charlataned: nedlittle:i was tasked with creating a shakespeare scene/monologue using only lines f
charlataned: nedlittle: i was tasked with creating a shakespeare scene/monologue using only lines from other plays + ended up getting a perfect 100 for this lmao @jeynegrey told me to post this so i had to comply (annotations under the cut) Keep reading [image text:(Following Hamlet V.2)Horatio:Now I am alone, so, with a crack’d heart,I speak my griefs unspeakable. There arecomets for the death of princes, but whatfor the people who loved them? Sorrow bidsme speak, yet I cannot heave my heartinto my mouth. I do now remember. His voice, his visage, his sad brow, the achein his shoulders, our history. My poorboy, Icarus, I loved you dearly. I wouldhave followed your sad steps into th’ abysm of hell.O heart, cruel foe, ill-sheathed knife, mine enemy. How darest thou let me love him so easy.How darest thou let me lose him so easy. Love is holy! Countrymen and lovers, hear me and my broken voice:nothing can we call our own but loveand quiet life. For an eternal moment,I knew both, then in an instant, neither. But here we must end the story. I begcold comfort, remember me, the lover. ] -- source link