cyberbanditworld: themeaningofbisexuality:@cyberbanditworld in reply to this post I personally def
cyberbanditworld: themeaningofbisexuality: @cyberbanditworld in reply to this post I personally define bisexuality, especially my own as pertaining to biological sex and not socially constructed gender categories, pansexuality seems to explain that better for me. Well, you know that “biological sex” is just as much of a social construct as gender is? Also insisting on referring to people by their biological sex is pretty transphobic, and pansexuality is not the only sexuality that includes trans and non binary people! I tend to abstain from tumblr discussions as I mainly use tumblr to reblog stuff that usually brings me to laugh or smile. However, I couldn’t let this reply to the harmless sharing of my own sexual ontology go by without a wall of text illustrating my disdain for the all too common hyper sensitive attacks upon queer buds by lackluster queer buds. I just want to start by saying that yes biological sex is a social construct, I’ve read the lingual maze that is Butler as well. However, sex was constructed for discourses around the physical realities of the body, something Butler and a lot of other queer theorists are acutely aware of and do not attach sexuality or gender based phobias during the own ponderings on sex characteristic epistemes. Anyway, I’m not really concerned with debating gender and sex theories, I’m more concerned with your knee jerk reaction to ascribe the #transphobia and #biphobia to my own personal embodiment of bisexuality I shared, something that requires a person to make themselves vulnerable to share in the first place, but I suppose this is the internet after all. I can see how you could misconstrue and infer that I’m transphobic and/or biphobic from my comment. But surely this is only possible within the confines of presumptuous inferences you have layered in an odd sensitivity to potential phobics lurking everywhere? I use biological sex to describe my own experiences and embodiment of bisexuality because I am attracted to sex characteristics such as the penis and vagina without the need of lumping qualities of gender (masculine, feminine, man, woman, trans or otherwise) upon them, simple, yeah? No idea how that harms anyone with biphobia and transphobia that simply does not exist in my sexual ontology. Also, just in case you’re unaware, some bi-folk are only into cis-men and women, some only dig trans-men and women while others don’t bother with distinctions like that at all. The possible definitions and embodiments of sexuality are seriously as infinite as gender itself. Pansexual, polysexual, sexually fluid and bisexual people alike share this quality of infinitely possible variations. Far be it from either of us to denigrate or question people’s bisexual preferences, choices and experiences via ludicrously labeling them as bi/transphobic or otherwise. It’s honestly perplexing I have to elaborate upon the existence of eclectic ontologies pertaining to bisexuality at all to a bisexual tumblr blog. However, clearly you’d rather attach what appears to be your personal perceptions and aspirations pertaining to the embodiment and experience of my bisexuality without so much as a passing thought about the diversity of attraction within my sexuality. Much easier to think that mine is a phobic definition than one which is equally as valid as yours and others. To be blunt with you, my own perceptions of your character is that of a person who expects someone’s sexuality to fit into your comfortable definitions/requirements of it. And to that I say… don’t ever fucking presume to know why or how an individual’s bisexual embodiment operates with stupid accusations such as the insulting dribble you directed at me in regards to myself having phobias towards groups of people I cherish and fight for. There’s already enough conflict in the LGBT community being created by similar pettiness. I love and accept your definition, you don’t need to denigrate mine or anybody else’s through the silly desire to label those that are different and harmless (because we know there are truly harmful ones out there) to lay bare the authenticity of yours. P.S You calling me transphobic/biphobic is in itself situating you as biphobic. /end_meltdown_bitch.exe Also, just in case you’re unaware, some bi-folk are only into cis-men and women, some only dig trans-men and women while others don’t bother with distinctions like that at all. Any form of attraction that splits trans and cis women or trans and cis men into different categories as if they are different genders is transphobic. Trans women are women and so if you are attracted to the gender “women” that means cis and trans women.Defining people by their genitals is also transphobic (and shitty to everyone really)This doesn’t make me biphobic to point out that some bi people are transphobic. -- source link
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#long post#transphobia