dailyrothko: Bonus Joe Bailey, Photos of Rothkos at a National Gallery  event curated by Betty

dailyrothko: Bonus Joe Bailey, Photos of Rothkos at a National Gallery  event curated by Betty
dailyrothko: Bonus Joe Bailey, Photos of Rothkos at a National Gallery  event curated by Betty
dailyrothko: Bonus Joe Bailey, Photos of Rothkos at a National Gallery  event curated by Betty
dailyrothko: Bonus Joe Bailey, Photos of Rothkos at a National Gallery  event curated by Betty
dailyrothko: Bonus Joe Bailey, Photos of Rothkos at a National Gallery  event curated by Betty
dailyrothko: Bonus Joe Bailey, Photos of Rothkos at a National Gallery  event curated by Betty
dailyrothko: Bonus Joe Bailey, Photos of Rothkos at a National Gallery  event curated by Betty
dailyrothko: Bonus Joe Bailey, Photos of Rothkos at a National Gallery  event curated by Betty