neightkelly:ourben:neightkelly:disobey:roomonfiyah:Found in a bathroom in Camden, London
neightkelly: ourben: neightkelly: disobey: roomonfiyah: Found in a bathroom in Camden, London Mirrors reflect light rays back toward you. Your eyes process the stimuli they receive from these rays, which your brain interprets to show you that reflection, which includes you. If you have a problem with yourself, the problem is yourself. I hate little shits blaming their self-esteem on “Society.” I hate little shits blaming “government” for their failure to succeed. Society is relatively abstract. I encounter my government everyday and there are observable obstructions to my way of life from it. My impact on society is largely trivial and society has no real way of initiating force on me. Hence the purpose of my statement. Your own perceptions of yourself are more important than the impact society has on you. The force the government initiates against you is an entirely different story. -- source link