humans-of-seoul:“I just bought this bike yesterday and took it out to ride it today for the
humans-of-seoul: “I just bought this bike yesterday and took it out to ride it today for the first time. It’s much better than taking the bus. On the bus, I feel like I’m being carried by the bus rather than taking it. One time, on the bus, I thought ‘what am I doing here?’ You know when the bus jerks, you’re also thrown back and forth. Even though I wanted to stand still, I couldn’t even though I wanted to, which made me think about it. On the other hand, biking makes me feel alive, because I’m the one who pushes the pedals. Although I was dying when I was riding my bike, I was so happy. I think the same goes for our lives. We should move on our own.” “어제 자전거 사서 오늘 처음 타고 나왔어요. 버스 타고 다니는 것 보다 훨씬 좋아요. 버스 타고 다닐 때는 제가 다니는 게 아니라 실려 다닌다는 느낌이 들었거든요. 하루는 버스 타고 가면서 ‘내가 지금 뭐하고 있는 거지?’ 라는 생각이 들었어요. 버스가 흔들리면 몸이 이리저리 흔들리잖아요. 저는 똑바로 서있고 싶은데 내 의지랑 상관없이 흔들리니까 내가 지금 뭐하고 있나 생각이 들었어요. 근데 자전거는 제가 밟아서 움직이니까 살아있는 느낌이 들어요. 자전거 탄다고 힘들어 죽겠는데도 너무 행복하더라고요. 인생도 똑같다고 생각해요. 자기 스스로 움직여야죠.” -- source link
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