theabbottchronicles:Tony Abbott says the tragic image of a drowned Syrian boy reinforces his belie
theabbottchronicles: Tony Abbott says the tragic image of a drowned Syrian boy reinforces his belief that empathy isn’t part of his Asylum Seeker policy. Tony, pictured above trying to understand the concept of empathy and common decency, had this to say on the matter: “Everyone’s sad. This is bad.” He said, dropping his classic Tony wisdom taken straight from the children’s books he reads before nap time. “To stop people from seeing sad images of drowned asylum seekers we must stop the boats… so when the refugees die, they die somewhere where we can’t see them. That way no one will be sad. The problem is fixed!” “If you can’t see it, it’s not a problem! This is why I often try to relax by putting a paper bag over my head. The wife says that’s bad for my brain because it limits oxygen supply but that’s why I also put in ear plugs while I do it so nothing gets in. It’s a time honoured tradition amongst us Liberals.” -- source link