blindjewwanderinginthedesert:(Image Description: text on white background reads, “It’s HARD to see R
blindjewwanderinginthedesert:(Image Description: text on white background reads, “It’s HARD to see RACISM when you’re white.”)vasundharaa:This is a resource post for all the Good White Person™s out there. You know, the ones who say things like “It’s not my fault I’m white! Don’t generalize white people!”, or “I’m appreciating your culture! You should be proud!”, or “Why do you hate all white people, look I’m a special snowflake who’s not racist give me an award for meeting the minimum requirements for being a decent human being”.Well, if you are actually interested in understanding racism and how it ties into cultural appropriation, please read instead of endlessly badgering PoCs on tumblr with your cliched, unoriginal arguments and repeating the same questions over and over.On White Privilegeaka don’t blame me just because I’m white:It’s Not My Fault I Was Born White: Basics of White Privilege xRacial Divide xEndless Examples of White Privilege xYou Cannot Know What It’s Like To Be A Racial Minority xIntersectional Feminism xWhite Privilege Does Not Mean White People Have Perfect Lives xWhite Privilege and White Supremacy: A Presentation xYou Will Never Experience Racism xUnderstanding White Privilege xWhite Privilege and Double Standards xSystematic White Ignorance xThe Invisibility of White Privilege xThe Luxury of White Privilege x White Privilege: The Harry Potter Analogy xPrivilege Denial Bingo xPrivilege and Cost xCheck Your Privilege 101 xWhiteness xWhiteness is Not A Culture xWhite Privilege and Racism xDeeply Embarrassed White People Talk About Race xWhen White Anti Racists Talk About ~Their Struggle~ xWhite Privilege As A System xOn Reverse Racism aka you are being racist against white people:Are White People Racially Oppressed xWhite People, the new Racial Minority xPeople Don’t Value Pale Skin!! xThere Is No Such Thing As Reverse Racism xRacism vs. Not Racism xBut White People Are Discriminated Against In Foreign Countries xThe Myth of Reverse Racism: Why Cracker is Not N**** xSatire: A Step Wise Guide on Being Reverse Racist xRacism Against White People vs. Racism Against POCs xOn Cultural Appropriationaka I’m just appreciating your culture:The Basics xIdentifying Appropriation xBut When We Wear It … xWhy Can’t I Wear It (Hipster Headdresses) xNot Yours xIf You Take The Bindi xWhite People Do It Better xMulticulturalism and Appropriation xCultural Appropriation and Portrayals In Print Media xDiminishing the Cultural Significance of the Bindi xThe Cultural Appropriation Bingo xWhy We’re Fed Up of Your Responses xIdentities Are Not Costumes xHinduism And Appropriation xReligion and Privilege xBindis Are Cool xExotic India xWhat’s Wrong With Cultural Appropriation xRacism, Bindis and Ganesh Tattoos xBUT YOU’RE SPEAKING ENGLISH! xCultural Appropriation Trolls xGuide to Being An Appropriating Douchefuck xNew Age ~Culture Mixing~ xIn case you’re tired of the prose, here’s poetry xWhy You Shouldn’t Wear A Bindi xAppropriating and Sharing xOur Culture is A Punchline Until It’s a Trend xHomage Or Insult xTattoos and Appropriation xBollywood is Not Synonymous With Indian xCollege Party Costumes and Stereotypes xDotheads xBindis and Racist Humour xHindu Iconography x Misuse of Hindu Iconography xYour Appreciation Doesn’t Help Us xAssorted Vials of White Tears and Miscellaneous Antidotesaka I can’t change that I’m white/not all whites are racist/we are all humans:Unoriginal Arguments Refuted xQuick Checklist: You Might Be Racist If xYour Opinion Isn’t Necessary xI’m Not Responsible For My Ancestors xThe Kumbayah Myth xProud to Be White xGood White Person xWe Don’t Hate White People xBrutality of Colonialism And Why You Can’t Tell Us To Forget the Past xPeople Who Claim Not To See Race Are More Likely to Be Racist xAll Races are Beautiful Said the White Girl x Race Blindness Is A Luxury xWell, You’re Racist For Calling Me Racist xI’ve Read About Its Significance, I Know What It Means Angry Because Someone Called You Racist xWe’re Not All Like That xPeople Only Care About This Trivial Shit On The Internet xI Can’t Apologize for Being Born White, It’s Not My Fault xWhy Can’t You Tell Me What I’m Doing Wrong xIt’s Easy to Be Color Blind When You’re White xA Diagrammatic Guide To White Tears xConversations I’m Sick Of Having With White People xWhy Do You Hate White People xI’m Trying To Be Cultured xSisyphean Conundrum xWhat is Your Problem xWe Are All Human, We All Bleed Red xIt’s Just A Bindi xHow Not To Respond To Accusations of Racism xI’m Italian And 0.009% Native American xWhat White People Think Racism Means: A Venn Diagram xWhite Guilt xWhite Pride!!!111!!! xI Like *Insert Foreign Country* I Want To Live There xYou Have So Much Hate, Fighting Fire With Fire Won’t Help xBooHoo, Don’t Call Me Racist xNot Everything Ended With Your Ancestors xThe Racist Reaction xI Don’t See Why That Is Racist xCrummy Apologies xOkay. I agree. I’ve been socially conditioned not to notice racism and recognize my privilege. What can I do?Listen xA Step Wise Guide xI don’t care about this bullshit; you’re making a big deal out of nothing, go home and delete your blog:The Clueless White Person Bus xReblogging this because we are responsible for educating ourselves.I am Jewish, which has a complicated history with whiteness. Here in Taiwan, and last year when I was living in China, I am without a doubt considered white. I benefit from white privilege and my actions can, either implicitly or explicitly, perpetuate systems of oppression. In America and Europe, my status as white is a bit more complicated. Sometimes I am considered white and other times, I am explicitly deemed not white. At the very least, I am white passing and participate in systems of privilege based on that status.As such, this post relates to me as well, which is why I am sharing it and working my way through it as we speak.I am so tired of “how am I supposed to know this stuff?” coming from people who have made no real effort to seek out information on their own. The resources are out there. Let’s go take responsibility. This also goes for those of us that face other isms, other systems of privilege and oppression. Just because you are woman or disabled or bisexual or……..does not mean that you don’t also have privilege. Intersectionality folks. It exists. I have always heard it discussed in terms of intersecting oppressions but I also think it is apt for describing intersecting privileges. Food for thought. This should go without saying but this list is just a starting place. We shouldn’t end here. * I have wanted to repost this for a while now. Sadly, because the original post was not accessible and had a lot of quicklinks, it took me some serious time and effort to go back through and make it accessible before reposting. There may be typos and I apologize for those in advance. Anyway, a note to all you social justice peeps out there. Please, please, please keep basic accessibility in mind. If you have no idea what that means, here is a place to start learning: Tumblr Accessibility. * Heads up: several of these resources, such as “Race Blindness Is A Luxury”, “The Clueless White Person Bus” and ”It’s Easy to Be Color Blind When You’re White”, are using ableist language to address racism. It isn’t okay and should not be justified. I am leaving the links up in the original post because the issues the authors address are important but also because they are another example of using an ism to address an ism. -- source link
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