chubbycartwheels: Oh my god ya’ll, news has dropped that this fall @knockoutpdx is back!!! Our
chubbycartwheels: Oh my god ya’ll, news has dropped that this fall @knockoutpdx is back!!! Our beloved @doodystyle is back in action and planning the best fat fashion event on the west coast. You need to mark your calendars, ask for time off work and save some cash because the shopping options at this event are so amazing!! I’ll be having pieces in the fashion show AND vending so I better see as many of you there as possible!! More info to come so follow @knockoutpdx’s page to stay in the know! . . . . #knockoutpdx #plussize #fatfashion #fatpositivity #curves #curvesreign #pdxfashion #plussizefashion #plusmodel #volup2isdiversity #effyourbeautystandards -- source link