aprilskyforever: flersprakig-polyglotte:Vinter- Winter Väder: en snö- snow hal- icy / sl
aprilskyforever: flersprakig-polyglotte: Vinter- Winter Väder: en snö- snow hal- icy / slippery sval- cool nysnö- newly fallen snow häftig snölstrom- blizzard en istapp (pl. istappar)- icicle snöa- to snow snöig- snowy norrsken- Northern Lights smälta- to melt snölboll- snowball snölgubbe- snowman snöflinga (pl. snöflingor)- snowflake Kläder: en pjäxa (pl. pjäxor) (variant: skidpjäxa- ski boot)- snowshoes/ boots en snowboard- snowboard en tröja (pl. tröjor)- sweater en rock (pl. rockar)- coat en täcke - blanket en halsduk (pl. halsdukar)- scarf en jacka (pl. jackor)- jacket ull- wool en stickad halsduk- knitted scarf en yllehalsduk- woolen scarf en hatt (pl. hattor)- hat öronmuffar- earmuffs se glove- gloves Verksamhet: ishockey- ice hockey längdåkning- cross country skiing lift- ski lift ett berg- mountain top- mountain peak bastu- sauna skidåkning- skiing skidor/skida- skis julsång- Christmas carol snöskoter- snowmobile skotta- to shovel en shovel (pl. shovlar)- shovel släde- sled, sleigh ren- reindeer Extra: vitt- white mysig- cosy ombönad- snug, cosy en gåva (pl. gåvor)- gift kyler- chills kyla- coldness, cold, chill, cool gåshud- goosebumps pepparkaka-gingerbread julgran- christmas tree jultomten- santa helgdag- holiday förskylining- cold (illness) Gott nytt år! - Happy New Year! Nyårsafton- New Year’s Eve fyverkerierna- fireworks julafton- Christmas Eve This is the first of three winter vocab lists I will be making. Enjoy! if no one minds i’ll add some corrections here! you cannot say “en snö” as snö is uncountable, like milk and gold. you can only put snö in definite form (apart from nominative), and that would be snön. blizzard, snowball, snowman and snowflake - there are no l’s in the middle. it’s (en) snöstorm, (en) snöboll, (en) snögubbe and (en) snöflinga. täcke is an ett-word. gloves are called handskar (singular: en handske) topp is spelled with two p:s a shovel is called en skyffel (and so a synonym to att skotta can be att skyffla) ombonad is spelled with an o förkylning is without the s fyrverkerierna is definitive form plural. indefinite would be fyrverkerier -- source link
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