xllia: i was talking about what certain colours meant in korea recently and blanked on what some col
xllia: i was talking about what certain colours meant in korea recently and blanked on what some colours were. so, in light of that situation, here is the list of colours that i’m revising.♡ basic colours to get started빨간색 - red분홍색 - pink주황색 / 오렌지색 - orange노란색 - yellow초록색 / 녹색 - green파란색 - blue보라색 - purple밤색/갈색 - brown검정색 / 검은색 / 까만색 - black회색 - grey하얀색 / 흰색 - white♡ other colours색 / 색깔 - colour남색 - navy/indigo하늘색 - sky blue적갈색 - maroon연두색 - light green연노란색 - light yellow연보라색 - light purple베이지색 - beige청록색 - turquoise선명한 녹색 - emerald green진분홍색 - dark pink퍼런색 - dark blue아이보리색 - ivory밝은 회색 - light grey금색 - gold은색 - silver청동색 - bronze여러 가지 색 - multi-coloured무지개색 - rainbow♡ sample sentences색깔을 어느 좋아해요? - what colour do you like?이 모자는 노란색이에요 - this hat is yellow오늘은 파란 하늘이 너무 이뻐요 - the blue sky is so pretty today지난 주에 빨간 드레스를 샀어요 - I bought a red dress last week -- source link
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