humans-of-seoul:“I started my career as a barista pretty late at age 27, but now I am a memb
humans-of-seoul: “I started my career as a barista pretty late at age 27, but now I am a member of the national barista team. At first I saw that almost anyone was going for the barista license, so I thought I would also give it a try. That was initially how it started, but as time went on, I was really enjoying it and I felt like this was truly meant for me. I studied computers since I was in high school and worked in the IT field, but honestly, I just did it because it was what I had studied. But with coffee, I thought I could keep at it while enjoying it. Still… it was difficult to quit a career that I had been working in for a while to start something new. I was pretty anxious. During that time, it was my parents who provided me courage. When I brought my thoughts up to my parents after much contemplation, they encouraged me by saying that they could see that I had been forcing myself to do something I disliked while doing IT work, and that they were happy to see me brighten up while learning about coffee.” “저는 27살이란 늦은 나이에 커피에 발을 들여놨지만 지금은 바리스타 국가대표예요. 사실 처음엔 너나 나나 할 것없이 사람들이 막 바리스타 자격증을 딴다길래 그럼 나도 한번 해봐야지 하고 시작한건데 하다보니 재미있고 이게 내 일이구나 싶더라구요. 제가 원래 고등학교 때부터 컴퓨터를 배워서 쭉 IT일만 했었는데 사실 그 일은 제 전공이라 마지못해 했던 거 거든요. 근데 이건 제가 끝까지 재미있게 할 수 있을 것 같았어요. 그래도… 오랫동안 해오던 일을 접고 새로운 길을 결심하는 건 쉽지 않더라구요. 많이 두려웠거든요. 근데 오히려 그때 부모님이 용기를 주셨어요. 저는 오랜 고민 끝에 부모님께 얘기를 꺼냈는데 부모님은 제가 그동안 하기 싫은 일을 억지로 하고 있는게 보였다면서 커피 배우면서 밝아진게 너무 보기 좋으시다며 응원해 주시더라구요.” -- source link
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