transgalacticwanderer:blickblocks:sometimescoherent:Fucking Trans Women is a zine project with
transgalacticwanderer: blickblocks: sometimescoherent: Fucking Trans Women is a zine project with a simple (yet very important goal): “Talking to other trans women about sex, and writing it all down.” From the creator: Trans women are told things about our sexualities all the time, but only rarely are we given the opportunity to say something about our own sex lives. Sex is a very important part of my life, a very important part of all our lives, but so very little writing has been done on the sex lives of trans women that doesn’t write us off in one way or another. I found myself looking for a guide, an instruction manual, anything beyond essays on gender and problems. Fucking Trans Women is that guide. The zine aspires to be a collaborate effort giving voice to the wide range of trans* women’s sexual experiences. The first issue, #0, is an impressive 80 pages of “how-to guides, sex stories, comics and diagrams, trashy art, and so much more” done in a style drawing from punk and dyke zine aesthetics. The down-loadable version is available here for a measly $5. Great for trans women, partners of trans women, and those curious about fucking trans women. Reblogging again with a dropbox link for download. The original site is down for some reason. Reblogging because this is a phenomenal read that everyone should experience!!! -- source link