With less then a month left until I leave for Japan, I think its finally time I set this blog up! :
With less then a month left until I leave for Japan, I think its finally time I set this blog up! :)This will be where I am gonna share everything related to Japan! The countdown, packing, fixing, traveling and then eventually actually my living in Japan!I will try to update frequently, providing LOTS of pictures and text about what I am doing and how things are going!This will be to help friends and family keep track of what I am doing. But also a way for me to share my experience!I will probably end up making a lot of videos aswell! They will be uploaded to my youtube account chibitmin, but I will ofcourse also share them here!Well, the time is really rushing away. Last time I checked it was two months left and now suddenly its less then one. It is SO exciting, but also super scary. I will be in a country all alone, where I barely speak the language! But I think it will be SUPER fun! It will be like an adventure!I have booked my flight and gotten accepted to my school. What I am waiting for now is paying the school, and then deciding upon a living!Im using a service called gogonihon and they have been SO helpful so far. They have really made it a lot easier for me with figuring out all about visas, living and school!Well then that will have to be it for now.We will see when I update here, might not write much until its actually time to go, but until then! :) -- source link