itsmeganprincess: Amber’s New Toy (Part 9)Sissy Fiction by MeganprincessAmber kept Jennifer in
itsmeganprincess: Amber’s New Toy (Part 9)Sissy Fiction by MeganprincessAmber kept Jennifer in the pretty turquoise girl scout uniform for the rest of the afternoon. Her favorite part was when she made the sissy go outside. Amber walked ahead and went out to the sidewalk and watched with a barely suppressed giggle as the sissy nervously walked out of the front door of her parent’s house. Jennifer quickly looked all around for people watching as she clutched a little box of cookies. Amber, raising her cell phone to take pics, began coaching the sissy:‘K baby girl, this will be easy. Come out further toward me. Good girl. Hold up your cookies. Aww! Now, give me a smile. Very good, Jennifer. Now, slowly turn and walk up to the door. Good girl. Raise your right arm and make a little fist and put it against the door like you are knocking. Hold it just like that. Hold the box of cookies at your side with the other hand. Perfect!! Go ahead and actually knock now.’Amber got still pictures as well as videos of this latest humiliation. After that, Jennifer was put to work making lunch for Amber. Serving her with a tray in the living room. In the afternoon, sissy Jennifer was made to sit cross-legged in front of the television and watch the Disney channel as Amber snapped random pics from behind and verbally tormented her toy. It began as Jennifer was forced to watch ‘Coop and Cami’:‘Isn’t Cami’s hair just so cute in this episode, Jennifer? Would you like me to put your hair in braids just like hers? How do you think you would feel wearing those supercute purple capri pants to school? Boys would love you in those! Then later as Jennifer sat watching ‘Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn’, Amber continued to bait her victim:‘I could totally see Dawn babysitting you. Telling you what to do. Getting you ready for bed. Putting you into panties and a little lacy nightgown. Or…what if she was your best friend? You two could go to the mall together and shop for skirts and talk about the cute guys you see. Get your ears pierced together while she holds your hand. Shop at Sephora for makeup. Aww! I know you would like that so much, Jennifer’The captured sissy did her best to play along. Answering appropriately in her girly voice with mock enthusiasm and secret shame. Trying not to think about how exciting some of this was. The thought of cumming in her panties while having to say ‘I am a girl’ over and over again flashing through her mind endlessly. Wanting it to never happen again but wanting for it to happen again right away. So conflicted. So trapped. And then a little voice told her that this was almost over. Just one more night. Brody would return sometime the next day with his parents. This would all end. He would only have to worry about Amber releasing all of the humiliating pictures. How could she be stopped? Why did part of Jennifer actually like some of this? Why did wearing panties actually excite her in the deepest of ways?That night Amber decided on a fresh round of fun for her sissy. As Jennifer sat in front of the makeup table in Amber’s bedroom brushing her hair – ‘100 strokes like a good girl’ – the bratty little sister of his best friend got together a new outfit. When she was ready, she ordered Jennifer to strip:‘Take off your scout uniform, sissy. Everything off. Training bra and panties too. No need to hide yourself, Jennifer. You are just a girl to me now. Not a boy at all. Walk over to the bed and look at your new outfit. Are you excited? You get to be a pretty cheerleader just like me! You will look so cute. Ready to get started? Aww, do you feel vulnerable and weak standing in front of me naked while I am dressed? Does the little girl want her panties? Yes, she does, doesn’t she? See those shiny silver things there? Those are what girls like you wear under their cheer uniforms. Aren’t they pretty? They are called spankies. Those are sooooo pretty. Silver metallic. Go ahead, Jennifer, and put them on.’Jennifer quickly obeyed and in a short time was fully dressed. After the spankies came her bra. Amber explained to the sissy that it had to be strapless because of her pretty uniform. The bra was in a black lace bandeau style. The uniform fit her perfectly. It was a red and black, one-piece, cheerleading uniform that Amber had worn to many football games. Now her sissy toy could feel what it was like and imagine grown men staring at her legs from the stands and the boys on the field stroking off at night thinking about her doing the splits. It fit the sissy very tightly and showed off her girly ass. Once it was on, even Jennifer knew why she needed the strapless bra because the top of the uniform exposed her shoulders. A single strap extended from the top of her cheer outfit and went over her right shoulder. Jennifer’s hair was put into a high ponytail with a big red bow planted at the base and she was instructed to apply bright red lipstick. Without wasting time, Amber handed Jennifer a pair of matching red and black pom poms.‘Time to do some cheers, Jennifer. Do your little white tennis shoes fit okay, princess? Don’t you just love the little red balls at the back of your tiny socks? The way they peep out? Aww, you don’t know any cheers? Don’t worry baby. I will teach you.’For an hour Amber drilled her cheer sissy. Making her chant and dance and wave her pom poms. Making her do jumps. Teasing her about boys. Threatening to sign her up for cheer tryouts in the spring. Making her imagine being at cheer camp with the other girls. It was in the middle of this baiting that Amber got her next idea. And of course, she made Jennifer play along as she videoed the whole thing. As Jennifer continued to practice her new cheers, Amber smirked and created a script for her sissy which she wrote down. This new scene would be priceless. Jennifer would be forced to play out a scene where a guy calls her up and asks her out on a date. A few minutes later Amber was in place as the filming began. Jennifer’s full and enthusiastic participation was ensured by the promise of another pantygasm if she did a good job and pleased Amber with her performance. Jennifer was very inspired as the landline princess phone in Amber’s bedroom rang (Amber having dialed it from her cell to make it ring and then hanging up to video). In her girliest voice and with limp hands, Jennifer picked up the receiver and spoke the dialogue dictated by the one-sided conversation script she had been made to memorize:‘Hello? Chad? Oh! hey!’Here she fidgeted nervously and played with her hair as she licked her painted lips gently‘Would I like to go out with you? Tonight? To dinner and a movie?Holding her hand over her mouth but smiling and doing a little happy dance in her cheer uniform.‘Well I just got home from cheer practice but ya! You’ll be here in 2 hours? Okie. See you then, Chad. Bye!’Gently hanging up the phone and then, as previously coached, saying to herself:‘Oh my God! My first date with a guy. What will I wear? I want to be so pretty for him. I have to hurry! How should I do my hair? Wonder where he will take me? Will he kiss me or want more? I have to get ready!’Here Amber, grinning broadly, stopped the scene. She was beyond pleased with her sissy’s performance. And all captured on her phone. She rushed over to Jennifer and hugged her but also kept playing along with the established premise for her game:‘Okay, girlfriend. Let’s get you ready for your date. I know you are excited. Take off your uniform and let’s get you into a nice bubble bath while you dream about Chad. Be thinking about what you would really wear on a date with a guy, okay, princess? You are such a good girl. You did such a good job. You will get a nice reward for this after we get you ready for your date.’TO BE CONTINUEDReblog/like and leave comments to show you want more. Princess creates these stories only to make that little wet spot appear on the front of your little girly panties as you read, sissy. -- source link
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