bluvelvet99: Bluvelvet99: Golden Era ClassicOriginally published September. 29, 2015More Than a Samp
bluvelvet99: Bluvelvet99: Golden Era ClassicOriginally published September. 29, 2015More Than a SampleFor this week’s Gold Era Classic, I’ve decided it should be my story that best illustrates the theme of the mom’s body being something she carries around with her rather than something that is her. In this story, her ass is an object of desire, one she’s seemingly obvious to the full power of. It’s a treasure chest, or an ancient artifact, or codes to a nuclear missile launch, that she carries around with her. She has no idea that that’s what’s happening all around her all the time. She has no idea about the advanced melodrama, or thriller that is occurring on her ass’s behalf, for her ass, and all because of her ass. My mom is sleeping in the next room as I write this. And she’s equally as oblivious to her own ass and all that it’s responsible for. All the games, and moves, and male trickery that have occurred because of it, including the existence of my blog and this community. What the mom in this story doesn’t know, similar to what my mom doesn’t know, is that when it comes to a perfect ass, there’s always a trick. Why leave the fate of something so perfect up to chance?Your mom was the famous taste test girl at one of your local super markets. How does one become famous for being a taste test girl you ask? Is it for their brilliant ingenuity, their cunning, their take on deep philosophy, or their wisdom from their 41 years on this planet? No. In your mom’s case she was the famous taste test girl for having two things.The first thing was her pretty smile. The smile she used to greet customers who curiously approached her to to have a taste of the English muffins or chocolate cookies she was presenting splendidly on her red tray. The smile she used to make herself approachable and make them lower their guards and open their stomachs.Her second asset she had for the job, which was arguably even most important asset by a significant margin, was her sweet, round ass. It was the main reason why she was even hired to begin with. A big sweet one-of-a-kind ass like that was sure to draw attention to whatever product she was pushing for the store, but also, it didn’t hurt to have an ass like that strut around innocently as eye candy in the store to look at, or at least that’s what her boss figured as he watched her ass jiggle gracefully as she walked away from the job interview with her fingers crossed behind her back (or behind her ass to be more specific). Her boss didn’t bother with any other interviews that day. It took a lot of self control for him to wait a day to tell her she had the job, but that’s what he did. She got the good news over phone the next day. She jumped up and down in your living room when she got the news. Her ass did with her.Next thing you knew, her ass, now clad in uniform, was in full view for anyone lucky enough to wander past the inside of her sample table. Her coworkers could have sworn the table used to be closer to the wall back when Suzy, the 63-year old , gray-haired sample lady worked at it. And there was a chair there then for Suzy to sit down. That was conspicuously gone as well. But maybe that was because your mom was young enough to be able to stand all day without a problem.Your mom had shopped at that super market for years before applying there, and she was disappointed that she didn’t have a chair to sit on. She wondered why they removed it. She didn’t see the point. But she soon forgot about that an hour into her first shift. There was no time for thinking of frivolous things because she was constantly bending over the table to smile and talk a young man into trying one of the sweet, scrumptious cupcakes in front of her. That young man would then in turn go to school the next day to tell everyone that he would much rather try one of the sweet, scrumptious delicacies that she hid “behind” the stand. He especially liked telling you this. Why? Because he got a thrill out of informing you about the raging fuck fest he was going to have with your mom one day. Although, it hurt to hear it, you knew it would never come true. You just stood there and let him say it, afraid to step in and stop him.And you definitely weren’t going to stop all the pictures being passed around your school of your mom at her table, taken from behind, without her knowledge or her consent. Her boss would see these little cretins and the occasionally old creepy pervert snapping these photos of his employee. He would just smile too himself knowing that photos like that would only draw more people to his store, more people towards your mom, more people towards trying one of the free samples strewn in front of her, and in turn, more people heading to the aisle where the sample food comes from to go buy a box.He just saw it as free advertisement. A way to sell sex, through your mom’s mouth-watering ass, to the public without having to worry about a lawsuit or her quitting. Sometimes photos like that that were taking were brought to the photo developing center in the store. The manager knew this, as he would visit the center every once in a while to see if the photo guys developed any pictures of your mom given to them. If they had, they were ordered to make copies of those photos, which most of them had no problem doing, and giving him a copy of each picture. How do you know all this? Well… you knew because you worked at that very same photo center. Your mom was the one who got you your job there. It was your very first job. You remembered it like it was yesterday, when your mom came to pick you up from school, and she had some “exciting” news for you. “i got you a job, sweety!” she exclaimed happily.That hit you like a brick. You pretended to be happy for your mom’s sake, but you didn’t feel so good hearing that. You had been lying to your mom for the past year that you were applying for work and were distraught that you couldn’t find any. Really, you just got her to print out resumes for you and brought them to the mall and threw them into the garbage bin in the back so that she would think that you were out and about looking for a job.In reality, you didn’t think you were even capable of working. You couldn’t even talk to your “friends” at school, never mind deal with the needs of strangers all day. And didn’t jobs require assertiveness? That’s at least what your mom had you believing. So much so that she made sure you had that as one of your traits on your resume. In reality, that was something you were sorely lacking. Very sorely lacking. You couldn’t even pull yourself together long enough to tell your bullies at school to fuck off when they talked about going to the store to see your mom’s “cinnamon buns” every second day.The cost of not having assertiveness turned out to be dire. Not just because it made you a bad employee who cow-towed to the whims of any disagreeable customer that thought it necessary to complain, but also because it made it impossible to defend yourself from coworkers and the photo supervisor calling you incompetent and stupid even when you didn’t do anything wrong. But there was an even worse reason why your weak-willed nature made your life hell. Whenever the manager would come to your department near closing time, extend his big hand out towards you, and say “give it”, you’d apprehensively pick up the brown envelope he was waiting for and hand it to him without anything even resembling a protest. everyone involved in this transaction from your coworkers in the department, to your supervisor, to the manager, were so confident in your lack of confidence, that they had no problems with you being the only person working for hours at a time, leaving you with plenty of opportunity to destroy the accumulation of photos that had been building up for a week in that brown envelope before you could put them in the greedy palms of your boss so he could jack off to that sweet delectable ass.Oh, cruel fate! You remembered the smell of your mom’s perfume as she hovered over your shoulder as you sat in the computer chair at home staring at the glowing white screen. She was looking your resume up and down, and suggested you put assertiveness in it. She didn’t tell you to do that because she thought you should lie to your future employer. No, she said that because she thought you had some. But every day you were alone with that brown envelope, you’d look over at it with beads of sweat crawling down your forehead, and then you’d look over at the paper shredder. And no matter how many times you did this, under any context, even after being yelled at by your supervisor for something you didn’t do, would you ever even pick up that envelope to bring it any closer to that shredder. You wouldn’t touch or move that envelope until it was time to move it into the hands of you and your mom’s mutual boss.And what would you do as you sweated puddles underneath your shaking arms when one of your bullies from school came up to you with photos to be developed with a stomach-churning grin on his face? What would you do after he threatened to beat you up if you didn’t develop them without consequence? You developed them. You once even brought the developed pictures to your bully at school like he asked you to. It was like you were UPS, delivering your mom’s ass and your own humiliation in less than 24 hours or your money back.That was a low point. And boy did your bully make you feel it. Especially when he called you a “pussy” as he smiled and looked over his photographic creation. But just imagine what he’d call you if he knew that you were going to put copies of the photos you gave him into your own personal scrapbook under your bed. The scrapbook had a copy of every picture taken of your mom up to that point glued to its black pages. And while the main reason why the pages sometimes got stuck together had to do with your inability to use glue properly, especially as your hands shook while you pressed the 4X6 renderings of your mom’s ass to the sheet, a small portion of the cause for the sticky pages had to do with the one time you were late in grabbing a tissue and ended up cumming on the page, and you slammed the book shut, trying to hide from the horrors of the fact that you just jerked off your cock and came to the thought of your photo center coworkers bringing your mom home for some fun.It wasn’t the first time you jacked off to that thought, and it wouldn’t be the last. You would never give up on a thought that enjoyable. In fact, jerking off to that was the best part of your day. It was the only good part of your job. You remember the terror you felt when your mom told you that she managed to convince her boss to hire you for the vacant position in the photo center. The one and only thing that intrigued you as your mom happily told you the “good news” in her car after school, although it terrified you as well, was the thought that you were now going to finally see your mom, not as your mom, but as the legendary ass from the local super market that everybody was talking about.You were going to see your mom, not as the woman she was. But as the legend. Or rather, the woman who carried the legend, her ass, behind her oblivious, forward-looking face.And now being there, it was more fulfilling than you could imagine it would be. But things were about to get a whole lot better.—————————-This was the first party you had ever been too. All your peers had on average probably been to at least 20 parties each. So did they finally come to their senses and see what a good guy you were and invite you to one of their get-togethers-amongst-friends? Nope. You weren’t at a high school party. No. You were at your company Christmas party. And you’re 99.9% sure that the only reason why you were invited in the first place was because it was store policy to invite everyone. Then again, this was the second party. The first one was at the head office, downtown. This was the one your boss was hosting for your store at his own house, and he probably wasn’t required to invite you at all. But not inviting you would have been awkward after insisting so assertively that your mom should be there. And there she was, with a glass of red wine in her hand, leaning on the wall, giggling as she talked to the deli supervisor. She looks over at you with a smile and raises her glass to the good time you were both having. You smiled back at her and raised your glass awkwardly, then you lifted the glass to your face and smelled the harshness of the drink as you tipped it back and swallowed it. Your boss mixed the drink for you, and it was strong. And as your mom looked away from you to listen to what the drunk guy from the grocery department was trying to say to her over the music, your smile disappeared. You knew you weren’t wanted there. You knew that the only reason you were at this party was because your boss wanted to see your mom’s big ass there. You took another big sip of the cocktail and grimaced as it burned your insides. You knew full well that it was mixed strongly with the intentions of getting you as drunk as possible so you’d be out of the way.You also knew full well that your boss was about to break out his drinking game. You’ve heard about it once when you were in the break room during an overtime shift. You could hear your boss talking on the phone with his brother about it. “Yeah, yeah, It works every time” he bragged, “it gets em so drunk they forget their names.”You didn’t know how it worked, but you were about to find out. Your mom huddled up next to your boss’s brother (the one he was talking to on the phone that day), excited to try this new drinking game she’s never heard of before. The game started. The deck of cards were pulled out and shuffled and a card was pulled from the deck. Aaannnnddd.. Your boss was first to drink.Then an employee from the toy aisles. Then your boss’s brother. Then you. Then a girl from the checkouts.Strangely enough, your mom was the last to be unlucky enough to be forced to take a shot by the rules of this card game’s universe. There’s no way the two brothers weren’t trying to pull some kind of a fast one, you could see it in their eyes, but on who? So far your mom had been forced to drink less than anyone at this table. Significantly so.Could it be!? Could it be that they weren’t trying to fuck your mom at all? Could it be that they were interested in the girl from the clothes department, or the one who sells pet food? They had both been made to toss back a few stiff ones by the draw of the cards. But why? They were good looking, sure, but they definitely didn’t cause the commotion that your mom did at that store. I mean the pet food girl was younger, and the clothes girl had big tits, but were those features really anything compared to your mom’s pristine ass? You don’t recall developing too many creep shots of the other two girls, at least not the pet food girl. The clothing department girl had a few unknown glamour shots. But your mom was a star. But then why was she not being made to drink!? There had to be a catch to this game. there just had to be.This was bullshit! Oh my god, you couldn’t believe you were upset over this. Just an hour ago, you were having trouble resigning yourself to the thought of your mom being taken advantage of tonight, you were just going to have to let it happen. because you wouldn’t have the stomach and will to raise your voice and speak out against it happening. Just thinking about it made your stomach churn and your limbs shake. But now it wasn’t going to happen. Was it because you were here? Did they lose their balls?Idiots! they should know you weren’t going to stand in their way. They should know that you don’t have it in you to try. They have to know that. Don’t they? My god, and how good she looks, with her big ass pressed against the gaudy shag carpet, grasping bits of it between the fingers on her right hand, with both her knees pointing to your boss’s brother sitting next to her.Maybe it was the alcohol talking but she sure looked damn good next to such a masculine presence. Speaking of alcohol, the next card drawn means it’s your turn to drink. Again. For the fourth time. Your mom, on the other hand, has only been told once by the game master (your boss) to take one shot. Just one lonely shot. You lift the strong liquid to your face, and everyone laughs as you grimace at its taste.Your boss interrupted you as you strained to keep the booze down with “and that’s it for round 1!” “What!?” you thought in your bewildered mind. “They’re not going to even try!? I can’t believe it. This can’t be happening.”“It’s now time for part 2!”“Part 2?”“This is why i made you put your names on those paper cups. Here’s what we do.” He began gathering the cups all together on the center of the table in a diamond formation. Your eyes were so dead-set on the cup with your mom’s pretty name on it, that you had no idea where your cup was placed. Her cup was one left from the center (your left). He began speaking again as he poured the whiskey into each cup “Okay, so we still use the cards. Basically, we all draw a card like we’ve been doing, in order, but this time there’s a twist. We keep our eyes closed. My brother here will be the ref so he keeps his eyes open.” his brother was smiling in a way that seemed innocuous to everybody at that coffee table, but came across as sinister to you. “So, my brother, the ref, sees what card we pick up, and based on that he taps one of us, depending on what card gets picked, on the shoulder. That person then opens their eyes and throws the ball at the cups and tries to get it inside a cup. That person then closes their eyes again and the ref lifts the drink up to the mouth of the person who owns the cup that got the ball in it. Then the person who got their card pulled and tossed the ball becomes the new ref. Got it?”Your mind was racing as quick as it could must, being this drunk and all, as you scraped at coherent thoughts, trying to figure out what was even happening. During this confusing time, your boss was reiterating what he had just said to those who didn’t get it. You understood the game, but you didn’t understand what was going on. First they’re not going to liquor your mom up with some ingenious rigged drinking game, now they were apparently giving up the perfect chance to at least liquor up the two girls they seemed to be targeting in place of your mom the entire time? It just didn’t make any sense. where was the hole in this game? Where was their opportunity to rig the results? There was none. It was all chance. No guarantees. No directions. No goals. Just playful, innocent chaos. No happy ending. At least none pre-planned.You looked over at your mom across the table as she looked up at your boss. He was still explaining the rules to some of his slower employees/party guests. Your mom was just lighting the room up with her smile, waiting patiently for the game to start. You looked over at your boss’s brother beside her, smiling just as intently, but seeing his smile made you sick. Something was going on, but what?“Okay. Everyone ready. Shut your eyes.”You did as you were told. In the blackness behind your eyelids you heard the sounds of cards being shuffled. Then they stopped. Silence.Then a swoosh sound like a card being picked up. *click* *click* *click* Someone was walking. They stopped.*rattled* *gloop* the balls was in.*click* *click* *click* *click* *click* the walking stopped again. A groan broke the silence followed by “uh uh, no noises, remember this is anonymous. Okay now. Round 2.”*Swoosh* *Click* *Click* *rattles* *gloop* *click* *click* *click* *pouring*“okay, round 3.”And things continued on like this until after you lost count of what round you were on, and your sense of isolation in your world of blackness and sounds without context was shattered by a white light and a room full of faces, as your shoulder was touched. You opened your eyes, startled. It was your boss above you. He hands you the wet, sticky ball and stares at you silently.You look over at the diamond of red cups, each one eager for the ball in your hand. But one looked more eager than the others. The second from the center on your left looked parched for a ping pong ball. You readied your aim and calmed your nerves as much as you could with the man who yelled at you at work constantly (only when your mom wasn’t around) standing next to you intently. You threw the ball. *gloop* The booze from the cup that was lucky enough to catch the round white plastic boquet, splashed onto the side of your mom’s cup. You had missed. You watched with a broken heart as your boss, as silently as he could, approached the red diamond in the center of the table and lifted up the cup with your supervisor’s stupid name cruelly sprawled across it. He lifted the cup to your supervisors mouth.Oh my god. There really was no trick here. They were playing a fair game. This couldn’t be real. You couldn’t believe it. As the next round commenced, now with you being the ref you thought about what the drinking game your boss was bragging about that one day on the phone was and what it would have looked like, and how effective it would have been in getting your mom nice and wasted. You would never know.The next in line to pick a card was the girl from the pet foods section. She picked up a queen of spades, which was your mom’s card. you walked around the circle of blind drunk people as silently as you could till you were towering over your mom on the ground. You tapped on her shoulders and suddenly her eyes shot open and she was looking up at you smiling. You handed her the ball. Her soft eager hand took it from you. She must have been drunker than you realized because as she got up on her two knees to throw the ball, she almost stumbled. She threw it, it bounced off the edge of the left-most cup and plopped itself cozily into the first cup right of the center.If you’re keeping track, your mom was sitting across from you at the table, meaning that her first cup to the right of the center is your first cup to the left of the center. She had sunk the ball into her own cup. She smiled as she did and mouthed “aww man…” You eagerly kneeled over her to grab her cup and you sat close behind her, shaking a bit as you lifted the cup to her beautiful mouth. Her perfume smelled nice as she gulped back her shot. You made sure she gulped down every drop. You were going to milk this opportunity for all it was worth. When she was done, she looked up at you and grabbed your right cheek and smiled. Man she was really drunk. Like really drunk. Much drunker than you thought she was before this part of the game started.You walked back around towards your spot at the table. You went to close your eyes but they would only close so far. You couldn’t help but leave yourself a slit to see through. You couldn’t keep your eyes off your mom as she walked around the table to pat the 5 of hearts on the shoulder. It was the deli supervisor. That round was played. He sunk the ball in the cup of the fat kid from electronics. Your mom lifted that cup, pulled the ball out, and waddled towards the guy who the cup belonged to and lifted his drink to his face. My god, if she gave people free samples at work that way those products would fly off the shelves. She watched as the electronic guy with his eyes glued shut downed his drink. She looked very excited to see him drink. Too excited. So excited she almost started clapping before stopping herself. Man, she was drunk.You watched through the slit in your eyes like it was a keyhole into Narnia as she waddled back to her spot on the floor. The next card was pulled. The man who threw the ball last walked around the table. It was your boss’s turn to throw. He did. Aaaannnnddd….. He got your mom! Nice!The ref lifted the drink to your mom’s mouth. He looked very excited to do it. He lifted the drink way too fast, making her almost choke on it. But she managed to get it down. She did dribble a bit, but he scooped it back up to her lips with the cup’s edge. he was happy to do so. He filled your mom’s cup back up while her eyes were still closed. Your boss’s eyes were closed too. Only you were able to notice him put two shots of this stuff, not one, into her red cup. You definitely weren’t going to complain. Even if you were intimidated you wouldn’t. I mean, you would have been too intimidated to even if you objected. Not that you did. You were finally excited to see somebody cheating. So excited your cock started to twitch. At least it was something.Now your boss was the ref. You watched as the whole song and dance started again. This time the card that was pulled was… it was his brothers. ….good. Something was off though. What was it? You looked at the card that was chosen through the slit in your eye lids. It was the joker card. Your boss’s brother’s card was the king of spades or the ace of hearts. Was the joker a wild card? This didn’t make sense. your boss threw the ball to his brother. All of a sudden, his brother got up. he was standing on his feet as your mom had her head down, eyes shut under his giant shadow. He hovered over the cups. He lifted the ball above them in his thumb and forefinger. And then *plop* into a drink. Not just any drink though. the second drink from the center. you looked up at your boss as subtly as possible. There was no expression of surprise on his face. His brother picked up the cup and passed it to him. Your boss took the double stuffed cup, picked the ball out, and then grabbed your mom by the back of her soft brown hair, pulled her head back, and poured the liquid into her mouth as his brother watched, smiling sickeningly. It was his brother’s turn to be ref now and the person to the right of his brother’s turn to pick cards with his eyes closed. The card that was picked was the queen of spades. Your mom’s card. your boss’s brother got up and began walking. But your mom was right beside him. He walked a full length around the table of blind players, until he was on the opposite side of you. Then the ball flew over your head into your boss’s hands. He leaned over the table, over the cups, over your mom’s specifically.*plop*.Oh my god! Your boss’s brother lifts the drink to your mom’s face while holding her gently around her waist. Please happen again. Please happen again, you thought.The next round was the same as two rounds ago. your brother’s boss’s card was apparently the 2 of clubs now, randomly, he dropped the ball into your mom’s cup illegally, and they both smiled as your boss put another one down your mom’s already drunk hatch. You started to shake. It all made sense to you now. My god, it was brilliant. You were lost in the beauty of it all. And you were the only one at the table hip, other than the two masterminds of this moment, to what was happening. ——————————Everyone had their coats on and were either standing at the front door, standing on the porch, walking/stumbling to their car with their keys in hand, in their car driving down the street, or in a cab waving goodbye to their coworkers out the window as the house they spent the last 6 hours inside of got smaller and smaller. You and your mom were at the front door with your coats and boots on, much to your bewilderment. You knew something was up, but you didn’t know what. It just couldn’t be true that they went through all his trouble and ingenuity to have your mom sitting next to you, drunk, to not seal the deal. You were waiting for the cab your boss had called for you and your mom. After all, she was too drunk to drive, and you’d never gotten your license. Drunk people passed you and your much drunker mom, said goodbye, and disappeared out into the cold dark night. Your supervisor quipped as he fished for the keys in his coat, “looks like she had one too many free samples.” Before exiting stage right out the front door. This can’t be it. This isn’t the end of your night. Or your boss’s. Or his brother’s. Or your mom’s. It just can’t be. These jackals weren’t going to just let their prey disappear like this. You have seen the sample of their cunning and you were ready to buy into their follow through. And then the house was empty. The only ones left were you, your boss, his brother, and your mom (or what was left of her).And then it was silent. They stared down at you and your mom. “When will it be here?” his brother asked. “15 minutes.” So a cab was actually coming? What’s the catch? there has to be a catch.“Won’t she want to leave too?” Your boss looked over at his brother as he said that and lifted his forefinger to his mouth to symbolize “shut the fuck up, dummy!” That’s when it hit you. The cab wasn’t for your mom. It was for you.Suddenly you dropped to the floor as if you were a puppet whose strings had just been cut. Your two hosts rushed over to your seemingly unconscious body and dragged you the couch in the living room, while your mom sat where she was, totally oblivious to her son’s sudden and apparent passing out. Come on! Work! please work! “Call the cab to cancel.” Yes! “he’s out. He’s not even gonna be able to get up to go in a cab”You did it. They bought your clever ruse like the whole table bought theirs. You kept your eyes shut til you heard your mom mumbling a bit. You opened them just a slit, even more subtly then at the coffee table earlier, you didn’t want to ruin this while you were so close. You almost did though while trying to choke back a gasp as you cracked your heavy eye lids open to see both of these big men carrying your mom by her arms and legs to the couch opposite of you.This was it alright. Your heart almost beat out of your chest when the brother pointed his big hand at you after laying your mommy down on the couch the way she would lay you down on your bed before reading you a bedtime story. “Do you think we should do something about him.?”Your boss looked over at you. You shut your eyes tight and quick. “Why bother? He’s out like a light. Besides, if he wakes up and sees this, what is he going to do?” He began laughing.You opened your eyes a smidge to see the two vultures removing your mom’s clothes along with their own. They throw your mom’s dress off and it lands on top of you, almost obscuring your view. luckily it didn’t. As your mom’s panties were pulled off, exposing the legendary ass, naked for the first time, to the man who kept it in his store as a zoo exhibit for customers, staff, and most of all, himself, you could smell your mom’s perfume on her dress.It was the same perfume she was wearing when she stood beside you helping you fill out your resume. You flashbacked to the moment she pointed at the screen and said “make sure you write ‘assertive’ sweety, that’s important for any job. Don’t leave it up to chance.”You’re glad she told you to do that. It probably got you the job in the first place. And because of that, you were now here. And you were glad that, in reality, you weren’t capable of sticking up for yourself at all. Not a squeek.As your boss slapped your mom’s big bare drunk ass with he fullness of his palm you decided you needed to make sure this went threw without a hitch. So you closed your eyes as tight as everyone’s eyes must have been during that drinking game. Especially because very few of them got more than one or zero chances to throw the ball. Thank god you didn’t blow that whistle.You listened intently to the sound of shuffling. *shuffle* *shuffle* Then the sound of soft white flesh being pressed and rubbed against leather.*tchh* *ttccchhhhh*“mmhmmmm” “Man she’s fucking drunk.”“I know, i know man.”The sound of pants dropping to the floor. The belt buckle clanged on the shag carpet.*thud*“mmhmm” * a soft voice giggling*The sound of something being lifted off a couch and something heavier falling in its place. Then another heavy thing falling on the same couch.“uuuhhhhhhh”*thwap* *thwap* *thwap* *thwap*“yyeaahhh, fuckin suck it” being whispered.*thwap* *slurp* “uhh” *thwap* *thwap* “mmhmmm it tace gud” *slurp* *thwap* *slurp*1…..2…..3…. you open you eyes.Oh. My. God. It was really happening.The legendary ass that was the main attraction for many men who shopped at your local super market was now here, in the privacy of your boss’s house, bare to the lighting familiar to him, bouncing up and down on his cock while her pretty face was being used to service his brother’s dick. This was the first day your boss’s brother met the woman you’ve known your entire life, the woman that raised you, and here she was, slobbing on his big dick. Oh, if your “friends” at school could only see this moment. If your coworkers or your douchebag supervisor had any idea what was happening at the house they had just left. If the guy who poured two shot in her plastic cup could only see what he helped make happen. *thwap* *thwap* *thwap* went your boss’s cock into the pussy and ass that made him his money at the supermarket. It was safe to say he milked your mom’s ass for all it was worth in more ways than one. Your mom’s ass had finally lived up to its full potential. -- source link
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