CRUSHASCOPE SEPTEMBER 2016Every month our resident bruja, Sonia, picks a tarot deck out of her colle
CRUSHASCOPE SEPTEMBER 2016Every month our resident bruja, Sonia, picks a tarot deck out of her collection and picks 12 cards from that correlate to each sign of the zodiac. This is #crushascope for September 2016.Welp looks like Mercury Retrograde is upon us for the next 3 weeks but do not freak out! This is a great time to finish a project, looking inward towards self discovery, and simply just closing the book on unfinished business you may have with another party. So dust off the ol’ to-do list kids and get those QED Reports ready because you are about to get BUSY AF.Sidenote: We gotta a twinkle of hope with a set of solar/lunar eclipses today. Just be aware that Neptune (emotions), Saturn (the IRS of planets), and Mercury (think partially broken iphone until Sept. 22) are gonna make it hard to conjure your spellwork or set a goal. I recommend having a clear piece of quartz for clarity or a nice glass filled with water to help clear the air.You may notice that I pulled 2 cards instead of 1 for certain signs, in this instance I am using what is known as a clarifier card to help me get the best message across to you when I cannot get the whole story out of one card. You can always use up to 3 cards but I do not recommend it unless someone is doing the reading for you.Now without further ado, I present your September #crushascope. –SoniaVIRGO - 4 OF CUPSPatience is needed from you this month. You will find yourself somewhat dissatisfied and wondering how you can escape or perhaps come down on someone. Don’t go nuts trying out new things this month. You need to look inward this month and see what is up with you and what you are feeling. Do not project onto others. Although you do not mean to be harsh the retrograde will not help you get your opinions across so be careful and think before you speak. The energies in Neptune are also making things extra emotional so just chill out and get into a small meditation practice to help your energy flow better.LIBRA - SEVEN OF WANDS / 9 OF PENTACLESSo it looks like i pulled the same card for you this month. If you need a recap of last month’s horoscope it’s here. Looks like you are gonna be stuck for a hot minute but be patient Libra. Your hard work will pay off. Last month I asked you to not second guess yourself. I am asking you again to be confident and trust that things will work out. The end of the month will bring sunshine and a ray of hope. You have been working towards something and it’s been an emotional ride but things will get light for you again. Just remember your vibe and how you approach others will set the stage for you. Don’t be too hard on yourself and just keep things light where you can.SCORPIO - THE HERMITThis month is about self-care Scorpio. Maybe you have been partying too hard or are overworked but you need to practice taking better care of yourself. Focus on boundaries too. You are one person and you cannot do everything at once. Only help the people who aren’t wearing you out. Spreading yourself too thin this month will come back to haunt you. Make your priorities clear. You definitely should use this retrograde to get back in shape and change your eating habits. Also make sure you give yourself some alone time to think.SAGITTARIUS - FIVE OF CUPSOnward and upward! You are feeling major FOMO but truly don’t worry about Sagittarius. The best is yet to come. Ride this retrograde wave out to find new opportunities and solutions waiting for you on shore. It’s been a lot of back and forth and you feel like you may have blown it. Truth is, if it was meant for you it wouldn’t have gone anywhere in the first place. Definitely know that the end of the month looks promising in regards to career and goals. Things are gonna come up Milhouse.CAPRICORN - THE HANGED MANYou are in need of a major inward journey. Take out all the stones, go get some reiki, and get that journal because you are about to embark on the most new agey journey of your life. You seem hasty and want to rush things off. Truth is, you need to lay low. You really need to have a good look at yourself and see how you can change to improve the situation. You are the business class aisle of the zodiac. You are not afraid to get your hands dirty but why can’t you put the same amount of work into your heart? 5 minutes a day of nothing but breathe work and self-care. You can call me in the morning when your aha moment hits.AQUARIUS - EIGHT OF WANDSDo not get distracted by shiny objects Aquarius. You will have a lot of new people coming through the woodwork and perhaps someone from your past will have a potential offer for you. The card is not against you making friends. Just have that sick judge of character you use when your friends meet someone new. Make sure not to commit to any new offers too soon. Get the details and put them in writing. This retrograde will b lucrative for you but pick your battles and words wisely.PISCES - TEN OF SWORDS / THREE OF PENTACLESI promise the bark is worse than the bite. You are feeling overwhelmed. It is okay to ask for help. That is why I pulled that second card for you. It is a hard month with all this outer planetary fuckery. Yeah I ever dropped an f-bomb right now. Truth is you are so sensitive and you are feeling it harder than usual. It is okay to call in a lifeline and have a friend listen or help. It doesn’t make you less than! On the contrary, the vulnerability will be healing and wonderful.ARIES - SIX OF CUPSUse this month to reflect on all you have accomplished. You may thinking, “What have I done really?” You have been helpful to so many but you tend to forget how great you really are. Aries have a loving nature towards their friends, family, and lovers. Make sure to give yourself a big pat on the back because you have managed to give back selflessly on a year that has been rough on so many signs.TAURUS - TEMPERANCETake control of bad situations and gracefully turn them into incredible experiences filled with love and positivity. You have a tendency to have a fixed view but your challenge during this month is to find something good in everything you don’t agree with. It sounds exhausting but it can be rewarding. The problem doesn’t have to be huge. Start small and work your way up. Think of it as a strategy. You’re an alchemist.GEMINI - SIX OF PENTACLES / SIX OF WANDSThe dog days of summer have been exhausting for you Gemini. It’s going to be difficult to get your point across it gain some steam during this retrograde. Miscommunication is going to be a major problem but you can overcome. If you’ve been struggling at work (I know I have) or you just can’t seem to get something right, take a step back and breathe profoundly. The end of the month will prove you to be victorious. It’s gonna be a stressful few weeks but you can overcome.CANCER - PAGE OF PENTACLESYou are going to seek something new this month. It’s good to have the idea to start learning a new skill or find a new job but definitely commit to taking a new course or project after the 22nd. I’m not against looking but do your research. Mercury retrograde likes to pull the wool over your eyes so things aren’t what they seem. The end of the month will show the new prospects you have been looking for. You will get out of your slump.LEO - KNIGHT OF PENTACLES / NINE OF CUPSYou aren’t going to let the planets stop you this month and why should you? You’ve got things to do, goals to set! You’re hard work pays off at the end of the month. You’ve been working so hard and you’re not showing any signs of stopping. I would say of anyone is in the clear from the retrograde madness it’s you Leo, granted you don't have Virgo rising. With that said be patient with those around you as communication may be difficult for them.The nine of cups promises you getting what you want what you really really want. September’s #crushascope was conjured up using Lo Scarabeo Tarot.This month’s artwork is by artist Sara Kinney You can follow her Instagram here. You can also check out her film reel here.About Sonia Ana Ortiz:Sonia Ortiz is American made with Cuban parts. She has been reading tarot for over 20 years. She is a licensed Reiki Practitioner, Bruja, and Graphic Designer. She is the mother of the 2 best tuxedo cats on Earth. You can follow her across all social media at @soniaaortiz. -- source link
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