m4a1-shermayne:TIL about the Churchill 75 NA, what is essentially a Churchill Infantry support tank

m4a1-shermayne:TIL about the Churchill 75 NA, what is essentially a Churchill Infantry support tank
m4a1-shermayne:TIL about the Churchill 75 NA, what is essentially a Churchill Infantry support tank
m4a1-shermayne:TIL about the Churchill 75 NA, what is essentially a Churchill Infantry support tank
m4a1-shermayne:TIL about the Churchill 75 NA, what is essentially a Churchill Infantry support tank
m4a1-shermayne:TIL about the Churchill 75 NA, what is essentially a Churchill Infantry support tank
m4a1-shermayne:TIL about the Churchill 75 NA, what is essentially a Churchill Infantry support tank