aranzaisea: “… I need you right now.”—Hi guys, it’s been a while sinc
aranzaisea: “… I need you right now.”—Hi guys, it’s been a while since my last post. I must admit mi old wacom died, and it was a really hard challenge to get a new one in relatively short time, the reason why i couldn’t post anything these past weeks. Now that have a new one -and after this forced drawing break- i had a lot of time to think in hot ideas that I’m just dying to draw, so new stuff will be coming soon ^^This commision is for my lovely friend @kuvirasenpai, who provided this beautiful idea and supported me when needed it the most :’) thank you Boo!And for y’all, you know, follow me and reblog my shit if you like haha your support is highly appreciated ❤ -- source link