one-time-i-dreamt:muffinmuffin42-blog:Please. Please please please read this and reblog! If you supp
one-time-i-dreamt:muffinmuffin42-blog:Please. Please please please read this and reblog! If you support LGBTQ Rights you need to stop scrolling and read this. This is not a fucking joke. If you cant read this, here it is: If you don’t remember Sophie M Herold, she is a German girl, who is extremely homophobic and transphobic. She has found out LGBTQ persons names, addresses, personal info etc. And set up her own database.Her intentions with this are harmful. She is sending out this information, your information, your best friends information, someone you love and care about. She’s sending it to hate groups, malicious people, people with bad intentions.And if you think I’m blowing this out of proportion, people have been kicked out of homes, disowned by families and even MURDERED. Yes, murdered. Innocent people who have done nothing but love.She has had numerous blogs and each have been removed. Tumblr staff are aware of her, and as far as I’m aware she currently doesn’t have a blog, but this does not mean she isn’t still on peoples tumblrs, asking via anon where you live, what your name is.An email I received today. She’s sending out information of same sex couples with children so the children can be kidnapped. She entitled it “Time to strike back”. If that doesn’t suggest harmful intentions I don’t know what does.Please be extremely careful what you post on tumblr, on twitter, facebook, anywhere. Do NOT give out your full name or your address, or even the town in which you live. Look out for one another, and don’t answer any suspicious anons. Especially if they use your name in quotation marks.Sophie M Herold is still out there, she always will be, so please spead this message and warn people. She’s attacking in silence. We don’t need more people dying because of her actions. ======== This disgusting excuse of a human being of needs to stop, but the only way it can be stopped is if you spread this! Please, be aware of any suspicious people or anons asking for personal information. It can get you or your loved ones in SERIOUS DANGER. Thank you. Everyone, please stop tagging me in this post. It resurfaces every few years and people think it’s something current but it’s eight years old.I’ve been on Tumblr for a long time, even before I had this blog so I actually was here for the Sophie M Herold saga and I don’t know who decided to spread this now and fearmonger again, but I haven’t heard even a peep about this person doing anything ever since before this post.People dug up information about the wrong Sophie Herold and used pictures and private information of an innocent girl bearing the same name because of viral posts with unconfirmed information. That girl was harassed and had her information leaked and was doxxed multiple times because people mistook her for this horrible person.What I’m trying to get at is that this post isn’t active and this girl is not messaging anyone on here in 2021. She (or they, because a lot of people at the time thought it was an elaborate hoax) was active on Tumblr in 2011 and possibly the start of 2012 bur hasn’t been since then.I’ve never seen any proof that Sophie M Herold was a real person, by the way. Other than, “trust me, it happened” and a whole lot of people reblogging posts spreading panic, there’s been no proof that things mentioned in this and other posts actually happened because of Sophie M Herold.A lot of people on 2011-2012 Tumblr thought the whole thing was made up to spread panic on here. It worked back then and it continues going on even now, like you can tell based on the notes and people’s reactions. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened, either.The worst part is that all of the people spreading this post (and the person who made this post) have good intentions, want to help people and protect others, and somebody used those good intentions against them and that is not okay! I’m really sorry this is happening again. If somebody tags you in another version of this post, please help us spread correct and up-to-date information about it!The information about internet safety in this post still stands and applies, though. It’s solid advice and all of us should take it! -- source link
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