is-the-owl-vid-cute:sushinfood:harostar:dr-vegapunk:refriga-rei-tor:pepper-peen-queen:gifsboom:Owl l
is-the-owl-vid-cute:sushinfood:harostar:dr-vegapunk:refriga-rei-tor:pepper-peen-queen:gifsboom:Owl love you. [video]I WANT TO HUG AN OWL@colonelowl@icamon-chanThis is the cutest thing in the world. I’ve seen some people complain about how the Owl is supposedly “not happy” or “warning the girl”. Those folks actually don’t know anything about birds, because birds including Owls communicate their unhappiness through Threat Displays. In other words, they puff their feathers out and make themselves look as larger and angry as possible. I don’t know the term for it, but those “nibbles” are one way birds display affection. It’s a grooming behavior, and all kinds of birds do it. The parakeets I had as a child did it, and our Conure does it. He actually goes, “Kisses! Kisses!” when he wants us to get close so he can do it. You’ll also see wild birds, including Owls, do it with each other. Owls are also a social species, and will often cuddle with each other. So in conclusion, Happy Owl is Happy and loves their little girl. THAT OWL LOVES THAT KIDIs the owl video gif set cute?Rating: NOT CUTE@harostar might know about some conure behavior, but that whole comment is VERY off-base in regards to owl behavior. First things first: OWLS ARE NOT SOCIAL!!Owls do NOT “often cuddle each other” in the wild, nor is it even common in captivity. The exceptions being baby owls or mates occasionally preening each other or perching by each other. They do NOT cuddle. This is a snowy owl. They’re one of the most high-strung species of the Bubo genus, and owls of this genus are known for three things: Being ridiculously large. Being ridiculously strong. Being ridiculously aggressive as they age. Snowy owls can exert over 400psi with each foot individually, and their tendons are jagged so they can lock in place while gripping at full strength without using any energy. In other words, they can hold that grip forever without getting tired. If this bird grabs your hand and starts breaking fingers, you have to just wait for it to stop. Like all Bubo owls, the snowy owl has a very strong beak by raptor standards. I’ve been bitten by their similar-sized cousin, the great horned owl, many times. It hurts. That beak is designed to crush the bones of their prey and tear flesh. All this to say, no. No that owl does not love that little girl. Those aren’t the affectionate nibbles you get from a parrot, those are the irritated nips of an owl warning you to leave it alone in the nicest way possible. It’s warning the kid that if she doesn’t stop, it fully intends to bite down hard or foot her, a bit of body language clearly lost on both the child and her guardians so I do hope she wasn’t seriously hurt by this bird. To put this in perspective, a much smaller fully-wild owl attacked and permanently blinded a man in one eye. This owl is a pet so it’s imprinted on humans. Human imprints have NO fear of humans and treat them like other owls. Because of this, imprinted owls, especially those of the Bubo genus, become INCREDIBLY aggressive and dangerous upon reaching sexual maturity and wanting to establish territory. Snowy owls are no exception. This isn’t a cute little parrot the size of a small pigeon, this is a dangerous wild predator. Don’t cuddle owls. Don’t spread misinformation. Don’t support the exotic pet trade that brings dangerous animals into conditions they cannot thrive in. -- source link
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