letslearnhangul: Korean Grammar - Verbs [Part 3/∞] At long last, here’s a list of some v
letslearnhangul: Korean Grammar - Verbs [Part 3/∞] At long last, here’s a list of some very common verbs in Korean!~ Enjoy! *remember to try and sound out each word before peeking at the romanization!~ 오다 (oh da) - to come 가다 (ga da) - to go 먹다 (meok da) - to eat 마시다 (ma shi da) - to drink 주다 (joo da) - to give 갖다 (gaj da) - to have 받다 (bad da) - to receive 배우다 (bae woo da) - to learn 가르치다 (ga reu chi da) - to teach 공부하다 (gong bu ha da) - to study 연습하다 (yeon seub ha da) - to practice 일하다 (il ha da) - to work 준비하다 (joon bi ha da) - to prepare 앉다 (anj da) - to sit 운동하다 (oon dong ha da) - to exercise 쉬다 (shwi da) - to rest 일어나다 (yi reo na da) - to stand up 걷다 (geot da) - to walk 달리다 (dal li da) - to run 춤추다 (choom chu da) - to dance 일어나다 (yi reo na da) - to wake up 자다 (ja da) - to sleep 꿈꾸다 (kkum kku da) - to dream 악몽 꾸다 (ak mong kku da) - to have a nightmare 울다 (ool da) - to cry 웃다 (oot da) - to smile/laugh 듣다 (deud da) - to listen/hear 말하다 (mal ha da) - to talk, speak 보다 (bo da) - to see 감다 (gam da) - to close (one’s eyes) 빌리다 (bil li da) - to lend/borrow 돌려주다 (dol ryeo joo da) - to return 열다 (yeol da) - to open 닫다 (dat da) - to close to open 사다 (sa da) - to buy 내다 (nae da) - to pay 팔다 (pal da) - to sell 신다 (shin da) - to wear (shoes, socks, footwear) 입다 (ib da) - to wear (clothes) 벗다 (beot da) - to remove/take off/undress (clothes) 이기다 (yi gi da) - to win 지다 (ji da) - to lose 읽다 (ilk da) - to read 쓰다 (sseu da) - to write/to wear 기억하다 (gi yeok ha da) - to remember 잊다 (it da) - to forget 시작하다 (shi jak ha da) - to start 끝나다 (kkeut na da) - to finish 묻다 (moot da) - to ask 대답하다 (dae dab ha da) - to answer 출발하다 (chul bal ha da) - to depart 도착하다 (do chak ha da) - to arrive 생각하다 (saeng gak ha da) - to think 알다 (al da) - to know 모르다 (mo reu da) - to not know 결혼하다 (gyeol hon ha da) - to marry 축하하다 (chuk ha ha da) - to congratulate 태어나다 (tae eo na da) - to be born 살다 (sal da) - to live 헤어지다 (hae eo ji da) - to separate 운전하다 (oon jeon ha da) - to drive 좋아하다 (joh ah ha da) - to like 싫어하다 (shil eo ha da) - to dislike 사랑하다 (sa rang ha da) - to love 미워하다 (mi wo ha da) - to hate 있다 (yit da) - to have 없다 (eob da) - to not have 들어오다 (deul eo oh da) - to enter 나가다 (na ga da) - to exit 씻다 (shid da) - to wash 청소하다 (cheong so ha da) - to clean 약속하다 (yak sok ha da) - to promise 거짓말하다 (geo jit mal ha da) - to lie 고백하다 (go baek ha da) - to confess 요리하다 (yo ri ha da) - to cook 끓이다 (kkeul yi da) - to boil 썰다 (sseol da) - to chop, slice 튀기다 (twi gi da) - to (deep) fry 재다 (jae da) - to measure, weigh 섞다 (seok da) - to mix, blend 굽다 (gub da) - to roast, grill, bake 볶다 (bokk da) - to stir fry 찌다 (jji da) - to steam 휘젓다 (hwi jeot da) - to stir 까다 (kka da) - to peel 만나다 (man na da) - to meet 주문하다 (joo mun ha da) - to order 전화하다 (jeon hwa ha da) - to make a phone call 타다 (ta da) - to ride 필요하다 (pil yo ha da) - to need 도와주다 (do wa joo da) - to help 하다 (ha da) - to do 걱정하다 (geok jeong ha da) - to worry 보내다 (bo nae da) - to send 사용하다 (sa yong ha da) - to use 싸우다 (ssa woo da) - to fight Hope this helps and happy studying!~ [p/c 19tc.tumblr.com] -- source link
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