efon-sanguinbull:Emergency Transfer[horror sci-fi erotica with alien impregnation]“Lizzy, be reasona
efon-sanguinbull:Emergency Transfer[horror sci-fi erotica with alien impregnation]“Lizzy, be reasonable,” Dean, my loyal assistant insisted, trying to stop me. Why did I ever tell him to call me Lizzy? It seemed like a good idea to be friendly, as we would be spending a lot of time together, but now it just irritated me that he was being so informal. I was his superior; he should be calling me Elizabeth, or Doctor Parentis not Lizzy. But I ignored him and his use of my nickname, and just continued towards my objective as he similarly continued to try and talk me out of it. “Dozens of soldiers and scientists all failed to get any response from the altar.”“But they were all male,” I insisted as I keyed myself into the chamber that I wasn’t officially authorized to enter. “This is an alien technology that is both ancient and far beyond our understanding. All the controls appear to be bioelectrical, so you know there must be a chemical reaction needed to activate them.”“But why would they care about what sex the user is?” he insisted, following me into the freezing cold room, looking nervously over his shoulder as if anyone else was going to be awake at this God-awful hour. He still hoped he could talk me out of my foolish self-experimentation, but he was dead wrong. “There are at least a hundred more tests already scheduled for tomorrow. I’m sure your suggestion…”“Will be thoroughly ignored for weeks,” I finished for him. Dean was a good kid, and a solid assistant with an incredibly bright head on his shoulders, but he was too concerned with following the rules instead of listening to his gut. I could tell just by his tone that he agreed with my assessment of the artifact, but that damn fool Professor Andres was as stuck up and bigoted as he was incompetent. Sometimes fools fail upward, that old geezer was a perfect example of it being named Lead Researcher. “You better get out of here now, Dean,” I told him, “It’s better that you have plausible deniability.“ He looked like he was going to argue, so I just cut him off, sternly looking at the young man that was only being earnest in his warnings. "Go!" And that scared him off finally. I smiled as he scurried back down the hall, happy to have gotten assigned such a decent assistant.I’ll admit, it was reckless of me to break into the control chamber in the middle of the night, but there was only so long I could take being completely sidelined on this expedition. Being able to investigate the alien vessel that had been discovered deep in the Antarctic ice was a once in a lifetime experience. Hell, it was a once in an eon experience, the first and probably only time in all of humanity anyone would ever get a discovery like this! With any luck, I’d be proven right, and asking for forgiveness would be the last thing anyone even cared about. If I was wrong I could always claim this was just me going off on a woman’s whim and they’d simply reprimand me.Of course, the worst that could happen would be getting kicked off the team and sent back to my lab, but even that would have been better than just being constantly ignored simply because I didn’t have a penis. Either way, I was still going through with this and stepped into what we determined was the control chamber of the spaceship, and it took my breath away. The large open room had only one feature, the nearly smooth ‘altar’ that had several small indents that seemed to be some kind of controls."This is it,” I whispered to myself, doubting all my scientific knowledge and the reasoned assumptions that had led me to this moment. I bit my lip and extended my bare hand to touch the centermost indent and the fact that almost immediately a light came on proved me gloriously correct. “Yes!” I shouted at the top of my lungs and started trying to decipher the meanings of the shapes and colors of the indicators lighting up. I went to move my hand, completely oblivious to the fact that the previously smooth surface had morphed and changed, actually surrounding my hand, locking it inside the device.I should have been scared or at least concerned, but stupidly I was more amazed by what I assumed must be some kind of advanced nanotechnology that looked straight out of a movie. I just stood there, watching the black surface crawl up my arm, and before I could freak out I heard the computer ‘speaking’ to me.'Valid User Found’ I felt, not hearing with my ears, but felt through my arm, and then reverberating in my mind. 'Initial Interface Accepted. Beginning Full Integration Process,’ it relayed to me, and that’s when my primal fear instincts finally kicked in.“Abort! Cancel! Stop!” I yelled uselessly at the computer, hoping it could understand me back, connected as it was with my thoughts somehow.'Emergency Protocols Enabled. Abort Override Disabled.’ I felt an echo in my skull as the tendrils of oily blackness flowed up my shoulder. My hand was tingling, and I wondered what it was doing to me. My mind raced a mile a second, realizing there was no way out of this physically; if I was getting out of this alive I would have to do it with my brain.“Emergency?” I thought hard, now realizing my feet were also now immobilized with the blackness already climbing my thighs. “Computer, define parameters of emergency and purpose of integration process!" Nothing happened at first, and my useless struggles were just a reflexive action now since I already knew with complete certainty that I was at the mercy of the ancient alien computer.'Reactor Offline,’ it told me, and I felt the slightly warm ebony nanites coursing up my neck. 'Primary Reserve Offline.' Shit, this was taking too long! I opened my mouth to say something, but the coppery tasting material moved in, forcing my jaw to stick open as it invaded my body. 'Emergency Reserve At Point Zero Two Percent,’ it continued, but I was unable to do or say anything anymore. 'Estimated Remaining On-State Time, Sixteen Minutes, Thirty-Two Seconds.’For just a moment, and I know it was stupid, I wondered how it knew my units of measuring time. Then I realized it also had been communicating to me in English already, so obviously, it was somehow connecting directly to my brain already. I should have understood that it was my own brain filtering its messages to me, and I closed my eyes in terror as it finally engulfed me. I wasn’t sure what I expected to happen next, but it wasn’t waking up in a field with Dean standing over me, both of us completely naked."Greetings, Elizabeth,” he said happily smiling much more than I’d ever seen the young man do in real life. “I’m sorry for the discomfort of the emergency integration process, but time is short and our power is nearly depleted.”“This is a virtual construct,” I answered, standing up and started to cover my nakedness, then realized how silly that was. This wasn’t Dean, but an A.I. speaking with me.“Yes, it was necessary to complete the transfer,” he explained. “The process will be completed shortly, after the necessary preparations, but with systems so short of power the chance of completing it in time is only sixteen percent.”“I want to help you!” I exclaimed, not even knowing what I was volunteering for. “What is this transfer? How can I help?" I hoped that showing the computer some goodwill might make it see reason and just talk with me rather than hold me prisoner in this virtual world."Your assistance would allow the premature shutdown of the integrated matrix and the security restraints…” Dean kept the same over-enthusiastic grin on his face and tone in his voice, so it was hard to make out of this was it agreeing, thinking it over, or rejecting my proposal. “Power savings would boost successful transfer chances by fifty-seven percent at current and taking. Unfortunately, we would have no assurances on your continued compliance, and reinitiating the process would result in a negative chance of successful transfer." It was thinking it over! All I needed to do was convince it I would do whatever it wanted and it would let me go."You can clearly read my thoughts,” I reasoned quickly, knowing time was of the essence. “You know I’m being honest. Just tell me what it is you need me to do, and I will do it.”“Very well,” Dean answered happily. “Our race was attempting to evacuate our star before it achieved supernova status, sending out dozens of seed ships to every star system with the chance of a Terran planet. Each ship had the primary purpose of repopulating our race by any means necessary, but this ship experienced severe damage to its biological reserves. We were only able to sustain several embryonic specimens in cryofreeze, and a small number of nursemaid nanites. Those nanites are currently altering the chemical balance on your uterus to accommodate the four remaining embryos which are being thawed from cryofreeze in preparation for the transfer.”“Wait, is that why you wouldn’t activate until you had a female?” I asked, shocked with the knowledge that this alien computer actually intended to impregnate me with the last survivors of a possibly extinct race of his creators.“Correct. The current chance of compliant transfer success is forty-nine percent. For this to be achieved the integrated matrix will be dissolved, and the security restraints permanently deactivated. All remaining available power will be used to finish the maximum safe intrauterine alterations and thawing of the embryos, but they will need to be transferred manually.”“I understand,” said confidently. I’d never once actually considered having children, as that would have ruined my career. Plenty of men had tried to woo me in college, despite how no one had in high school, but they were all interested in rutting mindlessly, giving up on the higher pursuits of the mind. Even after I became a teacher, some men still thought me an easy 'score’, parading their credentials around like fools to impress me and get me out of my clothes, but none of them had succeeded. Now I, by luck or by fate, was going to be able to mother the last survivors of an alien race, possibly extinct for millions of years? You couldn’t pay me enough to accept!“Compliance accepted,” Dean answered. “Intrauterine preparations complete. Security Restraints deactivated. Embryonic injector prepared in thirty seconds. It must be inserted fully into the vaginal cavity within sixty seconds of issuance. Integration matrix shutting down in three…” he began, but I cut in.“Do you have any written records of your people?" I asked quickly, figuring this was my last chance to get anything of significance from the A.I. other than for alien babies."Two,” Dean said, utterly ignoring me as the field started to dissolve around us.“Any history or knowledge we can learn from at all?” I begged, everything going dark, even my body vanishing, only Dean’s face left hovering disembodied in front of me.“One,” he said and his face started to vanish before my eyes into the darkness.“Survival is more than just biology, it’s history and science!” I screamed desperately at the nothingness now engulfing me. For just a moment nothing happened, but then I saw an image of a memory card, which I thought odd, and then I gasped for air, opening my eyes for real since I was assaulted by the oily black tentacles from the altar.The altar was completely gone, a pile of black mush now coating the ground, and all that remained was a small memory card and a silver tube that looked exactly like a common dildo. I fell to my knees, realizing I was still completely naked as my clothes must have been dissolved as well. More importantly, my crotch was drenched and tingling with the sensation of having had something inside of me. I knew it had violated me in order to inject the nanites and whatever other chemicals it needed to genetically modify my womb to make it suitable for sustaining those precious alien lives, but now realizing it had literally raped me caused my body to undergo a reaction I had trouble understanding. I simply couldn’t rationalize how turned on I was.“Fuck,” I muttered to myself, knowing what I had to do next, what I’d agreed to, what must happen, but my fingers and hands shivered as a tsunami of pleasure crashed over my body, making me sweat, and rocking me to the core. I’d had orgasms before, all induced with vibrators that I had purchased, able to do things that no man was physically able to do, but this was different. I reasoned that maybe it was the chemicals inside me causing this reaction, or that this super-intelligent A.I. had after like the most powerful vibrator ever constructed, but I had a strange suspicion that neither of those was the case. I was cumming from having been taken against my will, and knowing I was about to willingly impregnate myself.The silver dildo beeped angrily, reminding me that time was limited, so I snatched it up, sat on the cold metallic floor, and spread my legs. It was warm to the touch, and that made the insertion easier. I eased it in and out slightly, mostly it of habit from using my vibrator, but I mostly used that one the surface, as stimulating my clitoris usually achieved greater results for me than penetration, so my vagina very rarely took anything larger than a tampon inside of it, and again, more pleasure exploded through me.“Shit!” I shivered out as another powerful orgasm ripped through my body. Why did it have to pick now to finally decide to be turned on? I needed to finish this, but all I wanted to do now was pleasure myself like never before. The device poking into me started beeping faster, and I knew it was about to release its payload, and I had to be ready. With a grit off my teeth, I drove it deep inside me and laid my palm flat against its base, covering my labia to hold it in place, even closing up my legs to lock my hand in place while it did its thing, and my body did it’s own thing, cumming for yet a third time in these last sixty seconds.I collapsed on my side, my cheek and shoulder getting as numb as my ass on the frigid metal surface, as I just lay there panting for breath. I stayed there for minutes, just focusing on breathing and keeping the alien inseminator wedged deep inside of me for as long as possible to ensure it had every chance to finish doing everything it needed to do. I knew on a scientific level that it would be impossible to tell if I was pregnant; the microscopic embryos would be too small to even feel, but somehow I knew it had worked. In my head I could see four single-celled, blooming and multiplying, attaching to the inner walls of my uterus to form umbilical connections to my body for the sustenance they would need to continue to grow. I would be the mother to rebirth an entire race of people that had been so advanced as to cross interstellar space and survive their star going supernova.I slowly opened my shivering legs, and moved my numb arms, and noticed that the dildo was no longer in my body, but neither was it anywhere else. “Nanites,” I sighed. Everything else this computer had used so far had been made of them, so naturally, it must have been as well. No doubt it has dissolved inside of me, possibly leaving whatever sustaining nutrients it had behind to ensure the survival of their progeny. But it also meant that I had no proof of its existence, except for what it left within my womb. That, and the memory card.Amazingly the computer had duplicated what appeared to be a standard store-bought three terabyte memory card. It had the brand logo and everything, so I could only wonder what secrets it would contain, but now the very real threat to my health and safety of it being freezing cold in here finally sunk back to my brain. I’d come in wearing several layers of winter clothing, as we were a half-mile under the ice of the coldest place on Earth, and whatever warmth the alien computer had provided me while I was interfaced was gone now. It must still be only three in the morning so the rest of the research team would still be asleep, but I would have to make it across half the base back to my dorm utterly naked without freezing to death. It was heated but mostly kept below freezing to ensure melting ice didn’t damage the spacecraft.I snatched up the card and ran, faster than I ever had in my life, not for fear of dying, but just the thrill and excitement that made my blood pump a mile a minute in my veins. I hadn’t been sure how long I’d been gone, and the fact that Dean had waited up for me like a nervous puppy made complete sense, though I didn’t even consider that when I returned to my quarters.“Lizzy, what happened!” Dean exclaimed, then looked me up and down twice over. “You’re naked!”“I did it! I was right!” I began excitedly, then held up the chip in my hand, “And I got proof!”“What is it?” he asked, looking doubtful at the mundane data storage device in my palm.“I don’t know yet, but I’m sure it’s going to be big!” I answered, setting it down on the table next to my computer. “It activated, just like I expected. Well, not exactly as I expected." Did I tell him everything about what happened to me? About being impregnated with four alien fetuses and raped by a computer? "But I did talk with an alien A.I. in a simulated virtual reality after it interfaced with my brain." Just saying those words sounded ridiculous, but it was all true and Dean didn’t doubt me for a second, just listened to me talk. "They were looking for a new world after their star went supernova, a new place to call home, but their ship was damaged and…” I couldn’t bring myself to tell him what it did to me, or what I voluntarily did to myself.“That’s amazing!” Dean cheered, just as excited about the discovery as I was. “So you were able to download their files? How did you ever get the technology to interface with ours? And you didn’t take a computer with you, so where did the card come…” I shut him up with a kiss. I knew he’d been attracted to me the moment I saw him, and until now I’d considered that one of his shortcomings, being controlled irrationally by his hormonal desires. It had made him uncharacteristically loyal to me these last few months, but it was uncomfortable hearing him jerk off in his bed sometimes in the dead of night while he thought I was asleep.But that is the life of an explorer, tight quarters, and putting up with the annoying idiosyncrasies of your companions in remote locations. For my whole professional career, I’d had to put up with men and their disgusting sexual urges. Unlike us women, they seem to be completely incapable of suppressing them, yet also frustratingly dominated most of the scientific postings. But now for some unknown reason, I desired him more than reason could dictate.As he spoke I had been going through my own deductions and planning for the future. I had no idea how fast my children would grow, and with quadruplets, there would no doubt be other issues. Also, it would be odd to become suddenly pregnant in a location like this without some plausible explanation, and something told me that if I didn’t want to get put on an examination table and cut open I would need to hide my children, at least until they were born. It would still be three to four months, weather depending, before I could get the next transport back to civilization, and by then it may be too late to excuse my… condition.That, of course, was simply how my brain rationalized the course of action I had now undertaken. What that didn’t explain was how my body desperately desired to be close to him. I’ve seen plenty of girls go all goo-goo eyed, weak-kneed, and gushing over a man they were crushing on. Hell, most of the few close friends I’d made growing up had already started families and were on their second or third child by now. Even my own mother was constantly berating me with questions about when I would finally settle down and start a family.Frankly, it had been utterly infuriating as I had much more noble pursuits on my mind, but now I finally understood the reasoning behind it. My body was out of control, making me an utter slave to the hormones coursing through my brain. Between my legs a virtual swamp of juices began seeping out of me, preparing the way for copulation. For some reason having been initiated into a sexual world had changed something in me that I could not contain any longer. It was like a spark that started a flame, and now my body was a raging inferno, only able to be quenched by sexual release.Dean didn’t resist me from making it with him or removing his clothes. Like me, he seemed to be fairly unskilled in such matters, but the length and warmth of his manhood were all that truly mattered as I grasped him in my hand and led him to my bunk. Unlike my vibrators or the alien insemination device, he was pleasantly warm and his eagerness to please was delightful. Our first coupling was disappointingly brief, but my body still happily accepted his genetic donation, even though it was impossible for his seed to take root in my already occupied garden. I didn’t have even one orgasm as I did in the control room, but it still made me far happier than I would have predicted.He apologized for reaching climax before me, but I silenced him with more kissing. He was just out of college, and still at least ten years younger than I was, so I knew from science and popular culture that his refractory would not be very long. Less than an hour or later he was already inside me again, this time driving me to endless depths of pleasure, over and over, so much that I couldn’t imagine how I denied my body this kind of heavenly pleasure for so long. Only after he erupted inside of me once more, long after I’d lost count of the number of times he’d brought me to the brink of insanity, did we finally get to sleep, huddled tightly together with my head on his nearly hairless chest with his sperm drooling out of my throbbing hole, leaking down my thigh.We slept past the breakfast call, missing both of our first staff meetings, and by the looks on their smug and judgmental faces, I knew everyone in the compound must have heard my screams of delight so early in the morning. I didn’t care anymore, and I actually delighted in that pompous ass, Andres, trying to caution me against losing my commission for “unseemly” behavior. For the next three months, I ignored their shock and disappointment as the central controls of the alien ship had seemingly 'melted,’ and didn’t bother to tell them what had happened to it.The memory card was packed so full of data that it would take a lifetime to read, most of it just raw text files of the history of the 'Andri’ people, so many that with both Dean and I focusing all our working time together on them that we’d only just finished an index of the thousands of files, resisting the urge to read more than a few each day. And of course, each of our nights was spent on blissfulness as we practiced and perfected all the many ways our bodies could bring pleasure to each other. By that time I had already been given no choice in the matter of leaving on the next transport ship, but that had always been my plan anyway.When I boarded the plane back to the states with my proud new husband, shamelessly round in my belly with what he assumed was his four children, I wondered when I should tell him that he was going to godfather a new race onto this planet. I wondered if my children would look much different, or adapt to look human. Maybe they would take over the world and bring the human race to ruin. I didn’t think so, but none of that mattered. Dean and I would work to decipher and learn everything we could about their people and teach the children all about them. It was going to be stellar!Thanks for this submission! I hope my followers enjoy it!Love,Jenni -- source link
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