unwavcring: I’ve been writing Blue as of a month today! In Celebration I decided to do this as
unwavcring: I’ve been writing Blue as of a month today! In Celebration I decided to do this as I have no money and less time to do celebratory giveaways revolving around graphics. Instead you get this massive shout out list. You like me you really like me [followed the archive AND this blog]kcllingforsport + nxtananny + still-clever + clevergixl + jurassiciisms + mutualiism + nightdivinity-musetopia + isabellashepard + aviianraptor + indominus-vex + thealphabadass + actionsnotvoidofmerit + diabxlicindxminus + deadlylotusflower + ottersmusebrood + xinvinciblesummer + gonetoshxt + tahulaSisters + Twinscleverdelta + anomegaraptor + wrathcaughtecho + crookjcw + battlecho + thercptorsquad + tertiius + raptxrsquad + ofvxptor + raptordeltamed + thealphas-beta + iintrusiive + raptxrqueen + babychxrlie + raptor-time + manusiismsSnack Squadraptorintern + goatisms + jawsiisms + cranedcow + raptxrbaitRex Alphadeariing + dearingdreams + womaninheels + opportunitywithoutlimitation + broughttherex + ofdearing Alpha-Papas thatraptcrguy + raptxrwhispxrer + igctta + xitsnotaboutcontrolx + ofraptcrs + donotshootmyraptors + nottheiralpha + raptcrisms + velocialpha + owenalpha + raptorxhandler + badassalphas + gotanewalpha + navynxtnavajo + bungalowen + alphamalx + raptowen + sicsempervelociraptor Barry!repacexformateur The Great Grady Family grxdyiisms + raptcrpunk + thatalphabitch Jurassic World Staffavianspecialist + raptortrainee + sctgo + dinosauriisms + plxistocene + jurassicxsnowxwhite + excussorum + guyinthedinosuit + velocifloss + fvmilybxsiness + aquaticabxndon The OG Crewpaleobotanist + observeanddocument + luckystrapsavedmylifetwice + alanthedinosaurman + doctor-grant + earthfirstbastard Pretender Queenssportkilling + iinmanisii + jurassic-usurperTyrant Sovereigns thxapcxpredatxr + nublarqueenDino Babes raptorxtrials + queenofislasorna + velociraptcr + soundsbigger + latebloomingclaws + duckbilledbaby + venomouspuppy + neovcnator + non-meat-eater-type Touristsxxvainqueur + doubterturnedpriest + starksfrequentlyassedquestions + journalofvoices + hiccupxandxtoothlessxofxberkx + isrunning + onemindwithmanymuses + paragonangel + lyriumandelfroot + clxrkc + dire-ahamkara + thewelshbitch + theoneswithoutpacks + gluttcny + puzzlx-pixces + herbloodwhore + kingxfmischief + motherofasgard + ravenfeatherangel + armedwithaflashlight + deus-lupus + exemplarisvictoria + fullmetalfemmefetal + mybarelybreathingstory + dontstepinmypuddle + likevalyriansteel + xaedificare Gone but not forgottendilxphxsaurus -- source link