rose-in-a-fisted-glove:yeinesomemdarre:rose-in-a-fisted-glove:yeinesomemdarre:rose-in-a-fisted-glove:yeinesomemdarre:captainimprobable:Apparently this happened 3 days ago. Did you know about it? i sure didn’t, because it’s not on any major news station. I’m tired of people ignoring us, I’m tired of people hating us, it’s really not difficult to just NOT vandalize a memorial that stands in honor of the 6 million Jews who were systematically murdered. It’s not hard to just NOT shoot us, or stab us, or kill us. It’s not hard!!!!! I do it every day!!!!!!SOMEBODY GET MAD FOR US FOR ONCETHERE IS SO MUCH RAMPANT ANTIBLACK BULLSHIT IN THE COMMENTS I HOPE YALL UNDERSTAND THIS IS OPPORTUNISTS AND NOT THE FUCKING BLM AND I HOPE THAT ALL THE NONBLACK JEWISH PEOPLE UP IN HERE ARE CHECKING THAT ANTIBLACKNESS INSTEAD OF SITTING ON THEIR HANDS. Hmmm… You’re sadly mistaken. This is not opportunists. This is part of a sustained pattern of antisemitism going back decades of desecrating and destroying our monuments spaces. Something that you seem content enough to ignore yourself. But regardless, yes we have been condeming the racists on this post making excuses because they don’t want to face that its their buddies doing this. Just because no one stands for us, doesn’t mean we take it as an excuse not to stand for others. I’m a Black Jew FUCK YOUR ASSUMPTIONS AND CONDESCENTION. How dare you? Honestly, how fucking dare you? Rewind and apologize, acting like your gonna talk down to a nonJewish Black person and condemn them for lack of solidarity??? DISGUSTING. I apologize, I didn’t realize you were Jewish and that was wrong. However, yes, I do feel like if a gentile had said only that and not condemned the act, it also would have been wrong. But still, I am sorry for saying that to you. It’s not in my bio because I get harassed by gentiles AND racist non black Jews. Something you seem content enough to ignore yourself. You need to apologize for being antiblack, not just for hurting me. You hurt my family and my kin, my people. You know what that feels like right? Now let’s break down this right here where you’ve exerted ANTIBLACK RACISM and RACIST ASSUMPTIONS: “just because no one stands for us, doesn’t mean we take it as an excuse not to stand for others.” The implication here is that Black people (which you’re conveniently erasing by saying the broad gentile designation) “find excuses not to stand for others.” At the very least, it’s the assumption that they have no interest in combatting antisemitism. Contemporaritly and historically. That is both ahistorical and completely insulting to all of the amazing work not just by Black Jewish people, but by the positive connections between Black and Jewish communities that are erased and ignored. White supremacy wants to pit us against each other. Nothing I said should have been offensive if it was from a gentile Black person. Begging to stop rampant anti black racism on a post about antisemitism, one that doesn’t directly implicate Nazis but BLM!!, is not “failing to condemn the act.” You need to stop acting like other -isms don’t hurt Jews who aren’t like you. Let me make this as clear as I can. Treating gentile minorities with the assumption of a threat and not solidarity? Will fucking backfire. You’re right and I am sorry. I allowed my frustration and my anger get the better of me. I should not have lashed out like that and I appreciate you taking the time to better explain why what I did was wrong. I need to, I think, take some time away from this all again because I’m letting my emotions get in the way of my better sense. So, let me just say again, that I’m sorry. Thank you. I hope we can bring people together and not apart during this time. We need EVERY hand to stop white supremacy. -- source link
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