annamakesthings:am i ever gonna love anything the way i loved fall out boy when i was 11?Digital pho
annamakesthings:am i ever gonna love anything the way i loved fall out boy when i was 11?Digital photographs on cotton, foam core, felt, candles2014Each shrine represents a different adolescent first - some are more stereotypically teenage (first car, first kiss, first drink), while others are more specific to me (first time weighing myself, first time losing a friend). The photographs show the places these firsts happened, or the objects that I associate with the memory.Using the white felt to indicate purity and the red candles to indicate impurity, the altars also reject the traditional notion of virginity. Instead of giving myself away, or losing a part of myself to these firsts, I have gained experiences as a woman, a friend, a fan, a sexual being; they have all contributed to who I am as a person, not taken something away. I am not tainted - I am learning.Displayed with the blog post that I made when I first started thinking about the significance of teenage firsts -- source link