bluvelvet99: A little shyness on your mom’s part was to be expected. It was also to be adored.
bluvelvet99: A little shyness on your mom’s part was to be expected. It was also to be adored. It was one of the cutest aspects about her. To be so drop dead gorgeous, smart, talented, and nice, but to be uncomfortable in her own skin. you knew the feeling. It wasn’t as cute when you you were shy though.So when could your mom’s shyness have started. You knew how. It was in the form of a name. A name that you were just reaquainted with a month ago when he came to your job to buy something from you. At first he was only a stranger. A firm, kind of impatient and arrogant one. He was mad you didn’t have any of the tv’s advertised on your company website in stock. They had sold out. It wasn’t your fault although he had no problem convincing himself that it was. You sheepishly told him that you could get him one for that price next week when they came in after the sail was void. That was against store policy. But you rather be yelled at by your boss than be yelled at by this stranger. Or maybe not. But all you knew was that you wanted out of this moment regardless. You didn’t care about the future consequences.So you asked for his name and number so you could drive all the way to work on your day off to put a tv aside for them when they came in later on. First you got his phone number which meant nothing to you. Neither did his name for the first second and half of hearing it. But when it clicked, it clicked hard. He was the guy your mom told you about. The one that bullied her relentlessly in middle school. The one that she claims made her shy.She was an ugly duckling back then. Her face hadn’t decided it what it wanted to look like, and only a fortune teller could have predicted her skinny body would grow to be so voluptuous, and her ass would be so pristine and smackable. But by that time she had already met your dad. The only guy who could care about a creature like her at this stage in her life.And even before she developed into the most beautiful wallflower the world had ever seen, your dad locked her down quick. She looked like an angel by the time they got married, after graduating high school. It was almost too perfect. Just the justice of it all. The men who treated her bad, realized what a grave mistake they made but it was too late. It was like a picture book story. At least it would be if your dad hadn’t died a few years later.You came face to face with that frustration once. Your mom was at your work to buy some things for the house. She left you alone, probably because you were standing next to your manager and she’d be too shy to be introduced to him. Two men approached your desk and as you looked on the computer for the item they were looking for you listened to them talk. They seen your mom. One reminded the other one of who she was in their high school, using phrases like “that weird girl”, “the retarded bitch,” or “you know, the one Jessica invited to her party, then took naked pictures of her. And when she asked if we wanted to see them, we said ‘FUCK NO’ in disgust. Yeah, we probably should have taken a look when we had the chance.”Your heart almost jumped out of your chest and sang an old show tune. Your cock was even more active, strangely enough. But why? They had the chance to see her naked and they didn’t. It was so perfect that they fucked up that hard. But what would it be like if they didn’t. Your cock couldn’t bare that thought so you stayed the whole shift behind the desk, even though you were afraid your boss would say something.Now you were behind that same desk. With your heart beating, and your cock singing the Ava Marie. “what was your name, son?” the arrogant douche standing in front of your asked. You told him, first and last. And when you did his eyes lit up a little bit. You cringed knowing you made a mistake in telling him your last name. Then he brought up your mom’s name and asked if you knew her. You owed nothing to this man, but your fear of being yelled at put you on the straight and narrow. “yes, she’s my mom.”He told you what you already knew. That was, he knew her in school. And that she was always a quiet girl. “kinda like you” he added in a condescending tone. Maybe it was because the fear you felt in the moment made you revert to a more childish time in your life, but when he asked you for your phone number so he could call to make sure you did what he was demanding of you, you gave him your home phone. The next week when you put the tv on hold, your boss yelled at you. You felt so humiliated, but at least your boss let you as to not upset a customer. Then when you went home your mom gave you a worried look. She got a phone call earlier today asking for you. But the man on the line insisted on having a conversation with her. You could tell by how flustered she was that she wasn’t ready to talk to the man that put her in the shy state she was famous for being in. She always told you that if she ever met him again she’d put him in his place. You could tell by the way she was talking to you that she missed that opportunity on the phone with him. You’ve had that disappointing experience plenty of times in your life as well, so you could sympathize. All that happened was he talked to her as if he was catching up with an old friend. As if he didn’t work to try to make her hate herself. that was literally the worst thing he could have done. Not even remember the pain he caused. A few days later he came in to your work. Going above and beyond to do what he asked for didn’t make him any less of an asshole to you. So why did you bother? Well, at least all you’d have to do now is ring him through and let him walk out of your life. thats when it happened. Your mom walked in. She turned her head to perform her tradition of seeing you, smiling, then looking away to start shopping without talking to because she was didn’t want to bother you at work. But this time it was different. She saw him at the counter with you. Something woke up in her, and you could see it in a facial expression you’ve never seen her don. A look of determination and well-placed outrage. She walked with a confidence that made her already beautiful self radiate with something new, towards her once upon a time tormentor. Her fists were clenched and her eyes narrowed.“can you help me carry it to my car?” he asked, as he turned to point in the direction of the parking lot. And when your mom saw him turn she almost jumped. She turned around and quickly walked back into one of the isles with her big round ass pathetically following her into the isle her overactive fight-or-flight mechanism flew her too. And something shocking happened. Someone had alerted your mom’s former bully that your mom was in aisle 22. That someone was you. Why did you do that? Either way, he walked excitedly towards your mom and caught her at the edge of the aisle at the exact moment she chose to peek around it. That made her jump a bit. You could tell he was also startled by how good she looked, and when she walked out into the open in a forced act of confidence, her voluptuous body really floored him. You could see the words “you gotta be fucking kidding me” flash above his head.The conversation looked awkward for her. But he seemed to be enjoying it. Since when did he care about what she’s going through? The whole time you could tell your mom wanted to recite the passionate speech she had in her head for the passed 22 years. The one that would embarrass him and make the world right again. But she couldn’t do it. And you definitely couldn’t go in there to do it for her. And then the moment passed. He said his goodbye, and she just stood there with her right hand on her left elbow, knowing inside that she failed.And you, the son of this beautiful woman, quietly helped her worst enemy outside with his t.v.And then he started “wow. Your mom looks beautiful. She used to be pretty goofy looking when i was in school with her. We used to pick on her. Ha. Those were good times. I’m starting to realize that that was a mistake. That ass on her. Just perfect. That used to be flat when we were young. Now it’s nice and round, y'know. If i was nicer to her back then i could be banging that now. Why is she so shy though? It must be your dad. He probably doesn’t bang her good enough.”“…. my dad’s dead.”“ohh. good. I mean. That’s bad. Sorry. But… good for me. Y'know? Usually the shy ones are freaks in bed. Well.. even if she isn’t she’d be fun cause of that body. Plus it would be a blast from the past. Or a blast in her ass. You know what i mean? So just between us guys, you should set us up together. Don’t you think?”You’ve never been able to contradict a customer. As you helped him load his new t.v. you got him for cheap into his gas guzzling pick up truck, illegally parked in the handicap spot, you responded to his proposition with “…yes.”He asked for her cell number and you gave it to him.“good. Now put in a good word for me. Even if she finds out i’m not all that later, i’ll probably already have gotten some of that ass.” He gives you what he thinks is a light pat on the shoulder. You walk back inside holding her arms in pain and for the first time you talk to your mom in the store. And for some reason, maybe it’s because you couldn’t bare to tell her the truth about what he said while you stood by idly, you tell her that he was apologizing for the things he did to her in the past. You said that he was too embarrassed to do it himself because of how horrific he knew it must have been. The guilt has been haunting him for all these years. He said that she has a beautiful son and he’s glad to see her be so confident and so on top of everything. You’ve never been this articulate except for in your dreams when you’d imagine telling one of your bullies off in dramatic fashion. Why was this your one moment? Your mom’s phone vibrated. She got a text. It’s from him.The next friday they go out on a date. Your mom comes home with a smile on her face, but like usual, she isn’t very talkative. But you can read your mom and you know she had a good time. The next friday he insists on coming over to your place to have dinner with your mom. His place had a roach problem (you later found out that the “roach” meant his wife). You help your mom cook a meal for him. Your mom’s lighter than a feather and even sings expressively as she’s cooking. You never realized she had such a beautiful voice. She never sang before. you suggest that they have wine with their meal. She agrees. She’s usually not the drinking type. You tell her that she should drink a lot to be more outgoing. You tell her that guys like outgoing bubbly girls. You tell her that he told you in the parking lot that he’s sure she has a beautiful personality under her adorable shyness. She just smiles without making eye contact and continues cooking. You’ve heard a few men say that about her. You’ve never told her about it. He, on the other hand never said it and never will. And then he came over, and you left the house, leaving her to him, the same man that shook her up not too long ago over the phone. The man she blamed for all her problems. The reason you’ve never heard her sing until today. You texted her periodically to say “drink more wine. Don’t be afraid to open up to him.” She responded with “:)”He never called her back.He did come into your work to buy another t.v. because his wife didn’t like the last one. In the parking lot he had another conversation with you. “thanks a lot for the setting me up with your mom, man! I didn’t expect to hit it on the second date but she was drinking that wine like a fish. And boy does she talk when she’s drunk.. and scream… and moan. ha ha ha. She said she hated me in school and still did when she saw me here. She seemed to like me when we were going at it. If she got pounded like that more often she’d probably have more confidence in herself. I already got my piece so someone else will have to do it.”You still remember your mom’s singing voice like it was yesterday. She never sang like that again. You of course felt bad for your mom. But you loved that she continued to be the wallflower she had been since you knew her. it’s the one thing you had in common. -- source link
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