spiritofstars:spiritofstars:Haven’t drawn enough of the Vantas boys lately.Concerned abo
spiritofstars: spiritofstars: Haven’t drawn enough of the Vantas boys lately. Concerned about a missing conversation? OK well here goes: Kankri: S9 I glanced at th9se b99ks y9u lent me ab9ut Alternian Interstellar C9nquests, and was delighted t9 find that y9u have a vested interest in 9ther planets and researching their inha6itants. I, t99, f9und them m9st inf9rmative, as we n9t 9nly share a c9mm9n interest, 6ut als9 since the 6ef9ran Empire was n9t nearly as expansive as y9ur Alternian due t9 9ur relatively m9re peaceful nature. Kn9wledge 9f 9ther cultures, even if 9nly details of their anat9my and physi9l9gy as y9ur image-laden t9mes pr9vide, all9ws 9ne a wider perspective, and t9 ultimately feel 6etter ab9ut being “different,” as y9u and I b9th are, due t9 the impressive variety 9f 6ipedal, tr9ll and h9minid-like species 9f all genders that exist acr9ss the expanse 9f the stars, as evidenced in y9ur literature; Th9ugh I am n9t saying that either y9u 9r I actually are “different,” and am s9rry if menti9n 9f this has triggered y9u, 6ut that culturally we b9th endured a similar treatment f9r 9ur 6l99d c9l9r. Due t9 this, y9ur ch9ice 9f emp9wering literature was m9st fascinating, and I feel I have learned a l9t fr9m this exchange, m9stly ab9ut y9u, Karkat. Karkat: OH MY GOD. I GAVE YOU PORN AND THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY. ANATOMY. I THOUGHT YOU’D BE SHOCKED TO SILENCE, BUT NO I WAS WRONG. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN FROM THE MOMENT I HANDED THESE THINGS OVER AND YOU DIDN’T FLINCH THAT YOU ARE SUCH A TOTAL VIRGIN THAT YOU CAN’T EVEN LOOK AT SEXY ALIEN NUDES WITHOUT INNOCENTLY THINKING IT’S SOME SORT OF XENOLOGICAL BIOLOGY SCHOOLFEED. I AM LAUGHING. SEE HOW AMUSED I AM AT YOUR EXPENSE? YOU DIDN’T EVEN READ THE ARTICLES, DID YOU? I’M DYING. OH, SORRY, IS THAT TRIGGERING? Kankri: ……………. -- source link
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