transkrem: daydreamerofyesterday: discoursenomercyrun: allosexuel: crystallineaffluence: discoursere
transkrem: daydreamerofyesterday: discoursenomercyrun: allosexuel: crystallineaffluence: discourserei: crystallineaffluence: discourserei: crystallineaffluence: discourserei: crystallineaffluence: discourserei: crystallineaffluence: discourserei: crystallineaffluence: allosexuel: discourserei: allosexuel: pride kitties! pan, bi, ace/aro, gay, lesbian, nonbinary, trans, and intersex! This is so sad, y'all really got so sour grapes cishets weren’t included in the original you had to straight up steal ideological material? Yikes lol they’re literally cats as pride flags jessica, no one owns that concept. a bunch of other people have done the same thing This just in: drawing your own version of a thing and making it very clearly different is “stealing”. Call the art police guys You know people have gone to court just because they tried to pitch and sell a general conceptualization that was too similar to an already established one??? I wish I lived in the bubble y'all do it seems nice. but this is literally a similar concept with a clearly different art style, type of colouring, positioning, and alterations. If it was a carbon copy of it, I would understand, but this is inspiration, not plagiarism. someone probably already did the idea before the one you’re referring to. Ok but the ‘inspiration’ for this ‘similar concept’ (clone) was OP of the original didn’t include the ace flag (something several aceys had whined abt on the post), then just four days later a well known inclusionist makes the same piece but w aces included (and two more so it’s not too obvious what the intent is)? Its clear what the ‘drive’ for that ‘inspiration’ was and it’s petulant and ugly ✌️ is this literally just because someone made a version with an ace cat? Are you serious? Would you have complained if this person had made this drawing without the ace cat? This isn’t a “clone”. If you’ll take a look at both drawings (which unfortunately i cannot link to the one you’re referring to because i’m on mobile), they are very different. The styles of drawing and colouring, the way that the pride flags have been drawn on the cats, the way that the cats were drawn, the fact that this is a drawing with numerous cats in it instead of a series of singular drawings with one cat each on it, Take a gander at the “Pride Cat Drawing” / “Pride Cats” tag on Tumblr. People have repeatedly drawn images of cats with pride colours in numerous styles, positions, types of cat, etc. Originality in art is very hard to define because there’s probably someone who’s done it before. Nobody owns the concept of drawing a set of cats with a specific arrangement of colours on each, it’s not copyrighted, and as long as each drawing is not traced or a literal carbon copy, it’s not art theft. Let people draw animals with pride flag colours on them in peace, and don’t bring your politics into it. They’re not hurting you by drawing a cat with black, grey, white and purple on it. Find something more important to complain about because the fact that I have to explain this is honestly pretty sad. You didn’t have to explain shit I know all the info in that wall of text you put, you’ll do better interacting with others on the internet if you don’t type at them like you’re explaining taxes to an eight year old. ‘Don’t bring your politics into it’ dtjdkjf literally my ENTIRE point is the original piece is FINE because it included every LGBTPN identity and that’s what pride is about and this inclusionist had to act immature and muddy it BECAUSE THEY BROUGHT THEIR POLITICS INTO IT. It’s clear what the intent was here!! And here’s a link to a comparison post I made myself so you can see why that ‘you can’t own cats and pride concepts’ (while objectively true) doesn’t apply to this particular situation. Alright, I looked at your link, they’re honestly different. Go complain at the other people making pride cat drawings because hey, group of cats + pride flags + different style = complete plagiarism. And hey, I had a lot to say. No need to be so condescending. OP of this post mentioned NOTHING of politics, so you can’t say that they’re being “immature” or “muddying” it, and you can’t say that you know for sure that that was their intent. You’re looking too deep into this. It’s a drawing of cats with colours on them, there’s no *deeper context*. If you’re going to say stuff like that with complete certainty, maybe ask OP first to check that you’re correct. Incorrect assumptions make you look like an ass. You’re being really petty. There was no politics here until YOU mentioned it in your first reblog. Assumptions don’t count. This is like talking to a brick wall my god OP is an inclusionist blog, it’s inherently political bc of the fact!! When someone makes pride fanart only four days after someone made a similar popular piece that didn’t include the ace flag and posts it not to their general art account but their ace discourse blog it’s pretty clear what they’re trying to say and what the intent is. I don’t have to look deep because it’s that glaringly obvious!! I’m being ‘petty’ in response to something not only petty but immature!!!! Oh my god it doesnt MATTER about the politics THEYRE BOTH DRAWINGS OF CATS WITH COLOURS ON THEM ITS NOT THAT DEEP i couldnt give a fuck if they’re exclusionist, inclusionist or neutral, same with the other artist, i dont automatically think of the politics when i see a nice drawing of cats. It’s always all about politics in every single little corner of Tumblr, can’t we just enjoy drawings of some cats that people clearly put some time and effort into?? why must it always be politics politics politics if you are so disgusted by this piece of artwork, its not hard to just block OP and move on with your life. there are way more important issues to talk about and you’re getting angry and complaining because a drawing of cats has some flags in it that you dont like. I cant believe i have to argue about this ‘It’s always all about politics in every single little corner of Tumblr, can’t we just enjoy drawings of some cats that people clearly put some time and effort into?? why must it always be politics politics politics’ I completely agree, why don’t u ask OP why they didn’t just do that when they saw the original piece??? And no one asked you to argue with me lool, you go on about blocking and moving on but you yourself could have ignored me if it bothered you this much to converse? Alright! hey @allosexuel , why didn’t you, in their words, “just do that [Enjoy a drawing of some cats that people put time and effort into and not involve politics] when you saw the original piece”? but anyway, you started this whole charade in the first place, i opened up a debate which clearly turned sour. being petty and whiny over a harmless drawing that you dont like is stupid, opening up a debate to find out why you found it so “gross and petulant” is not. Sure, I could’ve blocked and ignored you, but I also could’ve done this but instead just used your rhetoric of calling things i don’t like names and making up petty excuses. I’ve tried to be calm and polite throughout this whole argument but it feels like im talking to a brick wall and my patience is running thin. as i said, go find something more important to combat. This is entirely harmless and you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. If inclusionists are what you have a problem with, go find some inclusionists that are actually spewing hateful things. if art theft/“plagiarism” is the problem, then go find something that is actually a case of art theft. i draw cats all the time, my immediate “go to” when i draw something is so draw a cat because they’re all i’ve really drawn. so when i wanted to do something with pride, my immediate response was to draw a drawing wasn’t a response to the other popular pride cat thing. yeah i’ve seen it on my friend’s blog, but i didn’t rub my acey lil hands together and go “i’m feeling spiteful i’m going to draw this very unoriginal concept to solely be petty!!!!” no, it didn’t bother me? people have a right to draw what they want, and as a fellow content creator– i respect that. if someone doesn’t want to include specific flags, then that’s their art and they can do what they want with their own i’ve seen the other one, shrugged and moved on, and drew my own. mine wasn’t inspired by anything, it was just already a common concept. it’s like when you already draw similar things, see something similar, and then do your own thing anyway– if that makes no, i didn’t “copy” or “plagiarize” anything. i did my own thing, with something i was already familiar with drawing (cats), about a concept that i was celebrating (pride). and it’s on my discourse blog because my art tends to get hundreds of notes and some of my friends are unfortunately exclusionists, and i don’t feel like having discourse on my main blog. so no, i don’t consider my art inherently political. i just wanted to draw kitties. because i always draw kitties. and other people coincidentally had similar ideas.also, reading your earlier point– i’m 100% certain i can’t be taken to court and sued for this, because 1. i’m not selling this, and 2. even if i did want to sell this, it still wouldn’t be copyright infringement because both cats and pride are not intellectual properties held under specific trademarks. i draw cats, get over it. @discourserei gets the weekly “dumbest thing ive had tae see an exclusionist piss moan an whine about” award. congrats mate youre up there with aphobicrosequartz an the “aces stole purple” discourse. youve done it youre in the big leagues now this just in, @discourserei is upset and bitter when people draw cats and include aces in pride. more news at 10 This is almost absolutely too ridiculous to even make a dignified response to, but like….if making “similar, but different, and inspired by” classified as art theft, the whole internet would be criminals. Half of deviantart, bye. Those reimagined van goghs and mona lisas? Stolen art. Made an edit of a famous image? Art thief. Drawn using someone else’s drawn refs? Ur now an art thief. Drawn a screencap of a cartoon/anime in your own style? Art thief. But in fact, creating material that resembles other material is only a crime if the material has been patented, and if you’re making profit off that art. Even then, the resemblance has to be so close for it to actually count (hence why knockoffs are a thing.) Artists being inspired and putting their own spin on other’s art? That’s literally always happened in the art community. And literally all of us that don’t have sticks up our asses take it as a compliment. -- source link
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