humans-of-seoul:“When I was in second grade my mother got into a car accident and passed awa
humans-of-seoul: “When I was in second grade my mother got into a car accident and passed away, I didn’t know where my father was, so I lived in Busan with my grandmother. However when I was in middle school her health took a turn for the worse, so I told my grandmother I’m going to live on my own; after that I lived by myself in Seoul. Later when I became an adult my grandmother was disappointed in me because I said I was working as a tattoo artist. So, I met my grandmother in person and showed her my first tattoo, and she was really moved by it.”“What made her change her mind?”“Because my first tattoo was of my mother’s face.” “초등학교 2학년 때 어머니가 교통사고로 돌아가시고, 아버지는 어디 계신지도 몰라요. 그래서 쭉 부산에서 외할머니하고 같이 살았는데, 중학교 때 외할머니 건강이 안 좋아서 제가 스스로 독립하겠다고 말하고 그 이후로 서울에서 혼자 살았어요. 제가 나중에 성인이 된 다음에 타투를 직업으로 한다고 하니까 외할머니가 실망을 하셨어요. 그래서 외할머니를 직접 만나서 제가 처음 한 타투를 보여드렸더니 감동을 받으셨어요.”“할머니가 왜 마음을 바꾸신 것 같아요?”“제 첫 문신이 제 어머니의 얼굴이었거든요.” -- source link
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