myhoneststudyblr:because the tumblr algorithm works essentially solely on tags, it’s important to ma
myhoneststudyblr:because the tumblr algorithm works essentially solely on tags, it’s important to make sure that you use the right ones. in the studyblr community, many blogs ‘track tags’, which means that they follow the tag and reblog the posts within this post, i have collated many studyblrs and their tracking tags that you can use!if you would like to be added to the post, please send me an ask and let me know. if you are already included and you change your tag/url, also kindly let me know so that i can keep this post up to date. If there are any mistakes, also let me know![note: you need to make sure that your blog is discoverable in your settings to make sure that i can tag you. otherwise i cannot include you]A@apalsant —> #apalsant@architecturals —> #tusermelissa@arctic-anna —> #arcticanna@asteristudy —> #asteristudy@athenastudying —> #athenastudying@audreys-notes —> #heyaudreyB@blueplaidstudies —> #blueplaidlook@boldlystudy —> #boldlystudy@bulletnotestudies —> #bulletnotestudiesC@caffeine-study —> #caffeinestudy@captainofstudies —> #captainofstudies@chicanastudies —> #chicanastudiesD@divinity-study —> #divinitystudyE@einstetic —> #einstetic@endlesstudies —> #heyendlessG@gloomstudy —> #gloomstudyH@hannistudies —> #hanniscupI@indie-bitch —> #indie-bitchJ@jaeyuyoo —> #jaeyuyoonotes@jeonchemstudy —> #jeonchemstudyK@katistudies —> #katistudiesL@lantern-academia —> #lanternacademia@lattesandlearning —> #lattesforlaura@lifeofthegrind —> #lifeofthegrindM@maraskull —> #maraskull@medical-magpie —> #medical magpie or #medical-magpie@medblrr —> #medblrr@mediblr —> #mediblr@medustudies —> #medustudies@melaschnie —> #studywithmelli@melody-of-moon —> #studybucky@moon-thestars —> #moonthestars@museeofmoon —> #heyzainab@music-of-physics —> @heyalyss@myhoneststudyblr —> #myhoneststudyblrN@nadjastudies —> #takealooksid@ndemic —> #heylihiP@pastelsandhazelnutcoffee - #pastelsandhazelnutcoffee@peachblossomstudy —> #heypeachblossom@philology-studies —> #philologystudies@phoenixstudies —> #phoenixstudies@poweredbygreentea —> #poweredbygreentea@problematicprocrastinator —> #problematicprocrastinator@productivewitch —> #productivewitchR@raebae-studies —> #heyreags@randomstudyblr —> #randomstudyblr@rivkahstudies —> #rivkahlook@rylie-studies —> #lookrylieS@samanthropologist —> #samanthastudies@selkie-studies —> #selkiestudies@seltzerstudies —> #seltzerstudies@serendistudy —> #serendistudy@smileystudies —> #smileystudies@somuchtostudysolittletime —> #somuchtostudysolittletime@sonderstudy —> #sonderstudy@spoonieacademia —> #heytheo@starryuniversitas —> #starryuniversitas@study-diaries —> #study diaries@study-it-sightless —> #blindacademia@studyingfilms —> #studyingfilms@studying-nando —> #studying nando or #studying-nando @study-van —> #studyvan@studywithzorah —> #studywithzorah@stuhde —> #stuhde@stu-dna —> #heyharri and #heyharrietT@teapenguin —> #lookzuziaU@uglystudies —> #uglystudiesV@venustudy —> #heyvenustudy -- source link
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