quasi-normalcy: allthecanadianpolitics:Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party of Canada AGAIN SIDED WI
quasi-normalcy: allthecanadianpolitics:Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party of Canada AGAIN SIDED WITH THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF CANADA and killed 2 important NDP bills.One of the bills was on making sure Canada’s pension investements only go to companies that aren’t causing societal harm, the other was to declare a Climate Emergency and to create a frame work to meet our Climate Targets while maintaining Indigenous Rights:Bill C-231 would prevent the Canada Pension plan from making investments into companies that abuse Environmental, Human or Labour Rights (such as Mining giants, Gun Manufacturers or companies like Amazon who abuse workers daily).This is Bill C-232:Purpose: The purpose of this Act is to ensure that the Government of Canada takes all measures necessary to ensure that Canada respects its commitment under the Convention on Climate Change to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and that it does so while complying fully with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.–Tagging: @politicsofcanada The LIberals and the Tories are the same fucking Party; it’s just that every few years they have helmet hair and every few years they smile too much. -- source link