Anonymous said: Can you write astory about a girl who loses her mind and goes on a sex spree then cu
Anonymous said: Can you write astory about a girl who loses her mind and goes on a sex spree then cums too inbed with a woman. It is her first time with a woman, so she is shocked. Shedoesn’t know how she got there.- Hi Anonymous! This story turned into a tribute to thesong that I had on repeat in the background as I wrote it. The song is calledSting Ray by Kai Whiston (ft. Eden). Eden is currently my favorite artist. Hisreal name is Jonathan Ng, so the main character in this story is named afterhim. I worked in little snippets of Sting Ray’s lyrics throughout this story. Ihope you enjoy the story! -JenniSting Ray Lyrics: was still dark when I opened my eyes. My headpounded from all the alcohol and drugs I had probably taken the night before. Ididn’t remember much about what had happened, but I remembered what hadhappened before I started partying. Flashes of Jon’s face flickered inmy mind. I couldn’t make out his features, but I knew it was him. I knew it wasover between us. I tried to get up, but something was holding me down. “What the fuck?” I asked myself as I openedmy eyes more fully. There was an arm draped over me, and I was naked under thecovers. Oh no. How had I gotten here? Surely I hadn’t fucked someone so soonafter ending things with Jon. I tried to move the arm, but it was difficultwith my arm’s angle and theirs. I followed the arm toward its shoulder, and Iwas shocked to see the curvature of a female body. “Oh my God!” I screamed, trying my best toroll out from under the arm of the girl that I was in bed with. I didn’t sleepwith girls! At least, I hadn’t before. I peeked under the covers to confirm.Sure enough, we were both naked. My heart started to pound violently in mychest.“Who are you?” I screamed at the girl, whowoke for a moment before letting out a loud snore and falling back to sleep. “Fuck! What did I do last night?” I askedmyself. I willed myself to remember. Flashes of Jon’s face played in my mind,and I realized that he had been right. I did want something more, something hecouldn’t have given me. I needed more from a man than just a few hours everyfew months. He was always on the road, and I was home waiting for him like atucked away trophy. He probably fucked all the girls he met on tour, anyway. Icouldn’t imagine living like that forever. I just wanted to watch it diebetween us, take away any and all hope I could have ever had of us beingtogether. Hope was what made me destructive, and now I was in bed with afemale. I finally managed to roll out from under the girl’sarm, and I landed awkwardly on the wood floor after falling off the side of thebed. “What the fuck? Are you okay?” The girl wasawake. She sat up and turned to me. “Baby, come back to bed,” shecalled for me. “I have to go. I have to -” “Jon said you would do this!” the girl cried.“Come on. Where are you going? Why are you in a hurry? We could have somemore fun like last night.” “Yeah, what happened last night?” I askedher. “I don’t remember a damn thing. I don’t even remember you andwhatever happened. If you could just show me where my clothes are, I cango.” This wasn’t the first time my memory had failed me, and though I wasconfused, I wasn’t surprised. I’d been blacking out more and more lately, and Iknew that I should stop partying, but I couldn’t stop now anyway. I was stillamid my decisions from last night. I sat on the edge of the bed gingerly, stillnaked, and I got a good look at the girl’s face. Her hair was blonde at thetips and light brown on top. She had large brown eyes with stars of gold at thecenter. She sat up further in the bed so I could see her full breasts, muchbigger than my small, yet firm tits.“You’re kidding me? You don’t remember?” Sheseemed offended.I shook my head no. “Come on, stop fucking with me! You have toremember!” “I’m sorry. The last thing I remember, I waswalking the line of the cracks in the road…” I trailed off. “You were what?” Tracy looked confused. “It’s from one of Jon’s songs,” I explained.I think it was about me.“ I remembered the fear of Jon leaving and how ithad consumed me. I couldn’t shake the thought of it when I closed my eyes. Iwas walking out the door, and I was leaving Jon forever. "Everyone thinks Jon’s songs are about them, evenpeople that have never met him,” the girl said with a bit of edge.Apparently, I had hit a nerve with her. I wasn’t alarmed. I felt calm with her,even with my entire memory from the night before entirely erased.“Yeah, but I was his girlfriend,” I told her.“He put my name in his song.”She looked stunned. I wondered if she knew that I wasJon’s girlfriend up until a few days ago when we’d broken up.“Well, I think you showed everyone last night thatyou were definitely a single woman.” the girl laughed, but I didn’t getthe joke. “What’s so funny? Tell me what happened!” Ibegged her.“Okay. Last night you kept saying you wanted moredicks and so I kept finding them for you. I’ve never seen someone fuck so manyguys in one night! You are one badass hoe!” She said as if this qualifiedme for some kind of award. “Oh my God. Not again. How many guys did Ifuck?” I asked in horror. Most girls would have probably insisted itdidn’t happen. Still, with the way things had been going in my life, I realizedthat it was very probable that I had done precisely as this girl said. Itwouldn’t have been the first time.“Oh, girl! I did not keep track. It got out ofcontrol. All that coke you were doing, probably. Plus all the otherstuff.” “What other stuff?” “You really don’t remember? Does that meaneverything that happened between us is just…lost?” I could see her facefall into an expression of despair before she hung her head and began to sob.She kept her leaking eyes to the floor, trying to hide her tears from me. “I’m sorry, I just don’t remember. I don’t evenknow how I got here. I really need to go…do you know where I can find myclothes?” I sounded pathetic, but the truth was that I just wanted towatch this die. Whatever had happened between us, it hadn’t been real. It hadbeen a culmination of a thousand sips of alcohol and handfuls of pills, not tomention so many lines of cocaine. Pulling the time back seemed like the onlysolution, but there was no going backward, only forward. I waited awkwardly for the girl to pull herselftogether. I wasn’t the best at social interactions, but I did a lot better whenI was on cocaine. I needed more cocaine to fully wake up, but I had no ideawhere my purse was. “Do you remember my name?” the girl lookedtired. Her eyes were puffy with mascara rings from the night before nowstreaked beneath them.“Sorry, I don’t,” I apologized.“I’m Tracy,” the girl stuck out her hand toshake mine as if people our age did things like that. I guessed that she wasabout twenty-four or so, but with all the drugs she must have done, I doubtedthat I could tell her real age by the way she looked.“I’m Ray, short for Rayanna. I don’t usually partythat hard,” I lied. “I know your name, silly. I was screaming it lastnight. You definitely know how to eat pussy. I have more coke somewhere aroundhere if I can remember where I put it.” Tracy got up and began searchingthrough drawers. She was still naked, only now I was getting a view of herplump bottom. I was filled with horror as I imagined myself eatingTracy’s pussy. I shuddered a bit. This was the only part of Tracy’s story fromlast night that didn’t make any sense. “Is this your house?” I askedher. “Yes. I inherited it from my uncle when he died. Ifucked him a couple of times right before he passed on. Do you think that’sfucked up?” She gave me an evil smile, her eyes narrowed into devilishslits. “Was he your uncle by blood?” I asked,realizing that she was just as twisted as I was. Maybe this was why we’d endedup in bed naked. “Yes, he’s my dad’s brother. The sex wasn’t bad.Now I have this house, and my relatives all hate me for it. He was a shittylay, though.” Tracy shrugged. “It is a nice house…so, back to the part whereyou said I ate your pussy. I’ve never been with a girl. That doesn’t make anysense.”Tracy turned from her set of drawers to face me andreplied as she pulled on a bathrobe.“Oh, yeah! We fucked! There’s video footage. I’llshow you in a moment, just as soon as I find my stash.” Tracy rootedthrough several more drawers before she found what she was looking for andbegan to arrange the cocaine into long, thin lines on her vanity. “Youwant some?” “Sure!” I responded without thinking. I knewI shouldn’t do more drugs when I couldn’t even remember the night before, but Iwas addicted, and I’d made my peace with it. I was on a bender already, and Ifigured if it collapsed in on me that I would somehow survive it, just like Ialways did. When we had snorted enough cocaine to kill certainpeople, Tracy showed me the videos of the night before. There were so many onher phone, the thumbnails filled with a plethora of naked bodies. Tracy and Iappeared to be the only females, but there were lots of men, so many that Icouldn’t tell exactly how many from the photos. There was a series of videos atthe bottom of the list, so I watched the first one. “Oh my God! Please tell me Jon wasn’t in thisgangbang!” My heart dropped to my feet. I could feel myself sweating, thecollective paranoia from every drug I’d taken in the last twenty-four hourspushing through me. Jon’s tall, sturdy frame was sexy to me, and his strong jawand dark hair made my pussy instantly wet. “Yeah, that’s how you got here. Jon texted you tocome, and you were taking a long time to get here. He had this feeling you wereon your way over. He said you were crazy, like in an insane way. You totallyare, by the way, but I like it!” Tracy leaned in close to me and kissed mycheek as if being intimate with me was natural for her. In all my travels, Ihad never thought I could be bisexual. “You fucked Jon then?” I asked Tracy, notsure why it mattered. I had no right to be jealous anymore. We weren’t togetheranymore. It’s just that I was jealous, and I wanted to kill this bitchwith my bare hands for merely being friends with him. I could feel theadrenaline rushing in and rushing out of me. My palms were sweaty, and mythroat was dry. Jon was a rock star. He wasn’t super famous, but he wasfamous enough that it made me feel special that he had chosen to date me. Hewanted more than just casual sex with me, but I was more of an everyday sexkind of girl. I was more of a group sex kind of girl too. Maybe if Jon couldhave been there with me and stayed with me, we could have made things workbetween us, but dating someone who is always gone on tour or recording was toomuch for me. I needed constant attention and constant sex to survive. Tracy made sure the videos kept playing, and as Iwatched the “us” from last night work our way through what seemed tobe over twenty guys. I found that I was intensely aroused. I couldn’t stopwatching Tracy fucking Jon, but what was more baffling was watching her fuck me.“Is that a dildo?” I asked as the videoplayed. Tracy was wearing a harness with a dildo attached to it. She wasfucking me with it as if it was actually attached to her body. I watched myformer self screaming, on my hands and knees for Tracy. I was writhing in whatlooked like it could have been agony, but I knew that it wasn’t. Tracy wasmaking me cum so fucking hard. I knew my orgasm face was ugly, but watching itwas really making me wet. Tracy was the real star of the show, and I couldn’ttake my eyes off of her. She pounded me into oblivion until I became alistless, drooling mess beneath her. Tracy stepped back and high-fived some of the guysbefore removing the harness so the guys could have their way with her. I enviedher beauty and sexiness. The guys grabbed her and threw her onto the bed nextto me. Her holes were hopelessly spread, ready to take cock after cock. Watching her cum was miraculous. She was the kind ofgirl that looked sexy when she came. I realized she was pretty and that I wasattracted to her. I had never felt that way about a woman before, and I shookmy head in disbelief as two more cocks fucked her, one in the pussy and theother in her mouth. It took me a while to realize that the guy fucking herpussy was Jon. I couldn’t help but be angry. I felt my world collapsing in onme now. I had been turned on until I realized that Jon was behind her, poundingher pussy the way I wished he’d fuck mine. Jealousy consumed me. I was feelingevery negative emotion at once, and it overwhelmed me.“You should fuck Ray,” Tracy pushed Jontoward me, and we awkwardly exchanged socially dysfunctional greetings. Neitherone of us was the best at social exchanges. I already had a couple of cocks inme, but the guy fucking my pussy gave Jon the right of way and went to go fuckTracy’s holes. Jon was probably as high as I was, and I held onto his arms ashe pushed his cock into me. There was another guy fucking my ass at the sametime, and as soon as Jon found a rhythm, someone shoved a dick into my mouth.Part of me wanted to stop watching, but another part of me really wanted tokeep going.I was watching it die. With every stroke of Jon’s cock,I could see how much he hated me, how much he wished that I would go away andnever come back. He had told me to leave a million times, and I told him thatI’d never come back. I had never meant it, not until now. Now his anger wasevident as he pounded my pussy with brutal force that brought grimaces of painto my face. I knew that I was enjoying it, and he knew it too. This was the reason we could never be together. Jonknew that I could never be satisfied with just one man. I needed a small armyto keep my slut tendencies under control. In fact, even when I fucked as manymen as I possibly could, it was never enough. I had never dreamed that I wouldtake it to another level. I never dreamed that I would fuck a woman! But I had.There was evidence right in front of me. I turned off the videos, my heart pounding as the linesof cocaine worked their magic on my anxiety. I was feeling that old familiardesire to fuck everything in my path. I was ready for it. The adrenalinecoursed through my veins, and I was ready to fucking go! I looked around for Tracy, but she must have left theroom while I was watching videos. “Tracy?” I called into the empty house. “I’m in here!” she yelled, and I followed hervoice to the living room. “Where are my clothes?” I asked her,shivering a bit.She ignored my question. “So, what do you think ofthe videos? Crazy night, right? Do you remember what happened yet?” Tracylooked amused. “I might not ever remember. I have a terriblememory,” I tried to explain. Still, no one understood how fucking insane Iwas and how this had affected my memory and everything else about me. “Thevideos are hot, especially the one where you are fucking all those guys afteryou left me all destroyed with your dildo!” “Yeah, I love fucking you up! Don’t think I won’tdo it again.” She stared me down, and I felt slightly intimidated by herconfidence and strength. I had never met anyone like Tracy. “Hold on. I’llbe right back.” Tracy walked out of the room. I heard her doing somethingin the kitchen. I returned my attention to the videos on Tracy’s phone.A text cut through the video, and I saw that it was from Jon. I knew I shouldhave saved it for Tracy, but instead, I decided to see what Jon would do if Ipretended to be her. “Hey!” Jon said. “Hey,” I responded as Tracy. “I’m here,” he texted. “Here? As in my house?” “Yeah. How are you texting me when you’re standingright in front of me?” Jon asked, and I realized my mistake. I headed tothe bathroom to hide, leaving Tracy’s phone on the coffee table. “Ray! Ray? Jon is here to see you!” Tracycalled. “Ray, where are you?” She pounded on the bathroom door as Istared at myself in the mirror. I was still naked, and I was having a fuckingbreakdown. My ex-boyfriend was here, and the woman I’d fucked and cuddled tosleep was here too. I felt sick with anxiety and jealousy. “I need a minute to get myself together. Do youknow where my clothes are?” I called. “Girl, you don’t need clothes! Get out here! Jonbrought some more coke!” She tried the knob, but I had locked it.“Come on, let’s do some lines, Ray!” “Jon doesn’t want to see me!” I called,already beginning to sob. “Yes, he does! Look, a lot happened last night.You and Jon are doing great. Just come out. You’ll see! I’m gonna go do somelines with him now. Your clothes are right there on the floor.” I heard her walk away, and I faced myself in the mirroragain. I looked like a piece of trash. My dark blonde hair was a tangled messand my makeup from the night before was still half there, my eyeliner still invampish wings. I was intrigued by what Tracy said about things being goodbetween Jon and me. I needed to find out if it was real, and so I headed to theliving room. Tracy and Jon were laughing at something as I approached. “Hi,” I said meekly. “Only you would walk into the room alreadynaked!” Jon laughed, his Irish accent making my pussy instantly juicy. “You know me…” I tried to laugh, but it wasforced. Tracy was snorting lines from the coffee table like doing cocaine forbreakfast was the norm for her. “So Ray doesn’t remember anything about lastnight,” Tracy filled Jon in between snorts of white powder. “She doesn’t?” Jon looked amused. “Damn,that’s crazy!” I could see Jon thinking, replaying the events of the nightbefore that he obviously remembered. He knew I blacked out and forgot things,so I knew he wasn’t shocked. He paused and shook his head in disbelief.“So then she doesn’t know how she ended up in bed with you. I’ll bet thatthrew her for a loop,” he said to Tracy as if I wasn’t in the room. “She fell out of bed this morning on herass!” Tracy giggled. “Oh, I’m sorry I missed that!” Jon laughed,imagining it. Tracy began to tell him a detailed account, so I cut in. “Can someone please fill me in! I still don’t knowwhat happened last night!” I screamed, irritated that I was the butt oftheir joke and also the odd one out. “Don’t get all crazy on us, Ray. Come do somelines while we tell you what happened last night,” Tracy offered. “Okay,” I agreed, eager to get more cocainein my system. I had built up a ridiculous tolerance, and I needed more and moreof it just to get me going in the mornings. I sat naked next to Tracy on thecouch. I could see my clothes all over the floor, spread throughout the livingroom. Tracy wore a silky robe that was barely covering anything, and Jon was inkhaki pants and a t-shirt. It felt odd to be the only one naked, but I knewthey had both seen all my bits before. I had just watched the videos. I beganto snort a line. Tracy began the story of the night before, her voicefull of animation and excitement: “Everyone was really fucked up on all kinds ofdrugs. I was making everyone drinks, and I asked him,” Tracy pointed toJon, “if he knew any girls that might want to come over and have some funwith me. I like men and all, but I had a hankering for a girl. He showed meyour picture, and I had this collider feel like we were meant to run into eachother, you know?” “No, I don’t know…” I thought about it, butit didn’t make sense. “Anyway,” she continued, “We had thiswhole plan to seduce you into fucking me. Jon told me that you’d never beenwith another girl before, but he told me if I fucked you like a guy that you’dprobably go for it.” “And I did, apparently.” “You went nuts, girl. You fucked so many people,and I like to think that we got pretty close. We were kissing, like this,”Tracy moved to me, pulling my face toward hers until our lips collided. If Ihad thought to read the signs, I wouldn’t have done it, but high me from lastnight had done some unbelievable shit, and it was spilling over into thismoment. Tracy’s kiss shocked me to my core. Chills covered my body, and mynipples immediately pebbled. “That is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,”Jon remarked. The smoothness in his voice told me that he was aroused. I knewhis sexy voice well. He had used it on me like a spell a hundred times by now.It made me kiss Tracy harder until the passion worked its way through me untilit reached my pussy. I was unbelievably horny as Tracy’s hands ran across myskin, cupping my breasts and squeezing. Jon’s hands were all over me too, and I welcomed themboth, so filled with cocaine that this wouldn’t matter tomorrow. I couldn’t shakethe thought of my missing memories needing to be recovered. They still hadn’texplained to me how Jon and I were now “good.” It was all lost in mybrain. “Slow down!” I begged them, overwhelmed bythe pleasure of four hands and Tracy’s mouth. “This is slow, baby,” Tracy cooed beforesticking her tongue back in my mouth. Jon’s fingers found my pussy, and Ididn’t stop him from sliding them inside of me. I let out a whimper of pleasureas Tracy pulled her mouth from mine and pushed me toward Jon. “Kisshim!” I wasn’t ready for the way my heart went supernova asJon’s lips met mine. I understood the cosmic pull that Tracy had been talkingabout. This was our destiny. We were supposed to run into each other, ourbodies crashing together in universal union. I pulled at Jon’s pants, trying toget them open. I was ready for his cock, and I knew what I wanted to do withit. He undid his zipper and pulled his pants down the besthe could. My mouth found John’s, and Tracy moved away for a moment with herphone recording us. I gripped Jon’s cock like it belonged to me, and I knewwhat I wanted.“You guys are so sexy together. You really havethat right chemistry,” Tracy was trying her best to take off her robe andstill hold her phone steady. “Do something sexy. Suck his dick, Ray!”“Okay!” Jon and I rearranged ourselves, so hewas sitting on the couch, and I was on my knees between his legs gripping histhick cock in my hand. “I’ve wanted this for so long!” I looked atJohn’s cock longingly before wrapping my slutty mouth around it. I knew I wasslutty, but it was okay because I had cocaine in my system, and I would blameeverything I did on that when it was all over. “I’m going to get some lines ready for youguys,” Tracy announced. “Keep going. I’m running.” Tracy stoodthe phone up against a book and aimed it toward us. “Keep my lines on track,” Jon pointed atTracy before losing himself in the pleasure of my tongue lapping at his balls.I was so hungry for him and so horny. I knew that I shouldn’t let myself gettoo emotionally involved or attached to someone like him. He was transient,moving quickly, and always gone. Sometimes I wished that he could slow down andreally love me. Instead, we moved at the speed of light, cocaineforcing his cock a little deeper down my throat than it should have gone. Icoughed and choked, sputtering a bit before looking up at Jon, embarrassed thatI couldn’t be a bigger slut for him. I already felt bad enough for corruptinghim and getting him so into drugs with me. I knew that he had tried to love me.I was a hard girl to love, and I knew it. Who could love a girl that let menuse her holes like a piece of trash? I barely loved myself. How could I makeJohn love me? I grabbed John’s cock and slapped myself in the facewith it a few times until it was really hard before popping it back in my mouthand sucking it as deep as I could. John was moaning and close to cumming. Iwondered if I should let him cum or if I should make him wait so I could havemy way with him. I eased off of his cock a bit to preserve his orgasm forlater. “I’m cutting in,” Tracy slipped into John’splace on the couch, and he made his way to the coffee table to do more lines.Tracy’s smooth legs opened, and her pussy ready for me. Except, I was intimidatedand scared. I didn’t remember eating her pussy the night before, but I had seenmyself do it on video. “Here goes nothing,” I said to myself, and Itook a tentative lick. I was shocked. I may not have remembered doing this, butmy senses placed it. The smell and taste of Tracy registered in my memory. Iwas driven to continue by a desire that must have been fueled by the missingpieces from last night.Tracy stroked my hair, holding my head in both herhands, grinding her pussy up against my mouth. She was taking control of me,even when I was doing the pussy licking. Something about her dominance turnedme on, and I felt my pussy stirring. Eating Tracy’s pussy was turning me on,and though it was a shock, it was also a revelation. The sounds of Tracy’swhimpers and moans were making my body ache to feel hers. I paused, crawling upto give Tracy a passion-filled kiss. “You’re a good slut,” she told me. “Nowgo snort some lines and watch me take Jon’s dick.” She pushed me towardthe coffee table. “Get over here with that dick, John.” “You’re going to fuck him?” I asked, my voicetiny and meek. I was usually the girl in control, but not this time. Tracy wasenjoying my discomfort and jealousy. She watched me closely as she had John siton the couch. Tracy straddled his dick in reverse cowgirl, so she was facingme. She wanted to see my face while I was forced to watch them fuck. She was atwisted cunt. Anger filled me.“Yes, I am. You’re going to watch. Hurry and snortyour lines so you can take some video. Don’t get Jon’s face in the video,though. He doesn’t care if we shoot, just shoot from the shoulders down.” “Okay,” I said stupidly, wanting to objectbut ultimately giving in to Tracy. She was calling the shots, and I was goingto have to suffer through this. I snorted a line and looked up to see Tracy fucking theshit out of John. I had imagined myself to be the biggest slut that Jon hadever met in his life, but now it was apparent that it had been pure fantasy.Tracy was fucking Jon like an experienced porn star, and I was merely a casualslut. I had never been more jealous of both of them. I snorted another line. “Take a video!” Tracy cried. “Okay!” I said with feigned excitement. Iaimed Tracy’s phone at John’s cock, careful not to get their faces in the frame.I focused on their genitals, watching his cock glide in and out of her tightpussy. How was she so tight when she was such a slut? “Okay, that’s enough. Ray, get over here and lickmy pussy while I bounce on his dick.” I followed her orders like an automaton, the sting ofjealousy still worming its way through my insides. I was paranoid, the cokesettling into the fissures of my brain that stood for reason and turning meinto a monster. I crouched on the floor in front of the couch, leaning in to lickTracy’s pussy and then Jon’s cock. I moved back and forth between pussy anddick, and I realized that I had never felt so slutty in my entire life. Tracywas hotter than me, she was prettier than me, she had bigger tits than me. Nowshe was ordering me around like she was my domme. She had stolen my boyfriendand made me into her little sex slave. I was licking their private parts like astupid puppy, and it felt terrible and liberating all at once.Tracy was screaming as she gripped me by the neck and pulledme toward her pussy. I could taste something different, something sweet. I wasshocked by how good she tasted. I didn’t dare stop until she told me to. “Oh my God! FUCK!” she screamed. Her entirebody was shaking. Jon reached up to grab her by the hips and steadied her onhis cock. Tracy’s body went limp, and she pushed me away from her pussy andscrambled off of Jon’s cock. “I need a break. I want to watch you twotogether now.” “Okay,” I said quietly, in awe of how muchmore beautiful Tracy was after her orgasm. Her light brown hair was tousled andtangled, and yet she looked more beautiful than she had before she had cum. “How should we do it?” I asked Jon. “From behind. I want it like last night. Yourpussy felt so good,” he added, and I beamed with pride. I had impressedJon, and that was priceless. I knew that he was a musician, and he had fans.I’ll be they would all be jealous if they saw me get on my hands and knees andstick my ass in the air for Jon to pound. “Fuck her hard, Jon!” Tracy screamed. She wasbossy and loud, but somehow, having an audience seemed to turn me on. When Jonslid his cock into me, I was shocked at how dripping wet my pussy was. I wasbaffled at how easily Jon’s thick cock slid into me. His cock filled me, and I letout a long, deep, lust-filled moan as the sensations overtook me. “Harder Jon!” Tracy screamed, and Jonlistened, picking up the pace. “That’s good. You guys are so fuckinghot.” I could feel the camera trained on me, and somethingabout Tracy watching us and shooting video was arousing. I had never been asturned on as I was then, with Jon inside me and the first girl I had ever sleptwith watching us do it. I felt like a slut, and that was the most freeingfeeling. I felt like I was flying as I ascended toward the heavens, toward theone true light that would make me cum harder than I had ever cum before. Tracy moved closer to the couch, where she grabbed meby the hair and pulled my head violently toward her pussy. It was an awkwardangle, so she did her best to move to a position that would make eating herpussy easier. I could taste her sweetness, and the combination of being slammedby Jon’s colossal dick and eating her pussy took me dangerously close to yetanother orgasm. My brain was about to explode, but not nearly as close as mypussy was to complete detonation. The explosion of my orgasm still took me by surprise,its sheer force ripping through my body like an earthquake. Every part of metrembled as my screams were muffled by Tracy’s snatch. She held my head inplace, making sure I didn’t get away. I couldn’t breathe! I struggled to breakfree of Tracy’s grip, but I was too weak to fight. I felt like I might pass outwhen something crazy happened. “I’m going to squirt!” Tracy screamed. I wasn’tsure what this meant. I had never seen a girl squirt in real life. I thought itwas some kind of myth or legend until my mouth was filled with Tracy’s juice. Ispit it out, gasping for breath as she finally let go of my head. “I’m going to cum too!” Jon screamed, butwhen he pulled me off of Tracy by the hair and began to ejaculate all over myface, my slut instincts kicked in, and I opened my mouth, eager to taste hiscum. Most of it missed my mouth altogether, but Tracy was right there with hertongue, licking the cum from my cheeks with enthusiasm. When she had lickedevery drop from my face, she gave me a sweet, gentle kiss on the lips that lefta cool tingle. She was so nasty, and it was such a turn on. “That was fun!” Jon smiled. “You two arecrazy.” “Well, you said you wanted rock star sex,”Tracy smiled at Jon. “We just gave you what you wanted. "It’s too bad I have to leave town tomorrow. I’mheading back home to have a visit with my family,” he told her. “Will you come back?” Tracy asked. “Maybe…” he offered. “You said you’d never come back!” I cried.“Please come back so we can do this again!” “I can try, but no one knows what’s going tohappen during this pandemic.” He shrugged. “But after that sex, whowouldn’t want to come back?”I began to cry, softly at first, and then the tearswouldn’t stop.“What’s wrong now?” Jon asked, lookingslightly annoyed at my emotional outburst. “When I close my eyes, you’re walking out thedoor,” I cried. “I don’t want to lose you again.” I was ashamedof myself for breaking down like this, but I hadn’t gotten much sleep over thepast few nights, and my attachment to Jon was a little too intense. I feltterrible about it, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself from loving him and beingobsessed with him. I would never have shared any other guy the way I just hadwith Tracy. I would have done anything for Jon, but at the same time, I wasalways pushing him away because I knew he was going to leave me. He had to goon tour and do interviews and record his music. He had no time for me unlesshis cock was in me and he had another girl with him. I was insignificant tohim. My sobs got louder, and Tracy moved to my side and hugged me.“I think we all know that you need something morethan just one person,” Jon reminded me. “We’ve talked about this,Ray. You’re a great girl, but you’re not really my type.” “Why?” I screamed. “Because I’m aslut?” “I think I should go…” he said, standing upand putting his pants back on. “No! I didn’t mean for you to go!” “I’m sorry, ladies. Tracy, it’s been fun.” Hegave her a hug. “No, John! Don’t leave me.” “Ray, I have to go. The sex was amazing. It’s just,I’m looking for something more too.”“What? What are you looking for?” I beggedhim to tell me why I wasn’t the one, why I wasn’t right for him. “I’m looking for someone I can love. I’m lookingfor a monogamous relationship with someone who wants the same things asme.” “I could want the same things!” “Could you?” I thought about it, and I knew he was right. I was aslut, and he was a musician that was always gone. I couldn’t sit around waitingfor him to have time for me. I would cheat on him a million times with amillion cocks. It would never work, and this realization hit me. “That’s what I thought. That’s why I nicknamed youSting Ray.”“He did!” Tracy laughed. “String Ray? Why?” I laughed.“You blow through men faster than anyone girl I’veseen. All the guys from last night are in love with you, but you don’t give afuck about them, do you?” Jon asked. “No, not really…I don’t even rememberthem.” It was true. Jon was right. It was me. I was the trainwreck. I wasthe stingray. “You’re not like that with me, though, right,Ray?” Tracy asked. “No, of course not.” Jon gave me a look. “Okay, maybe a little. Maybe it’s just the coke.Let’s do some more. Jon, can’t you stay for one more round, just onemore?” I begged him. “I suppose if it doesn’t take long. I’ve got topack all my things today.”“I’ve already got your lines on track, Jon.”Tracy gave me a conspiratorial wink. Tracy must have known how I felt aboutJon, and I wondered if she felt the same way about him. There was just somethingabout Jon that compelled women to lose their minds. I would enjoy this lastfuck with him, but I knew as soon as he left town that I would implode. I wouldfuck as many men as I could find to fill the void of his loss. I would embracehow I used men and embrace my insecurity by taking as many drugs as I could getin my system. I didn’t know if I would fuck Tracy again after this or if shewould be the only girl I ever fucked. Perhaps this would open up a whole newrealm of possibility, that is if I remembered any of this in the morning.This story was written by Jennifer Johnson: -- source link
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