monetstudy: As we’re in the middle of summer and a lot of us have time to read, I thought it w
monetstudy: As we’re in the middle of summer and a lot of us have time to read, I thought it would be great to list all the great french books I know and I’ve read if you want to practice french or read french books!! (or just if you don’t have books to read now)note : the list is faaar from being complete !POETRYApollinaire - Alcools, CalligrammesAndré Breton & Philippe Soupault - The Magnetic FieldsCharles Baudelaire - The Flowers of Evil (Les Fleurs du Mal), Paris Spleen (Le Spleen de Paris)Paul Éluard - Capitale de la Douleur, Les Mains LibresPaul Verlaine - Poèmes Saturniens, Romances Sans ParolesArthur Rimbaud - IlluminationsVictor Hugo - The ContemplationsStéphane Mallarmé - PoésiesComte de Lautréamont - The Lay of MaldororLouise Labé - PoésiesPierre de Ronsard - Les OdesMarceline Desbordes-Valmore - Elegies et romancesAlphonse de Lamartine - The MeditationsNOVELSAlbert Camus - The Stranger, The Plague, The First ManJean-Paul Sartre - Nausea, The WordsAnnie Ernaux - The Years, The Possession, Shame, Happening, A Woman’s StoryStendhal - The Red and the BlackVictor Hugo - The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Les MisérablesMadame de La Fayette - La Princesse de ClèvesMadeleine de Scudéry - ClélieHonoré de Balzac - The Unknown Masterpiece, Old GoriotGustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary, Sentimental EducationGeorge Sand - Story of my LifeAlfred de Musset - The Confession of a Child from the CenturyLaurent Binet - HHhH, The Seventh Function of LanguageJean Teulé - The Suicide Shop, Eat Him if You Like, Monsieur Montespan, Charly 9Voltaire - Zadig, CandideChrétien de Troyes - Yvain, The Knight of the Lion + Lancelot, The Knight of the CartMarguerite Duras - The Ravishing of Lol V. SteinMarguerite Yourcenar - Memoirs of HadrianAntoine de Saint-Exupéry - Night Flight, The Little Prince, The Wisdom of the SandsJean de la Fontaine - The FablesÉmile Zola - The Beast WithinMarcel Proust - In Search of Lost TimeAndré Gide - The Counterfeiters, The Immoralist, The Vatican Cellars, The Pastoral SymphonyFrançois-René de Chateaubriand - René, Atala, Memoirs from Beyond the GraveAragon - AurélienJean-Jacques Rousseau - Reveries of a Solitary WalkerPLAYSAlbert Camus - Caligula, The Just AssassinsJean-Paul Sartre - No Exit, The Flies, The Chips Are DownBernard-Marie Koltès - Return to the Desert, The Night Just Before the ForestsJean-Luc Lagarce - It’s Only the End of the WorldAlfred de Musset - LorenzaccioJean Giraudoux - The Trojan War will not take place, Amphytrion 38, OndineEugène Ionesco - The Lesson, The Bald Soprano, Exit the King, RhinocerosVoltaire - ZaïrePierre de Corneille - La Place Royale, Le Cid, L’Illusion ComiqueJean Racine - Bérénice, PhèdreSamuel Beckett - Waiting for Godot -- source link
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