danversrambeau:Although Carol’s first outfit inEndgame may seem almost identical to the red-
danversrambeau:Although Carol’s first outfit in Endgame may seem almost identical to the red-and-blue suit from her origin movie, the new detailing goes a bit further than just the flattened star and gold shoulders. The line patterns across her legs and torso differ, the “captain stripes” across her chest are wider, and the small triangles that are scattered throughout each of her other uniforms—a shape that is meant to symbolise Carol’s inner strength, according to concept artist Andy Park—are absent. Additionally, it is her only suit so far that does not have fingerless gloves. Like her second Endgame look, actress Brie Larson shot her scenes in the original suit and the updated design was added digitally in post-production.CAROL DANVERS + 2018 Uniform Details -- source link