A sister snuggles up in her brother’s bed one night and wakes up to the strangest sensationsI
A sister snuggles up in her brother’s bed one night and wakes up to the strangest sensationsI lay in my bed, shivering slightly in the cold lateautumn night. It had been a very warm day, but tonightwas unseasonably cold. Probably only about 39 degreesoutside, and not too much warmer inside. In theory Icould turn the heat up, but my mom and twelve-year-oldbrother, Brady, were out of town with one of Brady’sswim meets, and the thermostat had a security code onit and I couldn’t turn it up, despite the cold.I was fifteen, I thought. I shouldn’t be having to putup with this.Finally at about 11:00 I got tired of trying to staywarm and thought of a different idea. I pulled on apair of panties and a t-shirt (I normally slept nude),and walked down the hall to the bedroom of my thirteen-year-old brother, Matt, where I knocked on the door.I heard his still boyish voice come from the other sideof the door. “Yeah?”“Can I come in, Matt?”“Sure.”I opened his door and crept inside. In the faint lightfrom the window, I could see Matt covered almostcompletely by his blankets.“Cold?”“What do you think?”I grinned a little while shivering still. “Well,look… I can’t sleep cause I’m freezing my ass off.Can I… well, can I sleep with you so that we can bothstay warm?”“Uh… well, ok, sure.”“Good. Move over.”Matt scooted over and I pulled back his blankets,joining him under them. At first it still felt cold,but after only a couple minutes I warmed up and wassoon feeling nice and toasty.“Oh, this is much better, Matt… thank you.”“You’re welcome, Hannah,” he said, sounding a littlesleepy.I laid on my back, my brother facing the wall of hisbedroom, and eventually drifted off to a nice warmsleep.At some point later, I don’t know for sure when, I wokeup. I didn’t know why, but I was awake. I laid there,totally motionless, wondering what had woken me up whenI suddenly became aware of my brother’s hand movingalong my arm.I wondered why he was doing this and couldn’t figureout how I should handle it. I mean, it didn’t feel BADhaving him touching my arm. It wasn’t any really bigdeal. Perhaps he was sleeping and just doing so in hissleep? That was cool, I guessed. No big deal.Just as I started to doze off I felt my brother’s handmove again and heard him whisper softly, “Hannah?Hannah, are you awake?”I said nothing, just continued to act asleep.Very slowly Matt moved his hand off my arm and down tomy stomach. He moved his fingers gently up from thereuntil they brushed against the underside of one of mybreasts. He shifted his weight a little and slowlytraced his fingers up until his hand was completelycupping my breast.Well, now… this had my attention! I wanted to stophim, but frankly it DID feel good, and he was certainlykeeping me warm, so I suppose I didn’t have too much tocomplain about. Besides, it was kind of sweet in it’sown way. I laid there in this half-asleep state,wondering what else Matt had in mind to do.It wasn’t too terribly long before I found out, as heremoved his hand from my breast and whispered, oncemore, “Hannah? Hannah, wake up.” Ignoring him Iremained motionless.Matt shifted around a little behind me and this time Ifelt his fingers stray down to my panties. My pulsejumped into high gear at this point. I’d had someexperience with boys, but it was mostly limited tomaking out and one of them feeling my breasts, justlike Matt had done. None had ever put their handsanywhere near my panties, despite what they might’vewanted.Matt first moved his hands along my stomach and thenalong the waistband of my panties. I wondered if he wasgoing to try to slip it inside, but apparently not. Allhe did was my his fingers along the surface from thewaistband and down slightly to the top of my pubichair. It wasn’t much, but it felt pretty nice.My brother moved his hand off my panties and I felt himshifting around behind me. It took a moment to figureout what he was doing, but once I puzzled it out, itwas pretty clear he was masturbating.As I laid there in Matt’s bed, trying to figure outwhat to do next, he moved his hand back onto mypanties. “Hannah?” he whispered once more. Matt wasbreathing pretty hard at this point. It was apparentthat he was quite excited by what he was doing. I couldhardly blame him, since I was pretty excited myself.Matt then slipped a couple fingers into the waistbandof my panties. I found myself trying not to hold mybreath as he moved them down until they encountered mypubic hair. He traced his fingertips around in thetangle, and then moved down a little more until hisfingers brushed against my clitoris.Now I was getting REALLY turned on, even if it was mylittle brother who was feeling me up! It still feltreally nice. Besides, there wasn’t really any harm init, was there? It certainly was keeping me warm.Then my brother’s fingers drifted lower, until the tipof one finger was pressing right against my vagina. Hepushed slightly and I felt his finger slide in a littleas he breathed out, whispering, “Oh, wow…”I felt my brother’s bed shaking a little, and hisfinger trembling as it pushed a little more into myvagina, past about the first knuckle or so. Then Mattlet out a little moan and stiffened up next to me. Hewas cumming, I realized.When Matt was done with his orgasm he laid theresilently next to me for a moment, then pulled hisfinger out of me. He moved around a little and, after abit, started breathing like he was sleep.Once I was sure he was sleeping, I got out of his bed,went to the bathroom, masturbated to a quick orgasm ofmy own, and then went back to go to sleep, drifting offwith images of Matt dancing in my head.* * *By the time I woke up the next morning, Matt wasalready out of bed and downstairs. I laid there in hisbed, wondering how much of what had happened last nighthad been real and how much had just been a very vividdream. It certainly felt like it had been real, but howwas I to know for sure? I guessed there wasn’t any realway, unless I talked with Matt about it, and he’d lielike a dog if it were true. Oh, well.When I finally got myself together, and put on someclothes, I went down to where Matt was sitting in theliving room watching TV. I came up to him and gave hima kiss on the cheek.“Thank you!” I said.“For what?”“Letting me sleep in your bed.”“Oh! Sure, you’re welcome.”A thought hit. “If it’s really cold tonight, can I doit again?”“Sure, if you want to.”“I do.”“Ok.”Matt and I went about the rest of our days seprately.We got a call from our mom late in the night who toldus that Brady had made it into the semi-finals in hisswim meet. We were all pretty happy about that, so Imade a special dinner (homemade pizza), for my brotherand I before we got ready for bed.When night rolled around, I was secretly pleased at howcold it was. I told Matt I planned to sleep with himtonight, and he said that was fine. So I went to mybedroom, changed into just a t-shirt and, this time, apair of loose fitting boxers (to make it easier forhim), before I went and joined him in his bed.“Welcome back, Hannah,” Matt said as I got into bedwith him.“Thank you,” I said with a giggle. Then I leaned overand hugged him, feeling his bare chest against me. “Ihate freezing.”Matt laughed. “Me, too. It’s a lot warmer with you inhere with me.”“Yeah.”“Anyhow, goodnight.”“Goodnight, Matt.”I laid on my back, my head tilted away from my brotherand pretended to be sleeping. It actually didn’t taketoo long before I started to drift slowly off, but as Ifelt Matt begin moving next to me I woke entirely up,wondering what he had in mind this time.“Hannah?” he whispered again. I wondered what he’d doif I responded. “Hannah, are you awake?”Upon my saying nothing, my younger brother obviouslyfelt things were ok to go. He placed his hand at thebase of my tshirt and then slipped it slowly up inside.This was new, but it didn’t bother me in the least, andit especially didn’t bother me when Matt moved his handup until it was cupping my breast, my hard nippleagainst the palm of his hand.Matt whispered something under his breath, but I didn’tcatch what it was. Obviously he was pretty happy tohave his hand on me. He pulled his hand back after aminute or two, though, but then he pulled my shirt upenough to expose both my breasts. It moved me aroundconsiderably, and if I hadn’t been awake already, thiswould’ve woken me up.“Wow,” he whispered as he looked at my exposed breasts.I felt him shaking a little next to me and knew that hewas masturbating again. Then he placed a hand over oneof my nipples again, moving it around just a little. Itfelt nice, that was certain.Then Matt did something I really didn’t expect! Heleaned down and I felt his lips against my nipple. I’djust had time to notice that when I felt him startingto suck gently, which REALLY started to get me horny.It was all that I could do to keep from twitching asthe pleasure flooded through my body.Just as I was getting into it, Matt pulled his mouthoff me and pulled my t-shirt back down. He startedshaking a little more, which reminded me of what elsehe was doing on his bed. I tried to picture what itlooked like when Matt masturbated. What his penis mightbe like, etc.Then I felt Matt moving again as his hand came to restabove my panties. Moments later he slipped his fingersunder the waistband, probably very surprised to findrather less hair than there had been the day before.I’d trimmed it down a little during the afternoon.If Matt noticed any difference, he didn’t let on. Hejust moved his fingers down until the tip of oneencountered my vagina. He stuck out one of his fingersand slowly slipped it up inside me, this time until itwas the way in me.“God, that’s nice…” Matt whispered. I felt himstarting to shake big time, and it was pretty clear hewas about to cum. Sure enough, after only a few momentsof him fingering me he tensed up and let out a quietmoan as his climax hit.A few moments later Matt withdrew his finger frominside my vagina. To my surprise he then leaned overand gave me a kiss on the cheek before he laid backand, presumably, eventually drifted off to sleep.I, however, wasn’t at all able to sleep. I’d been hornyall day, and having my brother fingering me and suckingon my breast had been enough to make me REALLY horny. Iwanted to get out of the bed and go masturbate, but Ialso didn’t want to freeze my ass off.Then after about fifteen minutes or so I came up with anew idea. Turning over, I cracked open my eyes and inthe faint light from the window saw Matt laying on hisback, about half his chest exposed from under theblanket.Quietly I whispered, “Matt? Matt?” No reply.I grinned a little and placed my hand on his barechest, feeling the heat from his body against me. Hedid have a pretty nice body, really. Plus it was kindof cool feeling him up as he slept. Well, presumablyslept. For all I knew, he was faking like I had been.“Matt? Matt, if you’re awake, I’ll let you fuck me,” Ilied softly. I figured if he was awake, that wouldcertainly get his attention. Nothing. Good.I let my hand slide under the blanket and drift slowlydown my brother’s chest and stomach until I reached thetop of his boxers. Swallowing a little I moved my handdown farther, until I felt a buldge in the fabric undermy palm. My hand was now resting over my littlebrother’s penis.A surge of excitement went through me at the thought ofwhat I was doing. I felt a lot of warmth under my palm,and realized that there was nothing bit a thin bit offabric between me and my brother. Did I dare gofurther?Hell, how could I not?I moved my hand up again and before I could chicken outslid it under the fabric of Matt’s boxers, past a smallbit of pubic hair and then, just that swiftly, myfingers touched the base of his penis.Oh, wow, I thought, but unlike Matt didn’t feel theneed to say. Moving my hand down farther, I let it restdirectly on his penis, and felt it twitch and start toharden, until it was sticking out completely. I wrappedmy hand around it and held it, savoring the texture andwarmth.Well, here I was with my hand down my brothers boxersand his penis in my hand. What did I do next? I had noidea. I used my other hand to reach down into myunderwear and finger myself while holding him. It wascertainly cool.It was at this point, with my brother’s penis in myhand and my fingers inside my vagina, that my ownorgasm hit me, hard and sudden. It was, without adoubt, the best I’d ever had, taking me at least acouple minutes before I came back to myself.And then, after all the excitement was over, I rolledover onto my side and mere moments later was lost insleep.* * *The next day passed uneventfully. It was Sunday night,and Matt and I would still have tonight to be byourselves before our mom and Brady came back. We DIDget a call from them, saying that Brady was in thefinals. We wished him luck, and went about the rest ofthe day. I didn’t know for sure what Matt was thinkingall day, but I was just killing time, waiting for bed.Thankfully, it was even colder than it had been theprevious two nights. I was able to go into the kitchen,open the fridge and have warm air come out. AND IT WASWORKING RIGHT! Amazing, and disturbing. Kind of likewhat Matt and I had been up to.As bedtime rolled around, I made sure Matt knew Iplanned to sleep with him. He seemed just as thrilledabout the notion as I was, though I was sure he had noidea why I was so pleased.When I got to his bedroom, and under the blankets, Mattsaid, “Hey, Hannah?”“Yeah?”“I got an idea.”“Ok.”Matt was silent for so long I’d almost thought he wassleeping. Then he said, “Well… look… I rememberreading in a Boy Scout book that… well… if you’resleeping with someone to stay warm you should, youknow, sleep… naked… cause the heat goes from oneperson to the other person better than it would withclothes.”I was surprised and proud of my little brother forcomming with such an intelligent notion. So I said,“Oh… ok, that sounds like a good idea.”“It does?”“Yeah!” I sat up in his bed and tossed my t-shirt ontothe ground, then pretended to throw my panties on thefloor. What my brother didn’t know is that I hadn’tbeen wearing anything under the shirt.Moments later Matt sat up and threw his boxers past meand onto the floor. Then we both snuggled under theblankets and said good night to each other. Then I justhad to pretend to sleep and see how long it would bebefore Matt’s throbbing teenage hormones overtook him.As it happened it didn’t take too long before I felthim moving around next to me. I really wished I couldjust open my eyes up and look at him and have him knowthat he was making me feel good and everything else,but I didn’t want to scare him.Matt ended up making record time on his activities. Notmore than five minutes after I’d pretended to go tosleep, he started whispering my name, trying to see ifI was awake. He even shook my shoulder, wanting to makedamn sure I was asleep. I gave him his wish.My younger brother didn’t bother to wait any further.He simply placed his hand between my legs and startedrubbing at my vagina, working a finger up inside me.I’d left my legs spread to make this easier for him,and that certainly seemed to help, and it felt evenbetter for me cause it meant that he could get hisfinger into me a little deeper.Matt shifted around on the bed, and I figured he wasjust masturbating, but then I realized that he wastrying to spread my legs. Wondering exactly what he hadin mind, I let him spread them, and he got them prettywide before he let go. Then Matt sat up and moved over,positioning himself so that he was between my legs.Ok, I’ll admit. This surprised me. It was likely thatmy brother was going to try and fuck me, and if hethought I was going to pretend to be asleep while Ilost my virginity, he had another thing comming. Still,I thought, maybe I was wrong. Maybe he didn’t have thatin mind, though what he DID have planned, I couldn’tguess.Matt moved himself up until his face was near mine.“Hannah?” he whispered again. I kept pretending tosleep. “Good,” he whispered softly. He reached downbetween our legs and I felt the tip of his penisbrushing up against my vagina.Well, great, I thought. Now I had to make up my mindand make it up quick. Did I REALLY want to stop him, ordid I want to see what it felt like to have a boyinside me? I mean, being a virgin at fifteen WAS kindof sucky, after all. But did I want to loose it to mylittle brother and while I was pretending to sleep?Now I felt the tip of Matt’s penis pressing into theentrance to my vagina. If I didn’t do something soon,he’d slide right inside, and what would I do then?There’d be no way I could keep pretending to sleepwhile I got fucked.So, being a little brat like only I can be, I opened myeyes and quietly said, “Boo.”“Aaaaaaaah!” Matt lept from off me, got tangled up inhis blankets and fell onto the floor with a loud thumpas I sat up in the bed and started laughing.“Hannah!” Matt yelped, trying to cover himself with theblanket that had ended up on the floor with him. “Uh…I… it wasn’t… I just…”I held up my hand and kept laughing as I shook my head.“You were thinking I was asleep so you thought you’dtry fucking me, right?”“What? No! Of course not!” my little brother replied,doing his best to look offended and innocent at thesame time. It didn’t work. “I mean…” He laughedweakly. “Why… why would you think that?”“Cause you were naked on top of me with your dick aboutto poke into me.”“Oh, THAT. Well, that’s because… uh…”I decided to have mercy. “Matt. Get back up into bed.”“No, I’m fine down here.”“Well, I’m COLD up here, so get your naked butt backinto bed.”Shyly, and doing his best to hide his naked body, Mattgot back into the bed, laying as far away from me as hecould get.“Why are you all the way over there?” I asked.“Uh… more comfy.”“Uh-huh… you didn’t have a problem being next to methe last couple nights.”Matt was silent.“Ok, look. Let’s talk, Matt.”“About what?”“About you feeling me up when you thought I wassleeping.”“Oh, that.”“Yes, that. What do you have to say for yourself?”Matt shifted around a bit and then said. “Uhm…sorry.”“That’s the best you can do?”“Very sorry?” he replied after a moment.I rolled my eyes. “Try again,” I said, reaching overand smacking him on the arm.Matt sighed. “Ok, Hannah. I’m sorry I was feeling youup while I thought you were sleeping. It was wrong andI shouldn’t have done it.”“Apology accepted.”“But… wait. If you were awake, why didn’t you stopme?”That question was not one I’d prepared for. “Er…” Isettled for honestly. “Well, to tell the truth, it feltpretty nice.”“It did?”“Yeah. Besides, I already had my revenge.”“What do you mean?”“I mean I felt you up last night after you were donewith me.”“You did?” he asked in a stunned tone.“Yeah. Sorry.”“Oh. What did you do?”I shrugged. “Just put my hand down inside your boxersand held your penis for a bit.”“Oh.”“Yeah.”“Well… fair is fair, I guess.”“Yeah. Matt?”“Yeah?”“Were you really going to try to fuck me?”Matt went quiet but finally said, “Well… I was goingto try to at least put it in, just to see what it feltlike.”“Oh.”“Yeah. I would’ve pulled out before I came. But it’sjust that I’m a virgin still and I wanted to know whatit’s like inside a girl.”“Yeah, I can understand that. I wonder what it’s liketo have a boy inside me.”“You’re still a virgin, too?”“Yeah.”“Oh.”“Well, you might’ve at least used a condom. You think Iwant to get pregnant?”“I don’t have any. Plus I wasn’t going to cum in youanyhow. I was only going to stick it in and take itright back out again.”“Oh.”“Yeah.”We were both silent for a bit now, but then I said,“So… Matt?”“Yeah?”“I got a deal for you.”“Ok.”I took a deep breath. “If you promise not to cum, I’lllet you put it in me so that we can both see what itfeels like.”“You will? Really?”“Yeah, but you can’t cum inside me.”“Ok!” Matt sat up. “You want me on top like I was goingto be?”“Sure.”“Ok!”I spread my legs wide as Matt moved around, gettingbetween my legs. My heart was racing as I thought aboutthe fact that I was about to loose my virginity to mylittle brother. I was a little creeped out, but mostlyjust really excited and horny as hell.Once Matt was on top of me I took his penis in my handand lined it up with my vagina, feeling the tip pressslightly into me.“Push it in real slowly, ok?”“Alright.”Matt nodded at me and looked down into the darknessunder the blanket. I felt him move around a little andthen a faint pressure between my legs as, withsurprising ease, my brother’s thirteen-year-old virginpenis glidded smoothly into my fifteen-year-old virginvagina, stopping only when he could go no deeper.For a few moments my brain froze up as Matt entered mefor the first time. The feeling of having him inside mein such an amazing fashion was really overwhelming!There was a faint twinge of pain, but that was knockedaside by the pure pleasure of our incestual coupling.It was like he was where he really belonged.“Jesus, Hannah…” Matt whispered, looking down at me.“I know…” I whispered back.“This feels… so cool…”“Yeah…”I looked up at as much of my brother’s nude body Icould see in the faint light that filled the room. Helooked really hot on top of me, I had to admit. Knowingthat his penis was deep inside me made him even hotter.Matt was trying hard not to move, which I guessed meantthat he was getting close to cumming. I let him keephis penis inside me for about a minute or so, but thenI figured anything more than that and I could getpregnant. So I had to do what I didn’t want to do.“Matt…?” I whispered.“Yeah…?”“You gotta pull out…”Matt looked crushed. “Do I have to…?”I nodded. “I don’t want you to… but you can’t cum inme…”“Can I just keep it inside a little longer? Please? Ipromise to pull out before I cum! Please?”Matt had such a look of desperation on his face… andit DID feel really good to have him inside me. Sofinally I nodded and said, “Ok… but you better pullout…”“I will, I promise!”“Ok…”Matt at first didn’t move or anything, but then I felthis muscular naked body moving on top of me in a slow,somewhat steady motion, his penis sawing back and forthinside my vagina as, for the first time, he stared totruly fuck me.I let out a little moan and placed my hands on mybrother’s ass, cupping it as he fucked me, my mindspinning with pleasure. I’d never known anything couldever feel this good! If I’d known sex was like this, Iwould’ve lost my virginity years ago!“Oh… ooooh… Hannah…?” Matt gasped as he moved hispenis within me.“Yeah…?”“I’m gettin’ close…”“Ok…”“Can I cum in you… please…? Just this once…please? I promise I’ll never ask again… just thisonce… please…?”I knew I shouldn’t let him, but I didn’t want to havehim stop. It all felt way too good. But if he got mepregnant… oh, the hell with it. The odds of that werepretty low. I could take the chance.“Ok… just this once…”“Oh… oh, god… thank you… oh… OH!”Matt’s body moved faster as he thrust ever harder intome. Then he pushed deep inside me, tensed and gruntedas I felt his penis start to twitch within my vagina,and I knew that my brother’s sperm was bathing theinside of my body as he climaxed. I could actually feelit spurting into me! It was incredibly intense, almostenough to trigger my own orgasm, but not quite. When mybrother was done cumming, he fell on top of me, hisnaked, sweaty body laying on mine, his erection stillwithin my body as he tried to get his breath back.“Well…” I managed to say after a few moments. “Thatwas… interesting…”“Yeah…”“Get off me now.”“Huh? Oh, yeah, ok.”My brother’s penis slipped out of my vagina as herolled off me and onto his back. Neither of us spokefor a bit, and then he said, “I can’t believe we justhad sex.”“Me, either,” I confessed.“I really liked it.”“I did, too,” I said, after thinking for a moment.“Do you… maybe… wanna do it again sometime?” heasked, with hope in his voice.I considered the question. “Yeah. I think so. It reallyfelt nice.”“Cool.” Matt was quiet again. “Do you think you wannado it again… right now?”I laughed at my horny brother. “Now? But we just gotDONE doing it!”“Yeah, but I’m still hard.”“You are?” I reached under the blanket and found mybrother’s stiff penis. Stroking it a little I said,“Damn… yeah, you are.”“I told you.”“Yeah…” I thought about it for a few seconds.“Well… ok. I guess we can do it some more tonight,but if we do it after this, we’re going to have to getsome condoms, ok?”“Ok!”“Let’s get these blankets off, though. I’m too hot.”“Me, too.”We tossed Matt’s blankets onto the floor and savoredthe feeling of the cooler air over our naked teenagebodies. It was somewhat ironic that I’d come into hisroom originally to stay warm and now was too warm!“Hey, Hannah?”“Yeah?”“Do you mind if I turn on a light this time? I wannasee you when we do it.”“Sure,” I said with a shrug.Then we both spent several minutes going “argh” as thelight blinded us. When our eyes finally adjusted Ichecked out my naked brother and got a good look at thepenis that had taken my virginity. It was about four,maybe four and a half inches long and, like the rest ofhis body, was rather thin and mostly hairless. Nice,though.“You look beautiful, Hannah,” Matt said, looking at meas he started stroking his penis.“You look good, too.”I assumed the position again, laying on my back with mylegs spread wide and high, watching as Matt moved hisnaked body on top of mine, with his penis pointingalmost straight up at the ceiling. I watched as he tookit in his hand and aimed it at my vagina.“Are you ready?” my brother asked, looking into myeyes.“Oh, yes.”“Ok.”I looked down between my legs, wanting to see mybrother entering me. I’d felt it, of course, the firsttime, but this time I’d actually be able to see it whenhe put his penis inside me, and I couldn’t wait!Matt scooted forward until the tip of his erectionpressed against me. Then I watched him move again andwatched as he very slowly began to sink his penis intomy vagina. The shaft disapeared into me bit by bituntil it was all the way inside me, and his pubic hairwas mashed into mine. It was the coolest thing I’d everseen and felt even better than it had the first time heput it in me!“God, that’s cool,” Matt said, smiling as he lookeddown at me.“Yeah, it is…”Matt lowered his body down onto mine and started slowlypumping with his hips, slidding in and out of me in afairly steady rhythm. It felt wonderful having him dothat! I once again let my hands stray onto his firmbutt, savoring the motion of his muscles under theskin.“This so wonderful, Hannah…” Matt whispered.“Yeah… oh, god, yeah…”Matt fucked me like that for a good three or fourminutes before an idea hit me.“Hey, Matt?”“Yeah…?”“Stop for a second.”Matt stopped moving and looked down at me, concern onhis face. “What’s wrong?”“Nothing.” I grinned. “I just wanna be on top.”“Oh!” Matt smiled back. “Ok!”“Here, get off me and lay on your back.”“Alright.” Matt got off me, his penis slipping out mybody as he flipped over and laid down on his bed.I straddled my brother at the waist, taking his penisin my hand and lining it up with my vagina. I thoughtat first that it would be a little awkward this way,but it really wasn’t. I just sort of backed up, loweredmyself down, and just that easily had him inside me.“Oh, I REALLY like that…” I said with a smile as Ilooked down at my naked brother.“Me, too,” he grinned back.I placed one hand on the bed to steady myself and theother on my brother’s smooth, hairless chest as Istarted doing my best to ride his penis. This was goingto take some practice, I realized quick. It certainlyfelt good to have him under me like this, and it wascool looking down and seeing the look of rapture on hisface as we fucked.“Oh, that’s good,” muttered Matt as he started pushingup into me.“Yeah…”My brother reached up with one hand and cupped one ofmy breasts, then moved the hand down to my clitoris,trying to rub at it while we fucked. After a bit hegave up and just laid there and enjoyed the ride.“Oh…” Matt whispered after about three minutes.“Oh… Hannah… I’m gonna… AH!” He pushed up into meand I felt his penis pulsing inside my vagina as hissperm filled me. The look on his face was adorable! Itwas just a pity I didn’t wind up cumming as well.Once Matt was finished cumming, I lifted myself off himand laid back down on the bed, a little of his spermleaking out from me as I did so. I ran a finger throughit and looked at it. Just like they told us in healthclass. Sticky, white, smelled weird.For quite a while neither of us said anything. We justlaid side-by-side on Matt’s bed, slowly getting ourbreath back and staring at the ceiling, and then Mattsaid, “I gotta go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”“Ok.”Matt got out of bed and walked out of the room, my eyesfixed on his butt as he walked. I wondered why I’dnever realized before just how good looking Matt was.Probably just because he was my brother.Which brought me, of course, to another problem. Istarted to wonder, in the back of my head, about theappropriateness of what Matt and I had done. I mean,this was incest, after all, which was illegal and mostpeople thought it was immoral.I wasn’t sure what I should think about it. It feltreally good the two times we’d had sex, but maybe therewas a good reason why it was illegal and wrong. Butcould anything that felt so good as this be wrong?Ah, who cared. I’d sort it out later. Right now my minddrifted back to other things as my naked brother walkedback into the bedroom, looking all shy and cute andsmiling just a little bit.“Hey,” he said. “Mind if I join you?”“Not at all.”“Excellent,” Matt said, steepling his fingers like MrBurns.I shuddered. “Don’t do that again.”“Oh? What if I do?” he asked, getting into bed with me.“Then no more sex.”“Oh? So if I DON’T do it, I DO get more sex?” mybrother asked hopefully.I laughed. “God, don’t tell me you’re horny again!”Matt blushed a little. “Well, not quite yet, but I’mgetting there.”I rolled my eyes. “You’re such a… a… I don’t knowwhat you are, but you’re it!”“Glad to hear it!” Matt leaned over and kissed me onthe cheek.I laughed a little. “Now you ARE getting to be hornyagain, aren’t you?”Matt placed his hand between my legs and rubbed at myvagina a little. “Like you aren’t?”“Well, maybe a little.”“Maybe you just like having your brother inside you somuch that you can’t ever say no?”“Dream on, little boy,” I laughed.“Oh, really? So you’re saying no right now?”“Well… no. Wait. Yes. No. Wait. No, no. Uh…” Icrossed my eyes.Matt laughed. “So you’re saying yes right now?” Hepushed his hard penis against my thigh.“Oh, god, it’s back…” I muttered, looking at my -- source link
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