humans-of-seoul: “고등학교 2학년 때 자퇴를 했어요. 공부에 취미가 없었고, 친구들과도 어울리지 못했거든요. 술 먹고 담배 피우는 학생들이 많았는데, 저랑
humans-of-seoul: “고등학교 2학년 때 자퇴를 했어요. 공부에 취미가 없었고, 친구들과도 어울리지 못했거든요. 술 먹고 담배 피우는 학생들이 많았는데, 저랑은 맞지 않았어요. 공부든, 친구든 학교에 마음 둘 곳이 전혀 없으니까 학교 가는 게 너무 싫더라고요. 그냥 무작정 자퇴를 해버렸어요. 그런데 10대에 갑자기 얻게 된 자유가 되게…어렵더라고요. 다른 자퇴생들은 검정고시 공부나 학교생활 때문에 하지 못한 다른 공부를 하든지 하죠. 근데 저는 그냥 공부와 학교가 싫어서 관뒀기 때문에, 뭘 해야 할지 모르겠더라고요. 인간관계가 좁아져서 결국 집에만 있는 생활을 계속했어요. 그때 길을 잃었죠. 집이라는 세계는 10대 소녀가 새로운 꿈을 꾸기에는 너무 좁은 곳이었으니까요.” “I dropped out during my second year of high school. I wasn’t interested in studying and I wasn’t getting along well with my classmates either. There were a lot of students who smoked and drank, but I wasn’t into that stuff. Since neither friends nor study made me feel like I belonged at school, I hated going. So I just went ahead and quit all together. But all the sudden I was a teenager with too much freedom. Other kids who dropped out were busy studying for their high school diploma, or studying things they couldn’t study when they were in school. As for me, I had dropped out only because of my hate towards study and school, and I had no clue what to do next. Without many friends or connections, I found myself staying at home all the time. Eventually, I lost my way in the world. Home was too small a place for a young girl to find her dream.” -- source link
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