“ There are some things you can’t kill your way out of. ”“ You have to beat
“ There are some things you can’t kill your way out of. ”“ You have to beat the player, not the game. ”“ This is the weakness of weapons. They are tools to kill and destroy. They are not what gives you power. You are the weapon. ”“ You’re right about the blood on my hands. I drenched myself. ”“ One thing I can promise you: coming back from the dead is a bitch. Every single time. ”“ I don’t know how to be in this world without you. ”“ No matter how far we venture into the unknown, the worst monsters are those we bring with us. ”“ Forget heroes and monsters. You’re the woman who set me free. ”“ It is not our enemies that defeat us. It is our fear. ”“ Do not be afraid of the monsters, ____. Make them afraid of you. ”“ ‘No’ hardly qualifies as the sardonic banter of the private eye. ”“ How about ‘fuck no’? ”“ Your body is not who you are. You shed it like a snake sheds its skin. ”“ This isn’t sacrifice. It’s theater. ”“ You’re saying because I cannot fix everything, I should fix nothing at all. ”“ Gun just went off. One of those ‘unfortunate accidents’. ”“ I need a drink. ”“ For just a few hours, stay out of trouble, okay? Saving your ass is not my only job. ”“ To what do I owe the complete lack of pleasure? ”“ Throughout history, we have prayed to Gods. Pleaded for their mercy, begged for their protection. Avatars of sun and sky, blood and water. The God of Abraham or Muhammed or Christ of Krishna; all were silent. ”“ Just attack me, please, it’ll hurt less than listening to this. ”“ What were you in for? ”“ Some people just need killing. ”“ And how do you decide who deserves to die? ”“ The study of humanity is my greatest aspiration. ”“ Those are the most words you’ve said to me in hours… and they’re about fucking rocks. ”“ Let him believe you are weak. Until the moment he discovers you are not. ”“ Death was the ultimate safeguard against the darkest angels of our nature. Now the monsters among us will own everything, consume everything, control everything. They will make themselves gods and us slaves. ”“ Go tell your boss you’ve decided it’s too socially awkward for me to save his life. I’m sure he’ll understand. ”“ The is not how normal people start the day. Coffee, cereal maybe. Toast, maybe even toast with another person. ”“ I slept great, thanks. You? ”“ That’s a funny way to ask which one of us is gonna die. ”“ When you look in my eyes, what—what do you see? ”“ I’ll go, but I don’t run away anymore. I run toward. ”“ Have you always been such an asshole? ”“ Oh, I’m—I’m sorry, I was waiting for a question. It was all monologue there for a while, so I kind of tuned out. ”“ You had to go be a dick. ”“ Are you a moron or just an asshole? ”“ I’ve done terrible things, violent things. ”“ He’s a suicidal idiot who never gives up. ”“ Afraid? No. Who’s afraid? I’m not. What are you talking about? ”“ Tell me — are you a believer? ”“ You’re only pretending to be one of the monsters. ”“ Peace is an illusion .And no matter how tranquil the world seems peace doesn’t last long. Peace is a struggle against our very nature. A skin we stretch over the bone, muscle, and sinew of our own innate savagery. ”“ I’m not that pathetic little girl anymore. I killed her… and became something stronger. ”“ Any ideas that don’t involve dying a slow and terrible death? ”“ That isn’t who we were to each other, _____. Love isn’t finite. ”“ Maybe we all fought for nothing, maybe you died for nothing. ”“ Are you high? ”“ Well, fuck them. Make it personal. ”“ What we believe shapes who we are. Belief can bring us salvation or destruction. ”“ Doesn’t matter how much anyone pays you. You shouldn’t let anyone hurt you. You’re worth more than that. ”“ We’ve lost so much time. These last few years, we finally got each other back. ”“ Death isn’t only about the destruction of the body. Sometimes, just like that, you extinguish one self and another is born. ”“ Listen to me. I spent this entire morning being well and truly fucked around with, so, uh, let me be painfully clear: some things can’t be bought. Like me. ”“ I’m not real. What’s your excuse? ”“ See, friends are overrated, ‘cause eventually someone will come along and shoot ‘em in the stack. You’re better off alone. ” -- source link
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