deannatroi:usfkeeper21:mollyandthegirls:usfkeeper21:Hey it’s really unfortunate to see you take such
deannatroi:usfkeeper21:mollyandthegirls:usfkeeper21:Hey it’s really unfortunate to see you take such offense to all this. For that I will say sorry. However, we multiple times said that we were just trolling around on the Internet and making jokes. We knew they were in poor taste and were “anti jokes” but once you saw where the thread was heading, you did not have to read anymore. You knew you would not like what you read. And for making assumptions to the character of myself, my teammates, or my team is unfair to do when you just cherry pick the quotes out of context. You wanna fire hate at me then so be it, but no one made you read itI thought you were gonna be sincere, but then you just disappointed. >rather unfortunate to see you take such offenseYou probably watch Fox News, don’t you? Nice backslap apology.>just trolling around Just trolling around, or defending yourselves after you saw everyone taking offense to what you were saying? Why would you even “joke” around about something like this? “Nigger” is a joke to you? Rape is a joke to you?? If it is, I’m right about the character failings.> you didn’t have to read any moreI don’t, that’s true, so I didn’t read more after I saw what I saw. I spent a total of maybe 30 seconds reading it. And just like I didn’t have to read more, you all didn’t have to talk more.> making assumptions to the characterNot an assumption if I have evidence to support my findings.> cherry pickIt’s not cherry picking. I’m selecting the two, out of many, comments I saw that were blatantly offensive. It would be cherry picking if I did it contextually. No one made you write it and you obviously wanted it to be read if you wrote it, so don’t get upset that I read it and was offended. TLDR: Hate speech isn’t cool, isn’t a joke and isn’t legitimate. It was not a back slap. That was just saying sorry that you felt offended. I cannot say that I liked the racial slur, I actually said something to Tyler about that and how it crossed the line. There was never a time where anyone said that rape was okay, I just want to make that clear. I, however, find that the Rape Sloth meme is funny. The Anti Joke about the holocaust is literally one of the oldest jokes I have ever heard, and has never gotten anything other than laughs. That was seriously the only thing that we were going for here. Laughs. And I am sure you don’t think that any of the jokes were funny, there however are many people that do. But at some point, doesn’t every joke have a punch line at someone’s expense??saying “sorry you felt offended” is not an apology. if you want to be sincere, acknowledge that you fucked up, learn from your mistake, and never do it again. any joke where racism/sexism/rape/slurs are the joke is not actually a joke and is actually just you showing your horribly bigoted colors. laughs don’t count if they’re based on reinforcing social power imbalances. so please, get out of here with your fake apology and go read some articles about how white men will never experience societal inequality and how any jokes at the expense of them will NEVER compare to those “jokes” that are at the expense of people of color or women or victims of genocide/holocaust/rape.usfkeeper21 (I’m assuming Blain?)I am glad you said you are sorry, even if it was, like deannatroi pointed out, not a real apology because it says “sorry you felt offended” instead of “sorry I offended you and several other people”/actually owning up to a mistake.Sadly, I cannot accept that apology as it isn’t a proper one. I accept as implied that you genuinely do not want to hurt others, but the truth is that when faced with people hurt by something you said, you stand by what you did and said and try to defend it, instead of looking at why we are angry and that perhaps what are harmless jokes to you aren’t really harmless trolling around.For a proper apology you need to be able to tell us “I did a wrong thing. I will avoid doing wrong thing because it is wrong. I am sorry for doing wrong thing and how my actions created legitimate hurt for you”.So let me explain a few things for you, and I hope you will listen and maybe see why are we so angry and hurt and in many cases, genuinely threatened, because of what to you and your bud amounts to a few lols about a sloth looking kind of creepy to you but a shittone of things for others. I will not touch the racism inherent in the n word, since you seem to find it tasteless as well, and I am sure there are others who can speak better about the holocaust joke than I can and to be honest the rape ones are the ones that really threaten me the most.So, let’s talk about the Rape Sloth meme. Kind of.Because you have life experiences that protect you from being the butt end of society’s prejudices (DING DING DING UH OH IT IS INDEED WHITE PRIVILEGE TIME*), you can make jokes like these and not be affected. You aren’t harmed. They don’t mean anything to you because they’re just jokes right?Your jokes aren’t just jokes to the great majority of humanity (those who do not have the privilege/protection from being white cis male, and probably heterosexual if I guess right). These jokes, are things we have to live through/be threatened by. These jokes make our experiences, our suffering, and then make fun of them. So your jokes aren’t funny because they make fun of the suffering. The butt end of your jokes are the people who suffer the thing you joke from. Good job. Congratulations. They sure are witty and funny. These jokes are part of the same dehumanizing shit that tends to be thrown at us.Ok, you say, but you didn’t mean to hurt people, you are sorry people are getting hurt by these things. You didn't mean it that way.Thank you! I am glad you don’t think people being hurt by racism and sexism and classism and all the other institutions at work should have to suffer shit from you. We kind of get enough shit handed to us as it is!Not meaning it is not enough, unfortunately!This is were we talk about rape in our society.Current statistics about rape and sexual assault from RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) say that every 2 seconds someone in the USA is getting sexually assaulted.If that doesn’t make you freeze up in horror I am kind of sad and also don’t really want to talk to you anymore.If that isn’t enough to shock you: 1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. In total, from statistics, 17.7 million women in the USA Alone have been victims of attempted and completed rape. We have a sexual assault awareness day on campus, and at college age women, 1 in every 4 women in a USA campus has been at the end of an attempted rape.This is horrifying! What does this have to do with your joke? You would never rape! You aren’t that guy! I respect that you aren’t. But let’s look a little deeper into the box of things you don’t have to worry about because in comparison only 1 in 33 men are at the ends of attempted or completed sexual assault, and you aren’t part of a culture that sends rape threats to men. Yes, that’s a thing.How do I live as a woman? I live in fear a lot of the time. I walk around outside at night with my keys in my hands ready to punch an assaulter even though I live on a safe campus. I have routes planned around places I walk around so if someone tries to attack me. I know where all the emergency phone/light things on campus are. I avoid walking out at certain areas and hours if I can help it, far more than a guy my age and build would have to worry about here. I have planned somewhere to run to. I play quidditch and can tackle and wrestle and know a few moves that should protect me and can break bones. This is all pretty useless when you think about how 38% of rapists are actually friends or acquaintances of the victim. I still live in fear.A lot of people live in fear because they have lived this. And the rape sloth meme takes these things and makes a joke out of the suffering and pain and self blame and fear that victims have gone through!And beyond just how triggering these jokes can be for victims, let’s actually talk about rape culture!Here, read this. That is better worded than I could put it. How about this. Read it, and actually click on all those links, and all these things, and actually think about what life feels like to be bombarded by this, all the time, my entire life, and then tell me it is still funny to my face (or tumblr, that works). Tell me how this entire oppressive blind monolith that views my suffering, other women’s suffering, as a joke… tell me how it’s funny, if you can.Also, this.So please don’t make these jokes again and don’t defend them, and perhaps inspect a few assumptions you might have.I would suggest conversations with some feminism men to help you get an idea of how things are going. Maybe lurking at sites like the feminism 101 section of Shakesville. There are angry voices and tones, but they lay out a lot of things out. Heck, you can even go through my rape and rape culture and feminism and sexism tags and learn a bit from them too, if you want to, but those are better after some feminism 101 primers.*Oh hey look I took the joke and actually made it funny.[Edit] There has been a very nice apology from Blain. Thank you. -- source link
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