nctinfo: NCTsmtown_DREAM: Czennies, you should know how moved I was todayㅠㅠyou stayed even though it
nctinfo: NCTsmtown_DREAM: Czennies, you should know how moved I was todayㅠㅠyou stayed even though it was difficult..>_< A lot of you guys said that today was really awesome! Then how…did you like..the drone angle instead of the front view at practice?#ShouldWeRollWithTheDrone..?#OrJustForPractice?#ILikedItToday☺️#IHonestlyCouldveDoneBetter..#Mochisung (1, 2)Translation: Myeon @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: NCT DREAM Official Twitter— Please take out with full credits -- source link