ends of their beaks sliced off with a hot blade so they don’t attack each other in such confined spaces. No matter the farming system involved, be it battery, barn or “free range”, chickens do not have the space they need and most of them never see sunlight. This inhibits their natural behaviours, meaning they suffer a decline in mental as well as physical health. When chickens are “spent” (stop producing eggs) they are no longer seen as profitable, and are sent to slaughter where they are killed just like any other chicken and sold as cheap meat. In nature, chickens will eat their own eggs in order to regain nutrients, so they wouldn’t lie around to rot.Dairy: cows only lactate during pregnancy. They do not magically produce milk constantly like a lot of people believe. Therefore they have to be repeatedly inseminated by humans (usually in something referred to as the “rape rack” in the industry). After birth, the calf and mother are separated, which causes stress and suffering for both of them. The calf will either follow the same fate as her mother, or be killed for veal. Due to the frequency of which cows have to be milked they are likely to develop infections of the udder due to regular re-attachment of the milking machine, resulting in a painful condition called mastitis.This only just begins to cover the abuse of animals within the industry. There are videos all over youtube documenting the suffering of the innocent. If you need a place to start, I highly recommend you watch Earthlings. If you’re serious about loving animals then you can no longer be ignorant to the reality of how they’re treated for your lifestyle.And being vegan doesn’t cost any more than traditional diets, and is actually more affordable. You don’t have to buy the products that are targeted specifically at vegans. Meat has always been a luxury for those who could afford it. (source 1, source 2)^^^^^^^ that. I mean, how the fuck can you love animals and at the same time contribute to their suffering and death?! You fucking can’t, you hypocritical cunts.Just because you love your family dog does not mean you’re an animal lover. It goes much further than that. fuck off. -- source link
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