translatedvixx: 171121 Ravi Fancafe 스탈라잇내가 또 너무 새벽에 글쓰지요ㅜ작업하다가 생각나서 왔어요~음 무슨 작업하냐면 믹스테잎 작업하고 있었어
translatedvixx: 171121 Ravi Fancafe 스탈라잇 내가 또 너무 새벽에 글쓰지요ㅜ작업하다가 생각나서 왔어요~음 무슨 작업하냐면 믹스테잎 작업하고 있었어요.그 전시회때 공개했던 [PAYDAY] 기억나요?그 노래 다시 좀 엎고 지지고 볶고해서살릴거 살리고 좀 더 만져봤어요ㅎㅎ음 지금은 얘를 믹테에 수록시킬 예정이예요!근데 제가 또 갑자기 맘변할지도 모르지만..현재는 넣으려고하고 있어요..헣ㅎㅎ전 엘알 콘서트 여운이 아직 남아서ㅜ여러분들 이야기하는 것도 좀 이것저것염탐하고 그랬어요. 다는 아니겠지만!ㅎㅎ무대라는게 그런거 같아요. 5년간 이제는 셀수없을만큼무대에 섰는데도..여전히 준비전에는 기대되고 힘도 들고 떨리고 예민도하다가 무대에 서면 설레이고 뜨겁고 묘하고…서고나면 뭐랄까요 공허하기도하고 지나간 시간이 잘 믿기지않고..여운이 남아요.아무래도 여러분들이 무대를 빛내주고 그 시간이 행복하고 소중하다는 생각에 지나가니까 괜히 아쉽고 그런것 같아요..!ㅎㅎ아무튼 좋은 여운이라는 이야기 같습니다..급마무리ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ여러분 다들 꿀잠자영^^스탈라잇 늘 고마워여-덩짝이는 꿀잠중- Starlights I’m writing too early in the morning againㅜAs I was working I thought of it and came here~Um I was working on my mixtape.Do you remember [PAYDAY] that was at the exhibition?I turned that song over and fried it up a bitand saved what was salvageable and fixed it some moreㅎㅎUm Now I plan to put it in the mixtape!But I might change my mind suddenly again..At the moment I am planning to put it in..hohㅎㅎI still have lingering memories of the LR concertㅜI was spying on this and that seeing whateveryone was saying. Not all of it though!ㅎㅎI think performing is sort of like that. After 5 years, I’ve now stood oncountless stages..but I still get excited when preparing and have a hard time and get nervous and edgy, then standing on stage I am excited, passionate, and feel strange…after performing, how do I explain, I feel empty and can’t believe the time has passed..and the memories linger.No matter what, you all light up the stage, and when the thought that that time was happy and precious passes by, I think I didn’t have to feel sad ..!ㅎㅎ Anyway, I think I’m saying that the lingering memories are good..A quick endingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋEveryone sleep well^^Thank you always Starlights-Dongjjakie is sleeping well- T/N: Dongjjakie could also be “Bunsie”. -- source link
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