cchange:Dispatch from Buenos Aires: San Telmo Working internationally, we’re always pleasant
cchange: Dispatch from Buenos Aires: San Telmo Working internationally, we’re always pleasantly surprised by the unexpected sights, sounds, tastes, smells and textures we stumble upon (often literally) after 13 hours of travel and an early morning ride from the airport at 4:40 AM. In this particular case, c|change has been asked to consult with the World Federation for Mental Health on a global communication plan. They have graciously asked us to present at their board meeting at a conference in Buenos Aires. Early morning arrivals always mean questionable hotel check-ins and this one was no different. So… jet-lagged, we spent time walking the city’s southern barrio, San Telmo, a neighborhood of cobblestone streets that the author, Jorge Luis Borges, called: “an older more solid world.” This wonderful world may be older, but the fresh street art blends whimsy, surrealism and politics. (The mural with the long arm is in honor of the 25th anniversary of “the massacre of Trelew”—-which took place on August 22, 1972—-when 19 political prisoners were executed; the mural that features the blue Argentine flag prominently includes a quote from former president Perón: “let each at least produce what is consumed”.) We’re not sure what the current exchange rate is among various inspirations and ideas but we’re also always pleasantly surprised at what we experience at the same time we’re “presenting.” <3 -- source link