Anonymous said: Hey jenni! Iwanted to ask you if you can write out a story for me. Where a girls boy
Anonymous said: Hey jenni! Iwanted to ask you if you can write out a story for me. Where a girls boyfriendsfriend seduces her because he knows she likes it rough, and knows the boyfriendcan’t provide it for her. If you can provide face smacking pls. And if thesetting can be at like a party? It’s just a fantasy I’ve been on, hopefully itmakes sense. Hi, Anon. This story got away from me. As I was writingit, things unfolded a bit differently than you requested. This happenssometimes. Please forgive me. It’s all there, except the part about it being ata party, and there’s a bit of an addition with the best friend, Ellie. I hopeyou enjoy this anyway. -JenniMy Craving for the Rough Stuff “I love you, Stephanie,” Derek said, his blueeyes fixed on mine. “I love you too, Derek!” I replied, flippingmy long blonde hair over my shoulder before wrapping my arms around his neck.Derek’s tall, lanky frame towered over my own. We had been dating for almost ayear by then, and I was starting to feel like Derek might not be the right guyfor me. “I have to get to class, but I’ll see you tonight,right?” Derek asked. “Yeah! I’ll see you tonight,” I agreed andgave him one last kiss before we parted ways. I turned to my best friend Ellie,who was waiting for me to say my goodbyes to Derek. When we first started dating, I had been sure thatDerek was the one for me. I had pictured us getting married and having babiessomeday, even though that was far down the road. I was serious about him, andmany of my friends thought I was going overboard. “He just likes you because you’re acheerleader,” Ellie, my best friend, and fellow cheerleader pointed out.Ellie was tall with dark, Mediterranean features and high cheekbones like amodel. “He even said that he loves cheerleaders, and that’s why he’sdating you.” “He was kidding!” I defended him. “Do you really think a guy like Derek is ready tosettle down after college? Come on, Stephanie. He’s just not marriage material.You can do better.” Ellie opened her arms to pull me in for a hug. “Oh, I love him, Ellie!” I cried as sheembraced me. Ellie and I had been friends since our cheer tryouts for Freshmanyear. We both made the squad, but now almost four years later, our time ascollege cheerleaders was coming to a close, and it was time to face ouruncertain futures. I knew I shouldn’t have majored in history, but I lovedhistory. It was going to be hard to find a job after college, and it didn’tlook like Derek had his shit any more together than I did. Were all collegestudents this lost? Ellie patted my back in an attempt to soothe me beforeshe said, “Has he gotten any better in bed? You know, like what we talkedabout?” “Oh, my God!” I exclaimed. “Not really!I’ve tried talking to him about it, but it doesn’t seem like he’s into beingrough, even though it turns me on! I even sent him some porn videos where thegirl gets slapped around a little bit during sex.” “How did he respond?” “He told me that he wasn’t into hurting me.Period. Case closed. I don’t think I’m going to get him to do the things Iwant,” I said sadly. “Wow. I thought Derek would be into it now that heunderstands what you actually want.” Ellie gave me a sympathetic look. “I did too. I thought all guys were secretly intobeing rough during sex, but now I’m not so sure. Do you think I’m crazy? Orweird? Is there something wrong with me?” I looked into Ellie’s eyes andbegged her to tell me the truth. I needed to know if I was asking too much. “I think you just have the wrong guy. Most guys I’vehad sex with are into rough sex. The last guy I was with slapped me and calledme a slut while he was fucking me. It was so hot! I came so good!” Ellielooked off into the distance as if she was reliving the rough sex in her mind. “Who was it?” “The guy who was rough with me?” “Yes! Tell me! You never mentioned thisbefore!” I begged her. “Well, that’s because it’s kind of a secret.”“Kind of?” “Well, he didn’t tell me not to tell anyone, but Ithought it would be best if I kept it to myself because it’s someone youknow,” Ellie said mysteriously. “Oh, my God! Who?” “Okay…” Ellie leaned in dramatically.“You can’t say anything to Derek about this, okay?” “Okay, tell me!” I was jumping up and downwith excitement. “It’s Devin.” “Devin Devin? Our Devin?” I asked. Devin wasDerek’s best friend in the world. They were both on the football team and didjust about everything together, just like Ellie and me. While Derek was tall,white, and blonde, Devin was short and stocky with dark hair and brown skin. “Yes, that Devin!” Ellie confirmed. I couldfeel my armpits begin to sweat. I started to feel a bit nauseous, as well.Ellie had fucked Devin. “Oh, my God!” I exclaimed.“I…I…” I was at a loss for words. There was no way that Elliecould have known why I was so upset. I didn’t even know why I was upset. I knewI needed to hold it together for her sake. I could fall apart after she left. “Ellie, I know you came all the way over here tohang out, but I just realized that I forgot about an appointment I have with mytutor down in Sproul Hall. I’m sorry, I have to go!” “Wow, really? That sucks. You want me to walk youdown there?” “No, you don’t have to do that, Ellie. I’ll stopby your apartment on my way home if you want.” “Yeah! I miss our girl time! I have the best moviefor us to watch too!” Ellie tried to get me excited about it. “Awesome! I can’t wait!” I told her, huggingher one last time before walking down the path that would have led me to SproulHall. I waited until Ellie was out of sight before picking up my phone anddialing Devin’s number. “Hey there!” Devin’s deep voice made my pussyinstantly juicy. There was something insanely sexy about the way Devin spoke. Ihad been nursing a secret crush on him for months, but I didn’t dare tell himabout it. I couldn’t do that to Derek. Could I?“Hey. Are you busy right now? I’m all alone andwalking toward Sproul Hall,” I informed him. “I’m totally free. Do you need some help withsomething?” “I do, but you can’t tell Derek. I’ll tell you inperson. Are you free?”“Yeah. I’m at my apartment if you want to swingby. I have the best weed right now if you want to smoke out.” My pussy wastwitching as I imagined Devin smoking weed with me. I couldn’t believe I wasdoing this.“Sure. I can come by, but please remember, Derekcan’t know I’m going there.” “Fair enough. I’ll see you at my place inten?” He didn’t seem upset that I had mentioned hiding our meeting fromDerek. Did he know why I was coming to his house? Could he tell that I wascraving something that Derek couldn’t give me?“Okay, see you there.” I changed my direction to head back up the hill toDevin’s apartment. He was lucky enough to get one of the spacious on-campusapartments that were reserved for Seniors. I had tried to get one, but theyusually went pretty fast. I texted him as I arrived. He opened the door to thebuilding, wearing a muscle tank top and a pair of loose-fitting jeans. “Hey,” he said casually as he reached hishand out for mine to help me up. “Hey!” I said with a little too muchexcitement. There was something about Devin that made me go crazy. I couldn’thelp how I felt about him, but there was a lot of guilt when I thought aboutDerek. I couldn’t cheat on him with Devin. Could I? I was thinking about it,imagining the way he must have slapped Ellie and wishing that I could get hitlike that. Now that I knew about Ellie and Devin hooking up, there was guiltabout fucking over my best friend as well. Not to mention the jealousy I wasfeeling about Ellie and Devin fucking. I knew I had no claim on him, but I alsowasn’t expecting him to fuck my best friend. Nothing made me want him more thanknowing he was fucking Ellie and that he had slapped her across the face. Iwanted to be the one Devin was rough with. “So, what brings you over here today? Weed? Let megrab my bong. Go ahead and have a seat on the couch.” Devin gesturedtoward the plush, brown sofa, and I sat down. “I didn’t come for weed. I actually wanted to talkto you about something, but I mean, I’ll take some weed if you’ve got it.”I sounded nervous, and I tried to smile at Devin to reassure him that I wasokay, but my smile felt forced. “What do you want to talk to me about?” heasked as he returned with a bong in one hand and a jar of weed in the other. Hesat down next to me and began to pack a bowl. “So Ellie and I were talking today…” Ibegan, but I didn’t have the guts to finish that sentence. I looked aroundDevin’s apartment. I had been there plenty of times, but I was always shockedat how much nicer Devin’s apartment looked when compared to Derek’s. It waswell-kept for a guy’s place. I had been to plenty of guys’ apartments wherethey hadn’t cleaned since the day they moved in. It looked like Devin stayed ontop of his chores. The toilet was always clean, and there was a roll of toiletpaper in the bathroom. “Oh yeah? What’s up with Ellie?” Devin asked.I noticed how his body tensed up when he said her name. “She told me she’s been seeing some guy, but shewouldn’t tell me who,” I lied. I wanted to see if he would come clean andtell me about his affair with Ellie or not. “Well, good for her!” Devin said with feignedexcitement. Even his smile was full of tension. “I wonder who it could be…” I trailed offas Devin handed me the bong and a bright red lighter.“Oh, thanks,” I grabbed the lighter andproceeded to take a hit. “It seems to me it’s none of your business whoEllie has sex with unless she wants to tell you who this guy is,” Devinadvised me. “She told me it’s someone I know. It’s driving mecrazy. She never keeps secrets from me!” “Everyone has secrets,” Devin explained.“Not everything is your business.” “She told me that he was rough during sex and thathe slapped her around, even in the face!” I felt my whole body flush andthe wetness gathered in my panties. “Oh, are you worried about her? Like it might betoo rough?” Devin asked as I passed the bong to him. “No, nothing like that. I’m…jealous. I wish thatDerek would fuck me like that, but he won’t be rough with me. He doesn’t likeit, and I’m afraid he’s the wrong guy for me.” I felt tears spring up inmy eyes. I realized how real that fear was.“I’m sure if you talk to Derek, he will give it toyou that way,” Devin said encouragingly. “No. I’ve told him what I want, and he won’t doit. He’s not into being rough with women. If I could find this guy Ellie isfucking, maybe he could fuck me too. Maybe he could give me what I need.” “You have a boyfriend, Stephanie. You shouldn’t belooking for sex from other guys,” Devin tried to make me feel guilty forwanting what I wanted. “I know… it’s just I want a guy that will slapthe shit out of me and call me a slut while he’s fucking me. I want some good,hard sex with lots of roughness and maybe even some degradation. I don’t know.I’m just tired of making love all the time. Sometimes a girl just needs to bemanhandled.” Devin was giving me his full attention, his full lips pursedin an expression of strong will.“Well, if you weren’t my best friend’s girlfriend,I might be able to help you out,” Devin said with a shrug. “Oh, I’m not trying to get you to fuck me, but Iam starting to think that maybe I should break up with Derek if he’s not intothe same things as me. I have been craving someone that can actually hurt me alittle bit, and Derek won’t even give it a try. It’s got me cravingsomething…”“What are you craving?” Devin set the bongdown, and I could feel his intensity as our eyes met. “I’m craving a big, fat cock that punishes me. Iwant to be used completely by a guy that knows how to abuse me a bit. I missgetting fucked hard and fast. I miss fucking, you know?” I searchedDevin’s eyes with my own, willing him to give me what I needed. “Have I ever told you how fucking hot youare?” Devin asked me. “No. You haven’t.” “You’re fucking hot, Stephanie. If I fucked you, Iwould rough you up good. I would slap that pretty face and then jizz all overit.” I could see that Devin’s cock was hard in his athletic shorts. “I wish you would. I love getting cum all over myface, but Derek never gives me facials.”“That’s a shame. What a waste of a perfectly goodslut.”“Yeah. I just want someone to use me. Um, can Iuse your bathroom?” I asked quickly, realizing that my panties were soakedwith the wetness from my pussy. I needed to take them off immediately.“You know where it is?” “Yeah. I’ll be right back.”“Wait. Did you pee your pants or something?"I looked down at my light gray leggings. The wetness had seeped throughmy panties, and now there was a wet spot. I was mortified. "Um, no. I just got so wet thinking about gettingsmacked around while I get fucked. I’ve been so horny,” I admitted. “Maybe I should help you with that,” Devingave me the naughtiest look. It told me everything I needed to know. He wantedto fuck me, and all I had to do was let it happen. “Maybe you should.”“Come here!” Devin grabbed me, pulling meroughly toward him until our lips were less than an inch apart. “I’vewanted your pussy so much.” “I’ve wanted your cock!” I fired back atDevin. Our lips met, and I let his tongue dance with mine. I felt like I wasmelting into the floor, my body held up by Devin’s strong arms. “Then let’s get you what you want,” Devinsuggested. He hoisted me up into his arms and carried me to his bedroom. Igiggled with delight as he threw me onto his bed. “Damn, your body looksamazing. You’ve been working out,” he added. “Thanks. I have!” “I’m going to give you another workout,”Devin smirked as he pulled my leggings off of me and then my soaked panties.“Damn, you really do get wet and horny, don’t you?” “Yeah, I do. You bring out the wetness inme.” I laughed, but I saw that Devin wasn’t laughing with me. He was deadserious as he slipped out of his clothes. I took my top and bra off. Devin wasfacing away from me, toward the hamper where he actually threw his dirty clothes,unlike Derek, who left his clothes in piles all over his floor. I brieflythought of Derek, and a pang of guilt erupted from deep inside of me. I pushedit away, not wanting to give up the moment I was having with Devin. “You okay?” Devin asked as he turned around.I wasn’t prepared for how big his hard cock was, and I gasped. “Yeah! I’m okay. Better than okay, actually.”“I’ve wanted to hook up with you since the dayDerek introduced us,” Devin admitted as he climbed onto the bed andstraddled me. He leaned down and touched his lips to mine. A current of lustswelled inside of me, and I knew that there was no turning back now. I couldn’twait to feel Devin inside of me, and I wasn’t going to think about Derek now. Iwas going to let myself enjoy this. “Me too!” I admitted to Devin and to myself.I hadn’t realized how much I wanted Devin because I had been so focused onDerek. Now, with Devin’s cock hovering between my legs and aiming for my pussy,I knew. I needed this. “You ready?” he asked, his cock poised at theentrance to my pussy.“Yes. Fuck me! Fuck me hard and use my body!”I screamed loudly. “As you wish!” he snarled a bit before hesunk his cock deep inside of my hole. His hand reached up and found my neck,where he gave it a hard squeeze. I couldn’t breathe, but the way he looked downat me sadistically made my pussy spurt with new wetness. I was already close tocumming, and as my air supply ran out, my orgasm began to take over. I shookfrom deep within, the tremors stretching out into my limbs and up to my brain.I gasped for breath, my hands reaching up to grab his wrist. I attempted topull his hand from my neck, but he held it there, squeezing it tightly until mygasps for air became eerily faint. I felt like I was about to pass out, butthen he let go, and the air filled my lungs. That was when I came. It wasn’t just any old orgasm.This was the orgasm that changed my entire life. It made me realize that Derekwas never going to be enough for me and that I needed more. I needed to be chokedout like this. “You okay?” Devin asked. “Yes. Choke me again!” I begged. “Damn! Someone is a bit kinkier than I thought.You like it rough then?” he asked, and I nodded. “That’s what Ithought,” he snarled. “I’m going to fucking give it to you the wayyou like it then!” I braced myself, not sure what he was going to do next.His fingers found my nipples, and he twisted them brutally as I screamedbeneath him. The pain turned into pleasure, and the pleasure twisted itself upinside of me, filling my body with an ambivalence that turned to powerfulorgasms and shook me to my core. Devin panted like a dog as he thrust his cockin and out of me with brutality I had never experienced. His hand moved back tomy neck and squeezed. I made a few gurgling sounds as my body reacted,cumming harder on his cock than I had ever cum in my young life. This was myfirst taste of what I had been craving and missing in my relationship withDerek. A part of me was scared that Devin would push too far and hurt me toomuch, but I wanted to know what it was like to be manhandled, and he waswilling to do it to me. He pulled his hand from my neck, and magically, I cameagain. I screamed so loudly that I was sure the whole apartment complex couldhear me. “You like being my little slut? Huh?” heasked me.“Yes!” I screamed as his cock continued tofuck me. I couldn’t help but think that Derek would have already cum by then.Devin, on the other hand, was just getting started. He was battering andbruising my insides with the viciousness of his dick as if he could go onforever. “Say you’re my little slut!” he commanded me.“I’m your little slut!” “How big of a slut are you for me?”“I’m the biggest slut for you! I’ll do anythingyou want!” I screamed. “Anything?” “Yes!” “Good, you little cunt!” His hand whippedback, and before I realized what was happening, I felt the sting of his handslapping my face. My head whipped to the side as I realized that he had justclocked me across the face. His cock was still incessantly pounding my pussy.“That hurt!” I complained. “You asked for this, you little slut!” Devinslapped me again with his right hand, then followed that with a slap from hisleft hand. I was in shock, and I was worried that I had gotten into something Iwasn’t prepared for. “I want you to keep these legs open for me, andevery time Derek leaves you horny, I want you to text me and tell me you’recoming over. Do you understand?” “You want me to keep fucking you!” I tried toshow him that I understood, but I felt like my brain was scrambled orsomething. I couldn’t think straight, and the more he slapped me around, themore confusing everything became. “Yes. This is my pussy now, do you understand?This is my fucking pussy!” He grabbed handfuls of my blonde hair andpulled. “Ouch!” “This is what you’re good for. You’re going to letme cum inside you, aren’t you, you dumb cunt?” I didn’t answer fastenough, and so he slapped me. “I said, you’re going to let me cum insideof you. Right? Answer me!” “Yes! I’m your slut! You can fuck me whenever youwant.” “That’s a good girl. Now flip over. I want you onyour hands and knees,” Devin commanded, and I scrambled to quickly getinto the position he wanted. I was exhausted from all of the orgasms he hadgiven me, but he wasn’t done with me yet. “Like this?” I asked. He slapped the shit out of me. “Yes, likethat.” Devin tried to insert his cock into my pussy frombehind, but it wouldn’t go in smoothly. My pussy was already getting swollenfrom the way he had been fucking me. He forced his cock in, and there was amixture of pleasure and pain that filled my senses. He started off slowly butquickly found a pace that was too much for me. I came hard, and as soon as thatorgasm ended, the next began. I couldn’t control the sounds that my body wasmaking or hide the fact that my pussy exploded with pleasure every time Devinslapped me.I knew that he was using me for my pussy and takingwhat he wanted from me. I liked how vicious he was with me, and I wished Derekcould take some lessons from Devin. If Derek was just a little more like Devin,then maybe it could have worked. Now, I was confident that I could not go backto fucking a guy like Derek after fucking Devin. Devin was still hammering away at my pussy like Ibelonged to him. He reached down to pinch both of my nipples before spanking myass cheeks until I was sure I wouldn’t be able to sit down the next day. All ofthis was making me cum, orgasm after sweet orgasm wracking my body. I wasdelirious, unsure how much more I could take but too proud to tap out. I hadasked for this, and Devin was giving it to me. I wondered if he fucked Ellielike this and if she liked it more than I did. I wondered if she was scaredlike I was. As if he could read my thoughts, Devin leaned down andgrowled right in my ear. “This is my fucking pussy. My pussy. It belongsto me! Do you hear me?” “Yes!” “Say it’s my pussy!”“It’s your pussy, Devin!” “Who does your pussy belong to?” “You!” I screamed. “Who does this asshole belong to?” Devinasked me, roughly shoving a finger into my tight, little hole. I wasn’t reallyinto anal, and Derek had accepted this. What would Devin do if I told him no? Iwas about to find out. “No one! I don’t do anal!” I explained. He paused for a moment, his cock going a bit softinside of me. He grabbed me by the head, twisting it toward him until it wasuncomfortable for me. His eyes locked onto mine. “You are doing anal, and your ass belongs to me.Do you understand?” “I…I don’t know!” “Wrong answer, bitch!” Devin’s eyes flashedwith anger, and he grabbed me by the back of the neck and pushed my face downinto the bed. His cock was pushing against my asshole, and he stopped to addsome lubricant, careful to keep my face pinned to the bed. “Stephanie’sfist anal experience!” Devin laughed. It wasn’t my first time doing anal, but there was noway to explain this. Devin’s cock pushed into my ass, and I felt the searingpain instantly. I began to scream, but Devin simply pushed my face further intothe bed. “Whose asshole is this?” he screamed.“Yours!” I screamed into the bed. “That’s better, you fucking slut. Stick that assup in the air and let me use it. Let me fucking use that body the way it’ssupposed to be used! Take my cock in your ass, you dumb bitch!”I had never been insulted like that during sex!Something about the way he was forcing me to do things I was afraid of made mecum even harder than I intended to. I could feel the wetness from my many, manyorgasms beneath me, and the repetitive pounding of Devin’s cock in my ass. Iwas exhausted, and I couldn’t fight, even if I had wanted to. Devin waseverything that Derek was not! I realized that I wouldn’t be able to stay awayfrom Devin’s dick now that I knew he would genuinely use me. Being used and abusedin bed had always been a turn on, but I wasn’t prepared for how many orgasms Iwould actually have when it happened. “I’m so close to cumming, slut. Listen closely.I’m going to pull my dick out of your ass. I want you to open your mouth andlet me cum on your slutty tongue. Can you do that?” “Yes!” I answered quickly. I felt Devin’s cock slip out of my ass, and then he waskneeling over me, his cock aimed right at my face. “Open your mouth!” he growled.I opened my mouth and watched as his dick began to spewcum everywhere. It hit me right in the face, some fell on the bed, and someended up in my mouth. The bitter taste of Devin’s jizz filled my mouth, andthen his cock followed. I hadn’t been expecting the taste of my own ass on hisdick, and I recoiled a bit as I realized what he was making me do. “Ugh!” I spit his cock out. “Oh, you’re not done! Clean my dick, slut.” “I don’t want to.” “Do you want me to fuck you again?”“Yes.”“Then do it, or you’re not coming back here.”I thought about it, weighing my options but ultimatelywrapping my lips around his cock and sucking him clean. I knew that I wouldn’tget away with calling the shots like I did with Derek. I would have to play byDevin’s rules if I wanted to keep cumming on his dick. When his cock wassufficiently clean, we got up and began to dress. Devin’s phone was blowing up,and he reached for it and smiled as he read the message that had just come in. “Who is it?” I asked, wondering how manygirls Devin fucked regularly. I thought of Ellie briefly and realized what Ihad just done. I had just fucked my best friend’s fuck buddy, and I had justcheated on my boyfriend. “It’s my mom, actually,” Devin replied, but Idoubted that it was his mom. In my mind, it was Ellie or one of the many womenthat Devin stuck his cock in. “Oh, well, I should go then so you can talk toyour mom.” “It’s cool. You can hang out more if you like. Wecan fuck again in a little bit.” “I should get back to my dorm. Derek is supposedto come over later, and Ellie and I were supposed to hang out,” I grabbedmy shirt and pulled it on. “Tell Ellie I said hello,” Devin smirked inmy direction. “Oh, by the way, she did tell me who the guy wasthat was fucking her so good,” I looked around his bedroom, making sure Ihadn’t left anything. “She did, did she? Is that why you came overhere?” He looked a bit disappointed. “I had to find out for myself after she told meyou slapped her right across the face.” “I can slap you some more if you like,” Devinnow had a twisted grin on his face. “Get on your knees.” “No! I have to go.” “I’ll tell you when you’re done, Stephanie. Onyour knees. Now.” I dropped to my knees and opened my mouth. Devin’s cockwasn’t quite hard as it entered my mouth, but it was nice and hard when it hitthe back of my throat. “I’m going to use every one of your fucking holesfrom now on, slut. Do you understand me?” “Yes!” “Who does your mouth belong to?” “You!” I tried to scream, but my words weremuffled by Devin’s cock down my throat. He fucked my face with all his might,using it the way he had used my pussy and ass. I was nothing but a set of warmholes for him to fuck, and he was enjoying it. He slapped me across the face afew times, and I could feel my juices dripping down my legs in response. The doorbell rang. “It’s open!” he called, and I tried to get upand scramble to my feet. Devin’s hands on my shoulders pushed me back down tothe floor. His dick was still in my mouth, and his sadistic smile was evenbigger than it had been before. “I knew my plan would work,” a voice camefrom the corner of the room, a voice I knew well. It was Ellie!“You were definitely right. She played right intoour hands,” Devin agreed. “She played right onto your dick!” Ellielaughed. I was confused and must have looked it. “Oh. You haven’t figured it out yet, Stephanie? Iset you up. I knew if I told you Devin was an abusive fuck that you’d have totry him out for yourself. "Tell her why you set her up,” Devinencouraged her as he continued to fuck my face. “Oh, yes, of course. I set you up because I wantedto have a threesome with you and Devin. I know you asked me to join you andDerek, but you’re always complaining that he’s not rough enough. So, I found usa guy who could really make things fun. Are you mad?” Ellie asked. “She can’t answer right now. She’s got a dick downher throat. Maybe you should come sit on her face while I fuck her ass?”Devin tentatively asked Ellie. “I’m here for it!” Ellie exclaimed.“I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.” I wanted to ask a million questions, but there was notime. Before I knew it, Devin was fucking my ass, and Ellie was eating mypussy. Devin continued to be rough with me, but what was more shocking was whenEllie joined in. She roughly twisted my nipples and then gave me a hard slapacross the face. “Is that how you like it, you little slut? Whatwould Derek think?” Ellie taunted me, and they both laughed. The wholesituation was ludicrous. Ellie was my best friend, and yet she was somethingmore now. She enjoyed hurting me and tormenting me, and I noticed she enjoyedthe way Devin tormented her as well. After a while, it wasn’t weird anymore. Irealized that my best friend had tricked me into this because she knew I wouldlike it. She also knew I had been afraid to pull the trigger, and I was hidingin my relationship with Derek. Derek would never do any of the things that wewere doing now. Devin pulled his cock from my ass and then moved into aposition where he could cock slap me. Ellie giggled and then gave my face a fewslaps of her own before burying her face back in my pussy. She knew how to makeme cum. Maybe it was the fact that we’d been best friends for four years, orperhaps it was something more. We were deeply connected, and I was enjoyingmyself more than I ever had with Derek. “Now it’s your turn to eat my pussy,Stephanie!” Ellie sat on the bed with open legs, waiting for me. “I’ve never done it before,” I reminded her. “I know. Just do your best. I’ve been waiting forthis moment for so long,” she admitted.“Me too,” Devin chimed in.I took a tentative lick of Ellie’s pussy and realizedthat it was perfect. It tasted sweet, and it was okay. Ellie was my bestfriend, and she was sharing her fuck buddy with me. I knew it would all be okayin the end. Maybe I would dump Derek, or perhaps I would stay with him.Possibly one day, he would be the fourth person in this mix. It didn’t reallymatter. All I knew was that I wanted more of this rough sex I was having withDevin and Ellie. “Suck his dick, you slut!” Ellie screamed atme. I took my tongue from her clit and wrapped my mouth around Devin’s cock.“Get him nice and hard, so he can fuck me!” I did as Ellie asked, and when he was ready, Devinflipped Ellie over and entered her from behind.“Come over here, Stephanie. I want you to climb ontop of Ellie. I’ve always wanted to do a pussy stack,” Devin smiled. I didas he asked, and I felt like we were being used for our holes as he dipped hiscock into Ellie and then me. He used whichever hole he wanted, and Ellie and Iwere left to wonder which one he would choose next. It seemed like I had anorgasm every time Devin put his cock inside of me. As I clung to Ellie, enjoying the rough fucking Devindelivered, I didn’t feel weird about fucking them anymore. It felt so right,and I hoped that this would be the first of many fucks we would share. As Devindipped into my pussy, then Ellie’s ass, then my ass, I couldn’t believe howamazing it all felt. The feeling of Ellie’s tits pressed against mine while wekissed was a new revelation. This was precisely what I wanted and needed, andfinally, I was getting what I deserved. “I’m going to cum! Which hole should I pick?”Devin mused out loud. “You should cum on both of our faces!” Elliesuggested. “No, cum all over our assholes!” I chimed in.“Here it cums!” Devin made a primal animalsound, and I felt the warmth of his cum as it hit my ass. Ellie and I kisseddeeply as he emptied himself all over us. When he was finished, he excusedhimself and went to the bathroom, leaving Ellie and I coated in his mess. “So, what did you think of Devin?” Ellieasked with excitement.“He’s everything you said he was and more! Thankyou so much for sharing him with me. How did you know I would take thebait?” I asked. “I’ve known you for four years, Stephanie. I knowwhat you crave.” “So you knew that I’ve always wanted to tryfucking a girl?” I asked her. “I do know.”“But how?” I asked, trying to think of a timeI might have let my curiosity slip out in front of Ellie. “Best friends know things by intuition. I couldsense that this was what you needed,” she explained. “Well, you were right. I’ve needed this for fouryears!” “I also know that you’re going to dump Derek soyou can cum fuck me and Devin all the time. Aren’t you?” Ellie asked. At that moment, my phone rang. I did my best todismount from the bed without getting the cum on my ass everywhere. I fished myphone from my purse and gasped. “It’s Derek!” “What are you going to tell him?” “Nothing! At least not right now. I need to comeup with a plan. What do you think I should do?” “I say take a pic of the cum all over your ass andsend it to him!” Ellie suggested. “No, Ellie! That’s terrible!” “Is it really?” Ellie was up off the bed, andI wasn’t expecting her to grab my phone, but she was fast! She laughedmaniacally as she took a picture of the cum on my ass and sent it to Derek.“What are you doing! Why did you do that?” Iscreamed. “You’ll see soon enough,” Ellie giggled. The doorbell rang, and Ellie smiled. “I’ll go getthat!” she said, walking to the door completely naked and cum still allover her ass cheeks. I was in shock as I imagined how upset Derek was. Istarted to call him back, but I heard something that stopped me. “Is she here now?” I recognized Derek’svoice. I scrambled for my clothes, trying to pull them on and wipe the cum offof my bottom at the same time.“Yes, she’s in the bedroom,” Ellie answered.“Follow me.” I was in deep shit. There was no way I could beentirely dressed by the time Derek walked through the door. I could feel tearsthreatening my eyes. It was one thing to cheat on Derek, but it was another forhim to find out. I was fuming mad at Ellie. How could she send him a pic of mycum-coated ass? “Derek!” I cried as he opened the door. I wasstill half-naked. “Stephanie?” Derek didn’t look angry. Infact, he looked amused. “Wait. Why aren’t you mad?” I asked. I lookedat him, then Ellie. At that moment, Devin walked into the bedroom. “Oh, hey, man!” Devin and Derek did theirspecial handshake. “Will someone tell me what is going on here?”I asked, my confusion growing stronger. “He’s in on it, Steph,” Devin tried toexplain. “Ellie told Derek you needed rough sex, and he let us set this upfor you so you could experience it.”I let Devin’s words sink into my brain until theystarted to make sense. Derek had allowed for this to happen? It didn’t make anysense. “Derek?” I questioned him, wondering if thiscould be the truth.“Yeah, it’s true, baby. I just want you to behappy, and you needed to know if this is what you really like,” Derekexplained.“I do like it! But you don’t. So where does thatleave us?” I asked him as Devin and Ellie looked on.“Look, Stephanie, I may not be into violence, butI’m into satisfying you, no matter how I have to do it. I know my best friendcan help you with the violence, and you can still be my girl. As long as youwant to still be my girl…” he trailed off. I crossed the room, still half-dressed, and threw myarms around Derek. “That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard! I love youso much!” “I love you too, Stephanie. I really do.” Wekissed. “But I definitely want to watch the next round if there isone.” “Oh, there’s going to be the next round!”Ellie chimed in. “You might end up wanting to slap the shit out ofStephanie once you see how much it turns her on!” “We’ll see…” Derek said mysteriously, andthat was enough for me. Derek had surprised me with this little stunt, and Ihad surprised myself. We had a lot to talk about and a lot to work through, butI definitely wanted to work through things with him. I loved him so much, and Icouldn’t believe that he had allowed me to fuck his best friend (and mine), soI could get what I wanted. From that day on, we had some seriously fun foursomes.Derek wasn’t the most violent guy, but he brought something else to the tablethat Devin didn’t. Between the two of them, they were able to fuck Ellie and meinto oblivion. Besides that, I realized that I loved eating pussy and thatwomen were definitely something I craved. Ellie and I had a blast bringing newgirls into our mix, and it was the best Senior year we could have hoped for.I’m not sure what will happen to us now that we have graduated. Still, I canhonestly say my college experience was incredible, and I definitely explored mysexuality to the fullest. This story is by Jennifer Johnson: -- source link
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